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Saturday, May 29, 2010

SALES AND MARKETING: Ranting About Service

Sales and Marketing with Bill Doerr

15 Second Speed Read

"Service Matters!". It sounds good, doesn't it? But often it's NOT what people feel they're getting from many companies. Less-than-desired 'service' is more often the rule than the exception. But "Good News" - by practicing a few 'basics' of providing good service you will position your business very favorably against your competitors.

"What Do You Want From Me?" Customers don't want a lot. Most of the time. But they definitely expect that what you say you'll do is what they'll get from you. Seems simple. It is, too. But it's uncommon.

Recently, my wife and I decided to have some 'serious landscaping' done around our home. That decision made us painfully aware of some 'trim issues' that needed to be done to our home before the landscapers started working on the grounds.

I said to my wife, "I know the head of a good home remodeling company. He just joined a business organization I belong to and he seems like a nice guy . . . let's invite him over and see what he says". We made an appointment for Saturday morning. 30 minutes after he was to arrive, I called him. "Oh, was it today? You sure?" This was not starting out on a good foot. "Well, I could come over today but not until later . . . say 5 PM?" OK, we arranged our Saturday to be home in the morning and now the end of the day was being committed to . . . there went our drive to the CT shore and a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant (where everyone does know our name!). Long story short, this gentleman came to our home and we agreed to have him do the work . . . "just get us a contract as soon as you can." He and I had two business meetings coming up on the following Tuesday. "I'll have it for you by Tuesday . . .". OK. Fair enough.

Tuesday morning's meeting didn't go well. I asked for the contract and was told, "Uh, gee . . . I haven't gotten to it . . . but I'll have it for you by tonight (the next meeting we were both attending)". That evening, at the meeting, I was told, "I didn't get around to it but I will get on it first thing tomorrow (Wednesday)". On Friday, having not heard anything else, my wife (who takes no ____ from anyone - she teaches high school!) says, "That's it. He blew Saturday AM, Tuesday twice and now it's been 3 more days and nothing . . . it's over. Let's call Mr. __________". Mr. _________ is another contractor we know and, frankly, I'd forgotten about. But years ago, when we first moved in, he was very helpful and that 'experience' never left my wife's memory. Nor mine. So he came over.

He assessed the job and committed to bring his foreman by the next day to assess the job and promised to give us a proposal and contract to do the work. True to his word, our 'second thought' contractor became our 'first-class' contractor. His proposal was hand-delivered as promised in a beautiful folder that was customized for his company, it contained a number of items - including the contract - as well as copies of his licenses and insurance coverages. Needless to say, this gentleman got the job - and a couple of grand to begin the project.

Fast forward to the next week. I get a call from the first contractor saying that he'd like to "stop by for another look at the job before quoting it". Guess what we said? "No, thank you. We've made other arrangements". He isn't a bad guy. Actually, he's nice. But the experience he created for us was far less than what Mr. _________ gave us.

5 Key Lessons I Learned From All This

Good Enough . . . Is Not
In an overcrowded, highly competitive field, your competition is providing prospects with a readily available option for anything you want someone to buy from you. So, remember the 'good enough' standard is never that. You have to be 'great' to be 'good enough' . . . to be considered worthy of a second look.

The Experience Matters! Doing what you promise is critical. It's better to under-promise and over-perform than the other way around. The contractor we didn't hire actually had a "Customer Bill of Rights" prominently featured on his website. One of the 'rights' was to have a 'timely response' to requests for information. That would have been better NOT to put in the public view if he wasn't willing or able to deliver on it. It cost him our regard and his revenue.

The Little Things Are Huge I don't usually put an undue amount of faith in printed collateral pieces. But in this case, the very professionally printed, graphic, aesthetically designed folder into which went what looked like a legal file that was preparing an attorney for trial . . . really impressed the heck out of my wife and I. Maybe that wasn't so important by itself. But coupled with the winning contractor's 'Promises and Performances' . . . he won us over.

Impressions Form Perceptions and Perception Is Reality Every 'touchpoint' your prospect has with your company - from a mailing you send, an advertisement you place, the way your vehicle is maintained or your phone is answered is giving your prospect an 'impression'. Psychologists tell us that it takes three (3) impressions to form a perception - a belief about you that is subjectively true for the person who believes it is true . . . about you.

What's good to know about that is that if you know what 'impresses' someone about you, you can learn how to behave in a way that will help the person form a perception about you. And that perception may be the ONLY thing that a person who is buying what you're selling will have . . . or need . . . to prefer you over any other firm!

Keep In Touch! Mr. ___________ turned out to be a great contractor. But we'd completely forgotten about him when the 'need-to-know' developed. Sure he came to mind. Eventually. But only after someone else had an 'at bat' and 'struck out'. Cultivate prospects . . . sooner or later they will become clients. And if you're not cultivating them, they will be clients of your competitors. Guaranteed!


Managing the experience a prospective client has with your firm is so important. Often, it's the only thing a prospect can understand and use to differentiate your firm from your competitors.

'Impression Management' is something you can learn. And once you do, you can use it to 'stand out' from the crowd of your competitors and enjoy more revenues!

Cultivate . . . Cultivate . . . Cultivate! Being the 'best there is' is of no use to you if people don't think of you . . . first and foremost . . . when a need arises for the benefits you offer.

Next Month . . . I'll be introducing you to an incredible couple of modern communication tools that will help you generate more referrals and traffic for your business . . . stay tuned!


