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Friday, November 13, 2009

CONNECTING IS NOT ENOUGH: The Anatomy of a Referral (Part Two)

Connecting Is Not Enough with Andy Lopata

Referrals should be the backbone of the development strategy in many businesses, but few approach the key skill of asking for referrals with the necessary understanding of what they are asking for, who to ask and how to track results.

In The Anatomy of a Referral Part One I talked about a client of mine whose lack of the knowledge outlined above has had a severe impact on their bottom line. We looked at what a referral is, in comparison to other types of business information such as recommendations and leads. And we discussed the impact referrals can have on the way you work and the results you get from the activity of your sales team.

We now need to move on and investigate where referrals come from, before next month, moving on to how to educate the people who are going to refer you, to make it as easy as possible for them to make the connections you are looking for.

Who do you ask?

If you are going to build a strong referral strategy, you need to recognise who your Champions or Advocates are going to be.

To do this, you need a firm understanding of the principle of Six Degrees of Separation. This phrase, coined by social psychologist Stanley Milgram in the US in 1967, has caught the imagination of people across the World, leading to films and games with the same title. In short, the theory suggests that we are no more than five steps from anyone in the World.

For example, I recently wanted to source a signed Chicago Cubs jersey as a present for my cousin’s son. One of my contacts in the UK introduced me to his sister, who works in a senior position in the White House. In one simple introduction I was one step from the President of the United States!

You won’t necessarily want such high level connections, but if you have a clear idea of who is in your network and who they are connected to, it becomes much easier to recognise the routes you need to the connections you seek.

In another case, a participant on one of my workshops talked about me and introduced me to the father of one of the boys on the kids’ football team he coached. That father was the Sales Director for one of the World’s leading airlines.

Most companies who do have a referral strategy of any kind tend to focus on their existing clients, which is a sensible place to start. After all, there are two key elements that make people comfortable referring you. They need to have trust in both you and your product, and they need to understand your services and why people would want to talk to you. Who better to ask than your clients, people who hopefully have both of those elements in place?

Interestingly, however, the most popular time to ask a client for a referral is when they have just bought from you. At that stage I would argue that, although they have shown an element of trust by parting with money for your support, that trust is based on what you have told them, not on their personal experiences.

Surely the best time to ask for referrals is later on in your relationship, when they have witnessed the power of what you do and the impact on their business or life?

I discussed this point in a meeting with one company recently. They admitted that they asked new clients for referrals as a matter of course when they signed them up, but couldn’t recall a single instance of going back to those clients to ask again after delivery, or when their relationship had developed. As we discussed this they realised how nonsensical their current approach was.

Break out of narrow thinking

My concern is that most companies who focus on just asking their clients for referrals miss so many opportunities through such narrow thinking. They are not tapping into the support available from the people closest to them and with the greatest vested interest in their success.

During the workshop I ran with the manufacturing company I wrote about last month, the Managing Director suddenly realised that in the eighteen months he had worked for the company he had not recognised that a connection to a dream client was the person closest to him. As we talked about possible referral sources, he thought of his wife, who works in a senior position for a company who has the exact need for his company’s products.

Interestingly enough his wife had recognised the same opportunity at the same time. As he was talking about the possible connection in the workshop, she was talking to her colleagues about inviting him into the company to tell them more about what he could offer!

This wasn’t an unusual outcome from a workshop. On another occasion, a Deputy Regional Director for a major bank went out at the break and called his brother-in-law to ask for referrals. He had never asked before, or even thought of doing so, yet he walked back into the room with three promised introductions and the business relationship developed from there.

Why do we have such an obstacle about asking our family and friends for support? There is a reticence to cross the ‘line’ between personal and business lives. That is understandable but that line is becoming increasingly blurred as people make friends through their networks and realise the power of connecting people.

Besides, who decides where the line should be drawn and how thick it is? It’s absolutely right that you shouldn’t force your business problems on friends or family; I remember sitting stupefied through a friend’s flipchart Amway presentation when I was eighteen. But how would you feel if you found out that a friend’s business had folded and you could have helped; but they never asked?