Bill Doerr is CCO of SellMore Marketing. He helps professionals and other service providers to market their problem-solving expertise simply, effectively and affordably. You can reach him at, or by phone at 860-798-6964.

For more information, please visit Bill's TNNW Bio.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

KENSEL TRACY: The Canadian Marketing Association, Canada’s Marketing Network

by Kensel Tracy

The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) embraces Canada’s major business sectors and all marketing disciplines, channels and technologies. As a marketer, and a marketing coach, the CMA is a network that any company in or interested in marketing should be involved with. A major association in Canada, it has the “who’s who in marketing in Canada” as its members. The size of the association does not preclude the smallest marketing companies from joining. If your company is into marketing in Canada, this should be your first stop.

Established in 1967, CMA has evolved into the largest marketing association in Canada. Its 800 corporate members include the country’s major financial institutions, insurance companies, publishers, retailers, charitable organizations, agencies, relationship marketers and those involved in e-business and Internet marketing. Some of Canada’s most well-known and respected brands are CMA Members, including Costco, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), Home Depot, Kraft, the Globe and Mail, and Rogers Communications.

The marketing community makes a significant contribution to the Canadian economy. Latest research from CMA shows that Canada’s marketing community supports over 900,000 jobs and generates more than $152 billion in overall annual sales through various marketing channels.

As the industry’s leading advocate on legislative matters, the Association also devotes considerable resources to responding effectively to public policy issues affecting marketers. CMA takes a pro-active stance on issues such as consumer privacy, identity theft, behavioral and mobile marketing, spam e-mail and fraud prevention, and in doing so, acts as a strong voice for the interests of Canadian marketers.

CMA promotes effective industry self-regulation through its Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice that is compulsory for all CMA Members.

CMA supports consumer choice. Since 1989, the Association has operated a Do Not Contact Service, whereby consumers can register for free to have their names removed from marketing lists held by CMA Members. The Association also offers a customer complaint resolution program known as Operation Integrity.

The Association promotes industry growth, professional development and education through a network of special interest Councils and educational and networking opportunities for those involved in specific marketing disciplines. CMA fulfills its professional development role by offering a Professional Marketing Certificates program as well as conferences, seminars and customized in-house training, the Association’s annual National Convention & Showcase Forum, and the CMA Awards program.

Headquartered in Toronto, CMA is a national non-profit corporation with affiliated organizations in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia. CMA policies are determined by an elected Board of Directors nominated from the Association membership and is managed by a full-time professional staff.

Marketing is a alive and well in Canada and at the heart of it is the CMA, Canada’s national marketing network and networking organization.

Kensel Tracy is a Marketing Coach and Senior Partner with the Corporate Coachworkz Inc. located in Chelsea, Quebec ( just outside Ottawa) and is President of Business Over Breakfast Clubs opening up in every city in Canada and the United States. If you have a story of interest in networking, he can be reached at

For more information, please visit Kensel's TNNWC Bio.

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Empowering Emerging Enterprises”

Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.

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Bonnie Ross-Parker
Founder and CEO

Seven Traits of True Women Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur in today’s economy is a wonderful opportunity to share your talents IF you have what it takes to be successful! What is it about the successful entrepreneur that is integral to that success? Do women entrepreneurs have common traits that help with success? Is it luck? Is it their product/service? Or, is it something characteristic about her that means she would likely be successful at anything she attempted?

The woman entrepreneur will likely need some luck, but it is her drive, faith, energy and vision that will propel her to reach her goal(s). Here are a few common traits of the successful female entrepreneur. And while there are likely others, possessing these are certainly indicators that your chance of success is significantly increased.

1. Drive. Failure is not an option for the committed entrepreneur. Bumps in the road will not set her back, but will steel her resolve. She is on a mission and knows she will get to her goal.

2. Vision. The female entrepreneur is a big-picture person. She can see her successful business, what it looks like with all of its components. She can see her product on the shelves, her services in action. She is not only not afraid to dream big, but views her daydreams as achievable.

3. Autonomy. This woman likes to be in control and isn’t afraid to make decisions by herself. She is comfortable with being alone and has confidence in her intelligence. She is a take-charge person. This woman doesn’t wait for someone else to act and doesn’t second guess her choices.

4. Intuitive. The woman entrepreneur trusts her instincts about her product or service, the market and her business management skills. She uses her instinct as well as her research and her knowledge to guide her business decisions. She knows that her instincts will be what sets her apart from her competitors and will ultimately lead to her success.

5. Distinctive. People remember this woman. She is distinctive. Her product or service is distinctive and her company is a stand alone. There is nothing ordinary here.

6. Planner. This woman not only devises and puts down on paper her business plan, she follows it. She doesn’t lose sight of her goals or methods for reaching her goals. When she reaches a fork in the road, she might explore the alternate route and add it to her business plan. However, she never forgets her vision. Her business plan is the written version of the vision she sees in her mind.

7. Risk-taker. Starting a business isn’t the first time this woman has thrown the dice. She isn’t afraid to bet everything on herself. She has been known to jump before.

Grounded entrepreneurs are a rare breed. Those men and women who can truly create and lead their own original business are a combination of visionary and realist. For the true female entrepreneur, the stakes may be high and the odds may be long, but there is no other option for her.

About The Joy of Connecting
THE JOY OF CONNECTING® is a nationally recognized off-line community designed to support the female entrepreneur, business woman and professional. With face-to-face opportunities in warm, nurturing environments, participants join other professionals to increase one's warm market, build relationships and expand business. JOC is an innovative customer acquisition/marketing program, IF:
  • Your present NETworking is NOT working.
  • You're looking to eliminate frustration and rejection.
  • You're looking to expand the business you love.
  • You want to get paid to market your business to others.
  • You want greater website exposure, training and enhance your leadership skills.

More About Bonnie : Business Plus: Real Ideas for Real Results

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

REAL ESTATE… AND OTHER THINGS OF VALUE: What Can I Tell You - That You Don't Already Know

Real Estate… And Other Things of Value with Yossi Feigenson

I have nothing important to say that you probably haven’t already heard. I have nothing to think that I haven’t already thought. So why should you bother reading this? A better question yet: why am I bothering to write this?

And what is the “this” anyway? Am I giving you some new insight that will help you in your day to day life? Will it help you in your business? Will I teach you a new skill? Or will I help articulate and clarify an idea that may have been stirring in the recesses of your mind, based on reading my article?

Here’s the problem: I’m a writer – at least that is what Uncle Douglas once said to me – and when he says stuff, he really means it. So I have to drum out an essay or two every so often. Mostly it’s incumbent upon me to enlighten you, my dear readers, to a new insight or idea that will undoubtedly enhance you quality of life immeasurably. Yet, all I think about is what I don’t want to write about.

Lately there hasn’t been a blog that I wanted to read, or someone’s opinion that I’m even remotely interested in, (unless, of course it’s a favorable opinion of yours truly). In that I have an acute and intense interest.

I’ve heard all the opinions about our economy. No longer do I want to hear how bad it is, and I don’t believe it when they say there’s improvement. By no means am I a full blown pessimist. Quite the contrary, I’ve been known to be an idealistic, hopelessly optimistic soul, who thinks that somehow everything will work out in the end. Perhaps it’s my faith.

Any form of dialogue I engage in, written or oral, needs to be natural and organic. My most favorably received articles were the ones I wrote without much form or central message (somewhat like my favorite show, Seinfeld) but came from the heart.

I’m looking for real. I’m seeking for truth. If I detect an ulterior motive, I run.

I simply stopped paying attention to anything that I consider noise. It’s quiet reflection and thought I seek. (See my previous article.) I continue to learn, study, and find entertainment where I’m not being sold.

And, by the way, I believe in the need to market and self promote. Without a doubt we need to engage in business relationships that have other motives. I do it relentlessly. But, it’s crucial to make your intentions clear: We’re here to talk business, and what we each want out of this is some form of monetary gain.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. Remember back when I told you that I’m an idealistic sort? Well, it’s made me super conscious of the blurry lines between real relationships and the advantage garnering connections. In a sense, I have to be vigilant and protect myself from myself.

We are able to learn and absorb information more effectively when it’s not being shoved into us. The 7 tips about this, 5 rules of that and the 10 things you need to know about everything begin to really feel hollow and simply don’t penetrate. Insight comes when we’re not trying so hard. I challenge you to take a prospective client or business associate out for a cup of coffee or lunch and discuss anything but the business at hand. You may glean more insight than if you were asking specific questions. Ever notice how doctors often ask questions that seem to have no bearing on your specific condition? They are looking for information that you may not readily give, or you may deem as unimportant.

Let us connect to the essence.

For more information, please visit Yossi's TNNWC Bio.

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THE POSTILLION: Back in the Saddle Again

The Postillion with Michael Phillips
Profiles in Innovation from Around the World

I first want to thank all of my friends, family and readers from around the globe who have offered their prayers and kind words of encouragement for my wife, Sol, for her recovery from her recent stroke. Your prayers are being answered as Sol's recovery has been remarkable and swift. We expect her to to fully recover within the next few months. We have been very blessed.

When major events happen in our lives one often finds time to reflect on what is truly important. Of course my faith, and the love and caring for my family top my list. But, as a Boomer of 56 years, I now find myself asking what would I leave behind in this world as a legacy if God choose to take me tomorrow. This kind of thinking will result in a re-prioritization and culling of how one focuses their time and energies. Only activities, projects and commitments of true and lasting substance can survive such scrutiny. I am happy to now share with you why my involvement with The National Networker Companies (TNNWC) continues to merit my attention, time and dedication.

I have been very blessed to have experienced an exciting and diverse career as a consultant discovering and molding emerging technologies and best practices into integrated and innovative solutions. It has been great fun sniffing out each wave of opportunity and then crafting my surf board to ride it to success and adventure. I have caught some exciting waves in my 36-year career, such as telecommunications, database management, enterprise modeling, strategic IT planning, personal computing, system integration, the Internet, Service Oriented Architecture(SOA), enterprise architecture, cloud computing, and on and on.

The trick has been knowing how to identify the wave, knowing when it is time to build the board, and knowing how to time the wave just right and stand up at the precise moment required for the optimum ride. Many people are uniformed, and don't even know a wave is forming. Some see the wave coming and do not prepare for it and are left behind. And some actually see the wave, build a board and still miss the wave by not standing up on their board at the right time. They are left bobbing in the surf watching with envy as the "lucky ones" surf off to glory.

So what does all of this have to do with my continued involvement and commitment to TNNW? It is simple... I see a new and powerful wave forming. This new wave is driven by the positive energy of providing innovative services to emerging enterprises. An energy that strives to generate good will and improve mankind. This wave had its genesis in the positive energy that TNNW Chairman Adam J. Kovitz brought to humanity's grid when he plugged the world into The National Networker five years ago. This energy grew exponentially over this five year period through the addition of ideas-dynamo and Vice Chairman, Douglas Castle, and the addition of thousands of readers and member companies. There is now a new era for TNNWC about to launch out of the critical mass of this wave of positive energy.