A friend of mine recently found out what I do for a living, after knowing each other for fifteen years or more. We go to football together and never discussed work. It was only through becoming Facebook Friends that he started to see what my business is. He was mortified to realise that his firm had been working with one of my competitors for five years instead of with me!

The danger of pigeon-holing

In a coaching session last year with a web designer, we talked about the different people who could possibly refer him. One key place to start is with people who understand your business well (remember the importance of trust and understanding discussed above) and who are talking to similar customers about similar issues.
I asked my client if he used a printing company in his business and whether that printer regularly visits his office and chats with the team when he is there. As expected, the answer was yes on all counts.

I then asked where the printer would go when he wasn’t with my client or at his own premises. Of course he wasn’t just visiting one client; he was out and about going to deliver to a number of companies and getting to know their business and their challenges. Not only that but he was surely in a great position to refer a web designer as he would be talking to clients about their marketing and about changes in their business which required new print work. Such changes would often impact on their web strategy too.

So, had the web designer ever asked the printer for help with introductions and referrals? Of course not! Not only had he never had the discussion, the printer had just had a new website done and hadn’t invited my client to tender.

The reason for this was quite simple, the printer saw the designer as a client and the designer saw the printer as a supplier. These pigeon-holed positions dictated the conversations they had and the way they thought of each other. Yet surely the printer had a vested interest in supporting the web designer and helping his business grow. After all, the more successful the designer, the more work the printer would get and, hopefully, the more punctually the printer would pay his bills!

You are surrounded by a network of people who can help you. But if you are like most people, you are pigeon-holing them into particular relationships. Understanding how to develop a network of Champions starts with unraveling those relationships and recognizing that they all potentially have a network which could support you.

Look to friends and family, industry peers, clients, suppliers and social groups for people who could potentially refer you. Identify who has the greatest levels of trust in you, who wants to refer you the most, who understands your business and can recognise opportunities for you and who mixes in the right circles, talking about the right subjects giving them the opportunities to refer.

Make life easy for yourself and draw up a list of five or ten people drawn from all of these groups. People who you think may either be motivated to or positioned to refer you. You can then focus on building the levels of trust and understanding, working out the connections they have in their network and building these people into your team of Champions. Start with this group before adding to it.

In next month’s article we’ll take this group and look at how you educate those people so that they find it easy to make connections for you and become effective sources of new business for you. In the meantime, think about what you need to do to inspire them to want to do so and how you can help them first.


Are you struggling to put an effective networking or referral strategy into place? Do you want to know more about how to ensure you get the maximum possible return from your networking?
Andy's new Audio programme 'Networking in Ninety Minutes' will give you the tools you need to make the most from your networking. Available in CD or mp3 format here.
Andy Lopata's newsletter archive
Andy Lopata's LinkedIn profile
Join Connecting is not Enough - Andy Lopata's Facebook Page

For more information, please visit Andy's TNNW Bio.

Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free - Click HERE.
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Monday, November 09, 2009

BLUE THING #10: Backtalk: Comments from our Readers

BACKTALK™: Comments From Our Readers
Your Feedback. Your Input. Your Turn.

Here are some of your comments on our recent TNNW articles:

Karl Smith:
Are You Ready For The Network Economy?

"Thank you for the positive outlook on trying times."

- Jean Waggoner

"I like the article; and Karl Smith makes a case for 'The Network Economy'.

"It is important when networking to 'understand the environment'. You can't force people to purchase the product or service you are selling. We market to a consumer we feel needs the product or service. If the target market consumer is correct, we sell. As 'sellers', we disseminate information on the availability of goods and services to the 'buyer'.

"In the economy today, businesses rely on other businesses for the generation of revenue. Every business plays a role in the economy. The businesses that do well provide enough information into the marketplace for other businesses to evaluate a need for the service or product."
- Anne Taslow

"simple formula to understand future trends."

- Chandraakant Dalal

Bill Doerr, Sales & Marketing:
Networking Without Trying

"Excellent points! Extremely poignant! It re-awakens the 'can-do' attitude at a time when there is way to much 'can't do' going around as a pandemic. Dreams are necessary for a happy life, yet if there's no action to materialize or manifest the dream, negative habits return and exacerbate the 'can't do' attitude. This cycle is what needs to be broken and it takes deliberate and concentrated discipline, which sounds like work but ends in joy."

- Martin W. Jennings

"Great story that reminds us what we too often forget in the hussle and bussle of life, the everyday grind and worries takes over our dreams and we slowly stop living and start dying.
By the way, Bali is in Indonesia, not Polynesia"
- Phillippe Gadeyne

"Thanks for posting....great concept. New technology can make the 'real' old-fashioned relationship building and social networking too impersonal. Why not use our latest wave of technology as a means to engage with real people in real places. It is so much more satisfying!"

- Patty Thompson

Rick Itzkowich, Being There When it Counts:

How "edgy" are you?

"Hi Rick
i am definitely Edgy 1- my definition is (impatient- nervous- apprehensive)
would also like to think that i might be, from time to time, edgy 2
Not very often do i ask for permission- I often have to ask for forgiveness- edgy1 you see
my father was (also?) the autocratic type- he knew better all the time, my mother on the other hand the accommodating - forgive you- type .Their marriage had a similar ending ..
nice to have me think about these things
- George Dakos

"Hi Rick! I'll prove the theory you presented. I'm definitely #2. I don't fear much except taxes & death, I am not held back, I don't have doubts, I don't do the 'what if' thing.

"I don't like 'descriptions' of people - like the word 'edgy' - bothers me - but, has given me some thought. I guess I never thought of the word 'edgy.'

"Count me in! Interesting question."
- Debra Bankes

Truer words were never spoken - I agree we all aspire to being creative, cutting edge and want to lead the change...but then we have a family a mortgage, and responsibilities. The real need is to combine the unbridled creativity and risk taking with the thoughtfulness of an edgy#1. Rick's mom & dad must have been successful in this way. Business is no different - we need both aspects to win. For leaders that are edgy#1 - you better go find your mate and visa versa!"
- John Aceti

The disadvantages of being edgy are that you are running too fast leaving other members of the team behind and these are people who want to have a safe quite life, who are saying: 'you have too much energy for our team, we cant handle your enthusiasm'"
- Irina Kremin

Douglas Castle, This Might Hurt
Show 'em Your Briefs - The API™ Approach

As an attorney specializing in administrative law and regulatory compliance we were taought to be wordsmiths in our briefs, direct and to the point in questions.

"My avocation is logisitics operations management in which verbal and written communication require in most cases short brief communication.

"I can attest to the truth and accuracy of Douglas' premise."
- William Downey, JD

Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
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BLUE THING #9: This Week's Top Buzzed Items and Terms

This Week's Top Buzzed Items and Terms

Click on:
Pick on:

Now featuring the Rede Report Blog from the NEW YORK TIMES.

Better grab this gadget before November 20th for mounting on your blog, website, newsletter, homepage, social media profile, twitterfeed, refrigerator, cinderblock and your bathroom mirror (use duct tape, as it withstands the humidity). Why? You need news. We have it all. And...after November 1st, you will no longer be able to grab this gadget; you'll have to go directly to the page. It's not funny. Do it. Don't just blow us off as idiosyncratic, uncultivated clowns - this PICKER is POWERFUL.

20 minutes each day to be the smartest person in any meeting (or at least seem like it).

Click and pick:

THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER PAGE - The wearin' o' the green. 'taint just blarney, Old Son. Sing along if you know the song..."everybody's doin' it, doin' it, doin' it..."

Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
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BLUE THING #8: Great Websites and Blogs to Explore

Great Websites and Blogs to Explore


NOTE: Sites are selected based upon merit by an unbiased* panel of judges. Regrettably, we cannot accept payment for the placement of your site here. Darn.