This new era for TNNWC is driven by the principle of providing services and refuge to emerging enterprises who struggle against all of the negative energies and obstacles that are forming a very dark wave... a dark wave that is fed by the negative energies of a looming global economic crisis and the collapse of morality and ethics in business. The results of such a dark wave can be devastating.

The TNNW organization is now on a rescue mission to build an "Ark" of safety for member companies and subscribers. This "Ark" will be a safe haven to keep companies from being washed away by this forming dark tsunami. The TNNWC "Ark" will house innovative services and products to help member companies not only survive, but to thrive during the coming challenges. These services and products will be boundless and will knock down obstacles that block the way to success for emerging enterprises. It is this rescue mission... this forming positive wave of "success integration" to which I pledge my precious time and energy.

My pledge to TNNW includes my monthly article, The Postillion. My column will take on a new focus in support of TNNW rescue mission. My column will now focus on featuring new innovations in technologies and best practices that directly support emerging enterprises. My pledge also includes directly providing consulting help to TNNW organization and support the building of the "Ark." This is a wave I intend to catch... one that you should consider catching as well by offering up your services and expertise. Make sure your company does not get left behind. Become a member of TNNWC today.

I am honored to become a part of this noble endeavor. My involvement will result in a wonderful legacy I will leave behind. Be sure to watch TNNW closely as this new era of service is unveiled. You will not want to miss it!

Michael Phillips, A.K.A. The Postillion, lives and works in Tampa Florida, and has over 36 years of experience in leading innovative development and trends within the information technology industry. Comments and suggestions for future interview personalities can be emailed to

For more information, please visit Michael's TNNW Bio.

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POWER THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Rhythm of Networking, Part 1

Power Thought of the Week with Patricia Parham, Ph.D.

Networking Flows

Powerful networking creates a flow of energy, a current that pulls others into it. Ideas hook people and pull them into the flow. Common interests attract others, be they mainstream, heretical or extreme. Is your communication matter of fact, compelling, witty or arcane? People engage around humor. Is yours dry, racy, or laced with puns? What draws others into your network and keeps them there? Be intentional about the use of tone, language and humor. These shape the way the network hears your ideas and interests. Figure out what you want from your network and release that energy to attract like energies, thereby increasing the flow. More flow equals greater networking power.

Patricia A. Parham
Parham Enterprises

For more information, please visit Patricia's TNNW Bio.


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KALÖN WOMEN: What Can Michelle Obama’s Designer Teach You about Looking for a Job?

Guest Columnist: Dickie Sykes

Do you remember the one-shoulder, inauguration ball gown Michelle Obama wore? Well, 27-year old Taiwanese-born designer Jason Wu made that dress. The night Mrs. Obama wore it, his life changed forever.

Jason Wu began knocking down doors and creating opportunity long before January 20, 2009. At the tender age of 16, he started freelancing for Integrity Toys as a doll designer. He cold-called the company and maneuvered his way into that job. Integrity Toys president, Percy Newsum, said, “He was very persistent and he even came to us with contacts and he knew a doll distributor who would take a chance with him." (W Magazine 2010) Jason still serves as partner and creative director for the company. He is only 27 and has worked there 11 years.

To hear the words "you’re hired" in this job market you must have a strategic plan-of-action that includes research. Jason researched the company to determine what would bring value to them. He went to Integrity Toys with that, not begging for an opportunity. It was a win-win scenario. He wanted to work for them, and he brought value: contacts and a doll distributor.

Based on your skills, talent and passion, what industries and employers do you want to work for? What quantifiable value do you bring? Before you go to your next job interview, you must know that. That’s what gets you hired, bringing value.

After the inauguration Jason’s phone wouldn’t stop ringing, but he was ready and prepared for success. He had been knocking down doors and creating opportunity all his life. Success is when opportunity meets preparation. Are you seeking out opportunities that you are prepared to handle? If the answer is unequivocally Yes, then cold call companies, knock on their doors, and send a proposal and video to showcase how your skills and talent can benefit their needs. Don’t wait for opportunity to come knocking because you’ll be waiting a long time.


Dickie Sykes is a former construction executive and CEO of DGS Consulting LLC. She reinvented her career and relocated her business from New York City to Atlanta, Georgia. For more information on DGS Consulting, contact

Learn how to bring value to your next job interview. DGS Consulting has made it simple. To purchase the company’s how-to products on job interviewing, log on to or "Yes, You Can Still Find a Job -The Gold

Standard of Job Interviewing’ is a 60-minute CD that accompanies a 42-page PDF textbook.


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GET PUBLISHED NOW: I Dare You to Step into the Conversation

Get Published Now with Beth Barany

I’m aware that not everyone likes dares. So for those of you who don’t, you can stop reading here. For the rest of you, read on! I dare you!

Are you a thought leader? A thought leader is “someone who enlivens old processes with new workable ideas.” (Thank you Wikipedia.) And Elisa Bauer says, a thought leader herself: “A thought leader is a recognized leader in one’s field… It is built on what others say about you.” (See in her article, #2: Write.) []

Often thought leaders think that their message is cool enough to be published in a book, but actually a book is a conversation that you have with other books in your field. So, what's a thought leader to do?

Engage in the conversation.

What conversation, you may ask? Before your audience reads your book, they will have probably read many other books on your subject. For example, I’ve read over 50 books on writing. So when it came time for me to publish my book on book writing, I had a pretty good idea of what other books my potential readers would have read before they got to mine. In the mind of my readers, my book needs to fit into and make sense within the context of everything else they know about writing books.

How does the book you have in mind (I know you have a book in you!) fit into and make sense within the context of the other books in your field?

If you know how your message fits into the greater conversation, then you can have greater impact and visibility, and ultimately sell more books and services.

Because you are part of the conversation.

If you’re wondering if this article applies to you, the answer is, “Yes.” It applies to all experts who are or can be thought leaders, and who want to be published, whether you self-publish, mainstream publish, or independently publish.

You are cool. Your message is cool. You want your message to have an impact and change the hearts and minds of your audience and clients. So to make sure your message fits into the greater conversation, answer these questions to show the world just how cool you and your message are.

1. What successful books are already in the marketplace like yours?
By successful I mean, selling a lot, and getting a lot of attention. How are these books similar to what you want to create? These are your companion books. For those of you who have already done a book proposal, yes, this is one of the questions in there. For those of you who haven’t done one, I recommend you create one, regardless of the publishing channel.

2. What successful books are already in the marketplace that are similar but lack something that your book would address?

These are your competitive books. An editor and a savvy reader REALLY want to know why they should bother investing time (for the reader) and money (for the editor and publisher) in your book. Answer that concern satisfactorily, and you can win the prize of being published!

3. What conversation are you a part of?

Bad grammar aside (I can get away with it; so can you), this question is asking about your genre. Know your field. You’re either writing fiction or nonfiction. And within those two branches of books, each have subcategories. Know what your subcategory is. Nothing irks a literary agent or editor more for an author to write in their pitch, "I write fiction." And stop there. So know the nuances of your genre and subgenre. In fiction, we have such genres as mystery, romance, horror, fantasy, science fiction, picture book, chap book (for children), and on and on. In nonfiction, we have business, self-help, memoir, writing reference, sports, cooking, psychology, etc.

Not only do you need to know where your book fits – a decision you get to make – but you need to know it down to the micro. For example, in nonfiction, if you’re writing a book on real estate investing, as one of my clients is, we know that it’s nonfiction, then real estate and investing. A book can be in two categories, even three. If it's a mystery novel, know if it's a cozy, an amateur sleuth, a police procedural, etc.

How are you going to answer the three questions above?
  • Go to the bookstore.
  • Go to the online bookstores.
  • Go to the library.
  • Scan the books for which ones are attractive and which ones just don’t appeal to you, but may appeal to your target audience.
  • Take notes on which books are your companion and competitive books.
  • Analyze how your book fills the gaps your companion and competitive books leave behind.

If you care about being a part of the greater conversation to succeed as a thought leader, then you’ll take the time do the research. Because your message can have an impact and effect thousands even millions of lives. And don’t you want that? I do!

c. 2010 Beth Barany

Author of The Writer's Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book, and Overcome Writer's Block, Beth Barany is also an editor at The National Networker, and editor to the recently released anthology, While I Was There: Life at Berkeley 1960-2010. She's also a contributing author to several anthologies, including Writing Romance (and managing editor) and Creativity Coaching Success Stories. Typically Beth's clients are aspiring authors who want to build a business around their book. She helps them get their books done and out into the world, so they can get more clients, increase their national visibility, and ultimately succeed in their businesses. Beth works with clients in the US, Canada, and Europe, and gives workshops nationally and internationally. For more information, see her site:, and her blog:

For more information, please visit Beth's TNNW Bio.

The National Networker Companies™ and TNNWC Group, LLC
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Doing Business in China with Dan Paulson

A recent survey by Healthy Companies International states that three out of every four CEOs working in a Fortune 100 company today have spent at least two years in a senior leadership role. Larger companies understand the importance of having international experience, but it shouldn’t matter what size your business is. In today’s business world, and in the foreseeable future, we will require a better understanding of business from a global perspective. Some of the greatest opportunities for business today may exist outside country and it all starts by the relationships you keep.

In business, relationships are everything. Relationships are your most effective marketing tool. They open up networks. They allow you to connect with new ideas. You can get new business, from a referral, or you can increase your work with a client just through the relationships you keep.

In China, relationships are critical. Without good relationships, you may find it difficult to do business there. China is a country rich in culture and much of that culture is reflected in the way they do business. Your success in China depends on the relationships you build. Here are some things to consider:

Enter the market with a good strategy. Know what you want to achieve. Have a clear vision and an understanding of what you need to do to get there. Many opportunities exist in the world market. Seize these opportunities, but do so with a plan. If you don’t, it could be costly.

Know the connections you need. In China, government connections are just as important as business connections. Rules and regulations change often. Having a connection into different government entities can help you cut through the red tape and get your business going. Other countries have their own rules as well. Find the local resources to guide you. Additional relationships that are good to have are in market research, advertising, logistics, travel, health care and manufacturing. Find the resources necessary to build these connections. It may involve a few trips and several meetings, but it will be well worth it. Find someone who can guide you through the process to help you get the right connections faster.

Connect with other economic development centers. Be sure to check out the US Chamber of Commerce or other economic development groups. In addition, find the local chambers of commerce and seek to build relationships there. In larger cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, these Chambers can have a great deal of influence. They can also be another resource to help you start your growth oversees.