*At least in their own opinion.

Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
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BLUE THING #7: Most Memorable Quote of the Week

Most Memorable Quote of the Week

Brought to you by The National Networker and QuoteActions.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

- An Unknown Author

Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
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BLUE THING #6: Featured Deal of the Week

Featured Deal of the Week

Featured Deal/Win of the Week is brought to you by The National Networker and CEO Space Northeast.

This week we feature the following deals/wins:

1) Sally Witzky and Traction Group (Chesterfield, VA), a social media marketing agency helping small business owners, authors and speakers get more traction with the social media efforts (, was featured in this month’s issue of Virginia Business magazine (November issue just out this past week).

The printed copy has Sally Witzky’s photo with a caption, but the link does not. Here’s the link:

2) Scott Degraffenreid and Kathryn Booth put together an electronic version (e-course with a workbook) of “Embracing the NUDE Model”. Generally, Scott’s tactics for getting referral marketing work really well and don’t cost extra in the marketing budget – a great recession buster. But this one has gotten them attention that they did not want. Besides dealing with the occasional potential client looking for something else they have found that their email was often blocked as SPAM. Their better judgment told them it was time for rebranding and doing an expanded book - “Creating A Supercharged Referral Matrix” that will cover the original “internal” keys – Novelty, Utility, Trustworthy, Savings. So, now they are going NUTS. Their new site will be and should be live next week. The book will be available as an eBook week Nov. 20th

3) Robin Kissinger has a big WIN with her new internet radio show. The show is on the Voice America network, their 7th Wave channel which is about visionary and transformation radio. Her show is: Sing4All on iRadio - Transforming Lives with the Power of Singing. For us CEO Space grads, she is going to interview Hugh Ballou here in the near future.

Voice America is the largest producer of original internet radio content in the world. They have 2.9 million listeners across their 7 channels. The channel I'm on - The 7th Wave - is the fastest growing channel with 36% of the listeners (that's over a million listeners). They also recently bought their nearest competitor, World Talk Radio, and added another million listeners.

People can check out Robin’s show by going to her host page at: While there they can sign up for a free account with Voice America, listen to my archived shows, download free any show and bookmark and social network the show.

People can also subscribe to show updates by going to Robin’s website: , blog: ,Or/and, they can join her Facebook group: Sing4All on iRadio with Robin Kissinger and stay in the loop.

If your company is genuinely special, and you have an exciting yarn to spin (or tale to tell), just write to us at , being sure to include "FEATURED COMPANY OF THE WEEK" in the Subject line. Give us a very quick synopsis, and your communications coordinates.

You can submit your company’s or organization's greatest corporate coupe or conquest for TNNW’s consideration by writing to Please be certain to put "FEATURED DEAL OF THE WEEK" in the subject line, with a brief story and your communications coordinates.

Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
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BLUE THING #5: Featured Company of the Week

Featured Company of the Week

Featured Company of the Week is brought to you by The National Networker and CEO Space Northeast.

When pondering over this week’s Blue Thing Company of the Week Feature I was going to first place this in the “Deal” Blue Thing, but once I realized the significance of what was actually happening here, I had to select this as our Company Feature. This should be encouragement for all those businesses that are struggling.

Jerry Hickman, several years ago, invented a device he calls the 911 Locator. Basically, when you call 911, the invention sets off a strobing light outside your home. This is to catch the attention of the emergency team often saving minutes when they can’t seem to find the specific location. As one who has served as a member of emergency response teams, Jerry knows that this could be the difference in saving a life.

Last June, Jerry won the Delaware Entrepreneur of the year award for the best business plan and most prepared to receive funding. Immediately, he received offers of support. He had the investor’s interest. Knowing that he had the money coming in, he couldn’t wait. He began his process of expansion. He was ready to get his business launched in a big way.

You probably don’t want to read the next part because you think you already know what I’m about to tell you. Right? Yes, your right. The money didn’t come in. It’s November, and he is still getting promises but hasn’t seen a nickel yet.

Just this last month, as I communicated with him, he was so discouraged he was ready to fold it up and get a job. Nothing was looking like he was going to pull this one out of the hole.

Well, let’s now look at what has just happened in this last week:
·After posting an announcement on the CEOspace group on Facebook Jerry received a multitude of email and communications
·He is now working on increasing his dealer base for the "nationwide launch";
·He is meeting with AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals this week. They will be featuring his product in a showcase and offering it in their virtual mall;
·He is planning a capital strategy meeting with team members and another meeting with allies that will be scouting;
· He has already had a couple of meetings with potential investors;
·He met with realtors looking at potential locations that will accommodate the predicted growth of his 911 locator business;
·He will be meeting in North Central NJ with a potential strategic partner;
·Finally, He is working with several web developers to revamp and repair the 911 Locator website;

Does this sound like a business that was just ready to fold up just weeks ago?

As a child, I grew up on a farm and learned a good strong work ethic. I also learned something that is deadly to growing a business. My dad always told me: “If you want to get a job done right, you might as well do it yourself. Your always going to be disappointed with others”. I must say in my conversations with Jerry in October, he was feeling he was living just that. But, I want to encourage you, if you have ever thought this, it is a “poor man’s mindset”.

The reality in growing a solid business: You must learn to rely on others. You must build a team. Learn what your strengths and weaknesses are. Don’t spend all your time working to improve your weaknesses but rather, find others to supplement where you need help.

Yes, others may disappoint you. They may downright fail you. Don’t quit. You must work to recover. In your new wisdom, find a replacement and move on. For those who can’t adjust, failure is inevitable.

If your company is genuinely special, and you have an exciting yarn to spin (or tale to tell), just write to us at , being sure to include "FEATURED COMPANY OF THE WEEK" in the Subject line. Give us a very quick synopsis, and your communications coordinates.

Published by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter. All rights reserved. Subscribe Free For Your TNNW Newsletter and THE BLUE MONDAY REPORT! - Click HERE.
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BLUE THING #4: This Week's Top News Stories

This Week's Top News Stories

This is just too on THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER PAGE. You should have this gadget on your blog, your website, your homepage, your newsletters, your social media, and on your refrigerator door by now. You can grab this gadget for free from the site below until November 1st. after that, you'll have to keep going to the page! You're at a stoplight in the crossroads of your's the time to pick! Carpe Nostrilus!

Click on:

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BLUE THING #3: Amazing New Facts and Statistics

Amazing New Facts and Statistics
BLUE THING #3: Amazing New Facts and Statistics

Reader Participation: You are invited to submit your favorite amazing fact or little-known statistic and get it published here, boldly showcased in the perfectly rectangular enclosure of BLUE THING #3. But be advised that you must be a Subscriber in order to participate. If you're not already a subscriber, click on the following link before you read on: If you are already a Subscriber, please proceed to the next paragraph for "the elevator pitch."

HEY YOU! Yes you. Since you are now a Subscriber to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER NEWSLETTER, you are invited to submit your own favorite amazing fact or statistic. If you’d like, we’ll even publish your name (or your organization’s name) if you'd like and give you credit for your contribution. Note: Unless you are particularly dense, you will recognize that we are actually offering you FREE PUBLICITY in exchange for a mere tidbit of information.

Simply click on the hyperlink below to submit your gem:

If the hyperlink above isn’t working, first you must first blame your browser (Internet Explorer 8 seems to be an exceptionally popular source of consumer dissatisfaction), then your ISP Provider, then Bill Gates (or Steve Jobs), and mutter a rapid string of profanities under your breath. Kick furniture if you feel it necessary. [feel better?] Then, just click on this one, and get direct access.

A compilation of utterly useless information brought to you by The Internationalist Page, Braintenance, and THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER™.