Be a capitalist. We can learn so much from other cultures on doing business, both the good and the bad. You want to be associated with reputable business partners so it is necessary to do your research. Have other trusted partners help you as well. Get someone who will look out for your best interests. In China, they are extremely capitalisitic. Poor relationships may help your connection make a buck, but could leave you out in the cold. We often fail to recognize cultural differences and interpret them correctly. Think win-win, but know what’s in your best interest as well as the interests of your client. Understand the cultural differences and how that relates to capitalism for you and for them.

Treat business like a marathon, not a sprint. Learn, learn, learn. Take cautious steps in the beginning. Try not to do too much too fast. The Chinese culture has been around for thousands of years.. It can be a difficult market to break in to. Pace yourself. Take the time to understand how and where to play. Know what you need to do to make in-roads to the market. Find those who can help you grow. Often these people are nationals. They understand the culture the best and can help you maneuver through the business challenges. Seek out loyal partners.

Bring value to your business relationships. In China, business partners, associates, and network connections all seek value in the relationship. Not too different from here, you need to be able to answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” Know what value you bring and use that to start building trust.

Following a few simple steps here can get you on your way to business expansion. Knowing the culture will make a tremendous difference in your success. Whether your expansion plans include China or another part of the world, be prepared to do business a little differently than you have in the past. It’s the little changes that can spell the difference between success and failure.

For more information, please visit Dan's TNNWC Bio.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The Entrepreneurial Guide To Entertainment with Sandy McKee

The combination of faith and vocation is expected in professions such as the clergy. Nothing is unusual about it, nor is it considered odd. We expect our pastors, rabbis, priests, and other clerics to promote faith. That’s their job. They get paid to do that. Is it a career or a mission? Both?

In other industries or businesses, however, when we encounter a combination of faith and vocation, we may raise an eyebrow or two at the novelty of it. Ever visit a faith-based dentist or doctor (or auto mechanic) who prominently displays religious literature, art, and posters in the waiting room? Ever lunch at a faith-based restaurant-bookstore and partake of excellent gourmet food followed by peaceful browsing of shelves of bibles and contemporary religious literature? For the owners of these businesses (all of whom are real) is it a career or a mission? Both?

The combination of faith and vocation is more often encountered in the creative arts. Like the clergy, we are accustomed to religious art, music, poetry, literature, and films. The artists use their media to share values, express hope, offer direction and encouragement, confront issues, and serve others. That’s their job. Some get paid for it. Again, for them, is it a career, mission, or both?

While mulling this over, I talked with JennyLee Tam-Sing, the founder and executive director of a faith-based art school. I gleaned some insight from our discussion and wish to share part of it with you. Jenny is the founder of the Ho’omaika’i School for Creative Hearts. Pronounced “ho-oh-my-ka-i,” it means to praise, to bless, to thank. The school offers faith-based, Christian classes in art, music, dance, puppetry, and crafts to children (keiki) and senior citizens (kupuna). Through artistic, creative expression, Ho’omaika’i hopes to “make our community a brighter place to the glory of God.”

I asked Jenny how and why she started the school and she replied:

I started Ho'omaika'i because God laid out a vision for me to do

so. This with strong confirmations along the way helped me to take the leap of faith to get started. I quit my job to start Ho'omaika'i from scratch. I left my job in May of 2005 and two months later, we were incorporated as a Christian corporation on July 11, 2005. We sent our application for our 501(c)3 to the IRS and received our tax exempt status some time later.

By August of 2005, we were ready to take our first class of students. Only four children showed up that first day and God told me to "begin at the beginning." So I gave it everything I had. The program grew and grew. This May 2010, we have completed five years of operations, and Ho'omaika'i now services 782 students to the glory of God.

This is amazing growth given the recession and the slashing of budgets for nonessential services (though I would strongly argue that art is essential.)

As for why Jenny works so hard at this, she responded:

I am passionate about teaching art. It's what I love to do.
To have followed the Lord and gotten organized and to be able to teach
art to all these students… makes my work purposeful and so gratifying.

For Jenny, then, is teaching art a career or a mission? Both? I think definitely BOTH. And, by combining the two, a third characteristic emerges: passion. The career aspect of what we do leads us to improve our skills, our network, our business plan, etc. The mission aspect provides the reason for pursuing a particular field: service to others, outreach, fellowship, obedience to God, etc. But, it is the passion that urges us on when we face obstacles and conflicts, when our vision gets cloudy and we want to quit. But, we just can’t quit because we LOVE WHAT WE DO with all our heart.

Jenny’s advice to others who want to combine their faith and vocation:

If others are wanting to take this kind of leap of faith also, my

advice would be to be sure it is the Lord leading, because if it
is the Lord, then He will bring it all to pass.

The website for Ho’omaika’i is at

The website for MY new faith-based business venture is under construction. Who knows for how long?! But, I vow to take Jenny’s advice and follow the Lord as I take the leap with both feet. Career? Mission? Passion? YES!

For more information, please visit Sandy's TNNWC Bio.

The National Networker Companies™ and TNNWC Group, LLC
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SOUND INVESTING: Alternative Investment Opportunities for Accredited Business Owners

Sound Investing with Jason Lampa, MBA

More often than not, most investors have tunnel vision when it comes to viewing the entire opportunity set available to them. When they are able to adjust the lens, a new world of investment opportunities open up to those who can understand the difference between perceived and actual risk.

Experienced investors understand that sitting in cash or short-term income notes will not provide sufficient returns in the long-run. Investors are looking for equity-like returns with the volatility of fixed-income. Finding an opportunity like this is challenging; however, there may be opportunity to find such an opportunity in Life Settlement contracts.

A life settlement is the selling of one's life insurance policy to a third-party for a one-time cash payment. The purchaser then becomes the beneficiary of the policy and begins paying the premiums. Typically, these policies have face amounts in excess of $250,000.

Enterprising individuals realized that billions of dollars in face amount of policies were being lapsed or surrendered simply because the insured no longer needed the coverage or did not want to continue with the premium payments. These contracts (policies) were being sold (or even given) back to the issuing insurance company for a fraction of their true value. Should somebody wish to make the premium payments to keep the policy in force and pay the insured a lump sum value much more reflective of what the policy was worth, then that person could become the owner and beneficiary of the policy and realize its benefits at the insured’s demise. That is, in a nutshell, what a life settlement is. An insured sells the benefits of his or her policy to somebody else in order to realize a greater gain from what he or she has paid in so far. After the sale of the policy, the investor must maintain all premium payments in order to keep the policy in force. It is really just a function of contract law; an insurance contract is being bought and sold, much like mortgage contracts are bought and sold. (Global Wealth Management)

Life settlements have gained favor among institutional investors as viable investment options to then in-turn sell to accredited investors. The attractiveness of this investment opportunity is that these contracts are not tied to the stock market or any other index; it is directly dependent on mortality and is independent of traditional financial fluctuations.

Industry experts believe that regulation, demographics and a low national savings rate will drive the expansion of the supply in the life settlement market.

Before putting money into a life settlement vehicle it is critical that you consult with a financial advisor who is experienced in performing due-diligence in this space. There are companies within the life settlement industry that are promising returns of 30-40% annually. They are forecasting these results over 8, 9 and 10 year periods. If it sounds to be good to be true, it probably is. A conservative life settlement program should provide you between 6-8% return over a 10 year period, and can possibly yield more if the contract were to mature quicker than expected. As with any investment there are risks. Please speak to your financial advisor before entering into one of these contracts.

For more information, please visit Jason's TNNWC Bio.

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CREATING AND MANAGING EFFECTIVE TEAMS: Critical Component to time management?

Creating and Managing Effective Teams with David Muraco

From the moment we are born the race is on. If you pause long enough and listen you can even hear it! The clock on the wall waits for no one. It doesn’t care how old you are, what color your skin is, or even how intelligent you are. It keeps on ticking day in and day out. So the question I ask you is this. What are you waiting for?

• You see, that clock doesn’t care that you’re scared.

• It doesn’t care how you see yourself (too old or too young).

• It doesn’t care that you don’t make the money you want to make.

Time waits for no one! So many times I hear top level executives and CEO’s say, "I have no time for me," or "I have no time to get the things done I need to." The truth is they have no time because it is not important enough for them to make the time. Of all things outside of our control, time is the one thing we can control, if we choose to.

What is time? Whatever we want it to be. Time for a bike ride in the company of our kids; maybe time to work ON your business long after you closed the doors for the day. Time is one of the most precious things we have in this world.

More often than not we treat it like garbage, something that can be thrown away over and over and over again. But if we look at it, for what it truly is, (a precious resource) then I am sure we would use it a lot more wisely. Study after study show that lack of discipline of time management is the number one cause for lack of growth in organizations.

The point to this is simple regardless of how long you been in business: you have all the time you want the moment you realize that you must empower your team to strive for effective time management. Make good use of this precious resource because one night you will go to bed and then wake up and it will be 30 years later. Then your statement won't be: "I don’t have enough time?" Instead you'll ask: "Where did all the time go?"

Remember: Be positive, be real, and live your life In The Zone.

For more information, please visit Dave's TNNWC Bio.

The National Networker Companies™ and TNNWC Group, LLC
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BEING THERE WHEN IT COUNTS: I Scratch Your Back -- Why Won’t You Scratch Mine?

Being There When It Counts with Rick Itzkowich

I received the following email today: “My LinkedIn account has grown tremendously with many high quality contacts. My challenge seems to be to convert all the people I know in the real and virtual world to sticky relationships of reciprocity. Folks always enjoy the referrals I give, but seem slow to comprehend the implied reciprocation or giver’s gain. I’d like to improve upon this aspect of developing relationships before doing so in an electronic media. Any suggestions?”

This brings up a key point many people struggle with: how to build relationship(s) with newly acquired contact(s). This is an important area that I have focused on for the past two years, and I’m pleased to say I have made a lot of progress.

I used to try to identify who were the right people for me to invest time and energy on to build my relationships. I found this strategy to be very difficult -- given the large number of people I meet on a regular basis. I also wanted to identify influential people, so I could focus on them. The problem is I soon found out many of the “self-proclaimed” influential people were quite self-centered and weren't particularly interested in developing a mutually beneficial relationship. I also discovered there were people who I hadn't initially considered to be influential -- who turned out to be quite the opposite, and indeed were influential.

So I flipped the paradigm. Instead of trying to identify the right people, I now let them do this step for themselves.

For example, I did a presentation yesterday where I met over 25 people. As a result six people contacted me within 48 hours. I will be focusing on building relationships with these six individuals. They have already indicated through their actions a desire to move forward and develop a connection with me. That's a great starting point!

I also have a very proactive approach and system for doing this. It works both online and offline. It is both time and cost-effective and yields consistent results. The biggest challenge in networking is making the second contact. What happens after we just meet? Once you bridge this gap between the first and third contacts, the rest is much easier. I will be sharing specifics on the system in a future article.

Relationships take time. I find that being willing to give before receiving is a great approach, provided that it is done with the right mindset. Giving with the expectation of receiving is not truly giving. It is a form of barter. I’m not saying barter is bad, or that it doesn’t work. But it’s not coming from a “give to gain” mentality.

For you to fully embrace this approach, you must look at aggregate results rather than focus on each individual. I will do what I can to provide value to those people in my network. The value may come back to me in the form information, resources, connections or referrals. Every time I do this, I'm building my Relationship Capital (RC) - a new form of currency. Whether a particular individual reciprocates or not, is not relevant to me. That’s why I choose to look at the collective or aggregate results of my network. I have received plenty of unexpected and great referrals from very unlikely sources. The way I choose to view these referrals are that they are my "reward" for having helped others. By taking this perspective, it keeps me focused on the “give to gain” mindset and prevents me from slipping into the "I scratch your back, you scratch mine syndrome.”

This month's QuoteAction is by a Tibetan Buddhist Monk

"The only source of abundance is generosity."

Your action is to be extra generous in your interactions. For instance, leave a more generous tip for your server than you typically do or be more generous with your time and attention to others.

Enjoy an Extraordinary Month!

Click *here* to find out more about QuoteActions and some of the other innovative products and services offered by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER.

As the creator of the QuoteActions, a unique relationship building system, Rick Itzkowich finds his articles, podcasts and blog messages regarding keeping your brand "top of mind" in high demand. His latest eBook, Social Networking for Business Profits, uses cost-effective follow up strategies. Rick is also the Co-founder and Vice President of Productive Learning & Leisure, a personal development training company for corporations and individuals. Rick can be reached at

For more information, please visit Rick's TNNWC Bio.

The National Networker Companies™ and TNNWC Group, LLC
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LIVING OUTSIDE THE BOX: Business Deserves the Rule of Law Just as Much as Citizens Do

Living Outside The Box with Joe Wallace

The United States of America was founded as a Republic by the founding fathers because they had their fill of King George and because they understood that a pure democracy was just another term for mob rule. The proclivities of mob rule to appropriate resources on their own and to remove the heads of those who fell out of favor with the democratic mob was demonstrated clearly with the birth of the French nation through the utilization of Madame Guillotine to appropriate the heads and property of those whom the mob deemed to be of the ruling class.

One of the hallmarks of a Republic is the rule of law. The rule of law is the only thing that protects the rights of individuals from the capriciousness of a King or Queen and the emotional whims that the huddled masses can bend to under a pure democracy. In a well designed Republic, laws are created to protect the health and well being of people from callous exercise of free will by other people. Balancing the common good with the rights of individuals is what enables a Republic to survive the cyclical swings toward democracy or a charismatic leader.

As much as we as citizens need and depend on the rule of law, the business entities through which we derive most of our sustenance and wealth are in need of a similar system. Businesses need a form of the rule of law to insure that the rules are known prior to making investments and to stabilize industrial output. Businesses and people both seek routines and predictability to insure that prosperity earned is prosperity kept. The rules of business should not change in the middle of the game any more than criminal laws should be allowed to change in the middle of a trial. The whims of the mob or the will of the dictator damage many people when business gets jerked around unnecessarily and without merit.

When it comes to business, the rule of law takes the form of regulations. There are local, state, and federal regulations surrounding nearly every type of activity or transaction that businesses can contemplate at the time the regulations were written. As profit seeking enterprises, businesses have traditionally sought ways to minimize taxation and regulation to the highest extent possible. In financial markets, when stock sales are regulated, options are invented, when options become regulated, derivatives are invented, and so on and so forth. Derivatives will soon be regulated and traded on an open course or stock exchange. Guess what? Something else will be created to skirt that regulation.

Why are governments so slow in responding to the invention of financial instruments that are just outside the reach of regulation? It always seems that deregulation is blamed for failures in financial markets whether it is the savings and loan failures, banks, credit default swaps, or Alt-A mortgages. I would submit that either the regulation was in place or could have easily put in place to prevent all of these expensive melt downs. The only real needs are expediency of adapting the regulations or the will to enforce the regulations that are already in place.

Under the rule of law, the enforcement of the law is just as important as the fairness and soundness of the law itself. In a city with a murder problem there must be enforcement to blunt the growth of the murder rate. In business, if the regulations are not enforced it is as if there is not regulation at all. The businesses of the United States depend not only on good regulations but on fair and equal enforcement of those regulations. Passing new regulations, while allowing violations of the existing ones is of little value. That is a guard dog with no teeth.

Regulations are being called for by the chattering class and the mob in the areas of finance reform, medicine, oil exploration, food supply, and even salt in prepared meals. Maybe these are necessary and will make our lives better and maybe they are just the head of a monarch for the American Bastille. Either way, if these regulations and the ones that are already in existence are not enforced, they will be meaningless. It is incumbent upon the governing authority to find solutions to monitor and enforce all of our sane regulations. After all, our business community deserves the rule of law as much as our citizens do.

For more information, please visit Joe's TNNWC Bio.

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The Emergence of The Relationship Economy

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
The Emergence of the Relationship Economy features TNNWC Founder, Adam J. Kovitz as a contributing author and contains some of his early work on The Laws of Relationship Capital. The book is available in hardcopy and e-book formats. With a forward written by Doc Searls (of Cluetrain Manifesto fame), it is considered a "must read" for anyone responsible for the strategic direction of their business. If you would like to purchase your own copy, please click the image above.


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