Following is a veritable cesspool teeming with trivial items to use in pick-up lines in bars, to fill awkward silences in credit committee meetings, and to forward (via email) to the spam filters of Oprah, Bill O’Reilly, Bono, Paris Hilton, Harry Potter [either one], any member of the board of directors of Bank Of America, the president or prime minister of your home nation, or one or more of your many friends, family members and people who have far too much time on their hands.

Here goes:

The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.

Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon.

Of all the words in the English language, the word 'set' has the most definitions!
What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France.

"Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

"Rhythm" is the longest English word without a vowel. (no sht! I never knew that!)

In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child

A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off!

Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.

You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.

There is a city called "Rome" on every continent.

Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day!  (If you are dead, this may not apply)

Horatio Nelson, one of England's most illustrious admirals was throughout his life, never able to find a cure for his sea-sickness.

The skeleton of Jeremy Bentham is present at all important meetings of the University of London.

Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. (Underhanded people, on the other hand [?] outlive both right- and left-handed people, and quite often hold positions of great political power -- some have even said things like "This is not rocket surgery." in speeches)

Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, everytime you breathe!

The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump!

One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet!

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different!

The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man. (Naaaaah...)

Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!

Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin!

The present population of 5 billion plus people of the world is predicted to become 15 billion by 2080.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, and had only ONE testicle. (we might refer to this condition today as a "monocle")

Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.

Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th."

Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren’t added to it.

On average, a hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute. (Doesn't every child learn this in the first grade?)

More people are killed each year from bees than from snakes.

The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words.

More people are allergic to cow's milk than any other food.

Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.

The placement of a donkey's eyes in its' heads enables it to see all four feet at all times!

The six official languages of the United Nations are: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

Earth is the only planet not named after a god.

It's against the law to burp, or sneeze in a church in Nebraska, USA. (Many Nebraskans compensate for this hideously archaic but potentially enforeceable law by being incredibly flatulant during sermons. I'm aghast that the law is still on the books)

You're born with 300 bones, but by the time you become an adult, you only have 206.

Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food!

Dolphins sleep with one eye open!

It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

The world's oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old! (It is stuck under Adam J. Kovitz' auntie's dining room table, which has now been declared an historical landmark)

The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds. (Who timed this?)

Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not.

Slugs have 4 noses.

Owls are the only birds who can see the colour blue.

A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years!

A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue! (I once dated this...oh, never mind...)

The average person laughs 10 times a day!

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

Note: The comments in blue, above, were placed there by Douglas Castle without parental consent, and they do not necessarily reflect the views of THE NATIONAL NETWORKER COMPANIES, MENSA, or Adam J. Kovitz, the Founder of THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter.

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BLUE THING #2: TNNW Product/Service of the Week

TNNW Product/Service of the Week

Other newsletters would give you only ONE Product/Service of the Week. Some might extend themselves a bit to give you TWO. However, here at The National Networker, we offer you THREE.

For those of you who are arithmophiles (a lingovation), this is 300% of what the competition offers.

Here they are:

1. NEWS RELEASES: The most cost-effective way of immediately reaching a giant audience. Click on *NOTE: THIS PAGE WILL BE RE-FORMATTED BY NOVEMBER 20th, barring any Act of God or Force Majeure (that's French, but may well be misspelled - we fired our editor to save some money so that the TNNW Executives could drive bigger, fancier cars).

We do not simply offer you what PR Web and PR Newswire offer you...they are merely broadcast media, unless you request that they do a great deal more; then, watch your wallet! -- We are a full-service, full-focus operation.

We do it all...headline it, get it written, get it edited, stuff it with keywords and hyperlinks, submit it to the right geographical and vertical markets, track it, re-publish it, and more! We use those other newswire services as broadcasters, too (they have a tremendous market domination) - but we get to your target market with a surgical strike, and maximum MEANINGFUL exposure. We will not send out a useless raft of press releases which will either be ignored or unpublished. We get you published in the right places so that you get the optimal results. We do not "scattergun." We help you structure a meaningful thematic news release campaign, and we strike with precision.

2. THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER: Get this gadget now. Get the jump on everything you need to know every day – in 20 minutes. You can pick your friends. You can pick your news. At TNNW, we have done the unthinkable. Click on The actual button is so unsightly that we have chosen not to show it here in it's full-sized version.


3. BRUTE FORCE REQUEST: This service is the ultimate BUZZWORKS machine. It becomes available on November 20th. Learn more – Read the Update! This service can energize your brand, your image, your credibility, your internet presence, your website traffic, your conversion rate and your sales.


Not to worry… we will give you an url. In fact, we might just give you both the actual url and the shortened url. That’s two urls for each Subscriber. Picture it…an url on each arm! At TNNW, we’re always happy to tell our Subscribers where to go... and in no uncertain terms.

--The Duke of Urls

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BLUE THING #1: TNNW Surveys, Analyses and Findings

TNNW Surveys, Analyses and Findings

For the results of TNNW Survey #3 (our last survey, about "Chambers of Commerce"), please click here .


[Alert: This Survey is currently in progress and the polls will close on November 20, 2009 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time]

Times are changing. Our survey question is a very direct one, and highly applicable to the way in which most modern marketing and promotional activity is initiated:

“Which five top online social/business networks (please number them in order of effectiveness) have afforded you the most value/results?”

Please take a moment and fill out the survey form below. If it does not appear (because of incompatibility with your browser, a hypervigilant popup filter, or because of a deeply ingrained fear of rejection), just click on: and the form will pop up and fill your computer screen instantly, like a movie closeup of Steven Segal, but in a more annoying fashion (assuming that this is possible).

If the preceding url is just too long for you, you can use this one instead and save an immeasurably insignificant amount of time: .

We value your feedback, and would appreciate if you took a few moments to respond to some questions. This survey will close on 11/20/2009. Once again... that nasty form popup link should be right under here...

Again, our apologies...if the form didn't miraculously appear above, simply click your heels together three times, say "there's no place like home," and hit: .

REMEMBER.....TNNW SURVEY # 5 will be coming out very soon. And no, we're not giving out any hints. Well, perhaps one ... if you are reading this and you do not already have your free subscription to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER Newsletter, click on to receive your subscription. Click...we're waiting.

Subscribe now...don't make me stop this car...


Douglas Castle (

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PEOPLE, POWER AND POSSIBILITIES: Networking Isn't Just for Sales People

People, Power and Possibilities with Donna Fisher

Sure, networking is a vital sales tool for connecting with people to create a pipeline of sales prospects. However, everyone from executive assistant to computer analyst can utilize networking to be more effective with their work.

What if you thought of your organization as a series of interconnected networks rather than a top-down hierarchy? Imagine that you and every other individual in the company is the center of his or her own network, which interconnects with countless other individuals and their networks. The resources available throughout a corporate network provide effective ways to address issues, solve problems, create new initiatives and network with others in different departments, different locations and even different divisions.

When people relate to one another as part of the same network and work for the good of everyone and the overall business goal, then they are more likely to get together to talk through ideas, build positive relationships, share certain skills and resources, and produce powerful results.

What happens when you start to think of your company as a network of individuals rather than a hierarchy of jobs? Do you start to relate to people differently? Do you start to have different conversations geared around topics that lead to enhanced results? Do you feel more comfortable calling on others for help and support?

Networking within a company involves sharing best practices, brainstorming for great solutions and being resources throughout the corporate network. Networking is an important productivity skill for everyone!

For more information, please visit Donna's TNNW Bio.

*Editor's Note: As this is Donna's last submission, TNNW would like to thank her for the time spent with us and wish her every success in the future. WE'LL MISS YOU, DONNA!

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Sunday, November 08, 2009


Networking Fun for the Introverted
with Wendy Kovitz

Twitter, what were you thinking? LinkedIn was supposed to be my sanitized cyber resume. My make-up, dark-colored suit and "Yes, I can interview with you at 11 am this Thursday" personae. Sure, it's always gotten the least of my attention. Probably because it's just so gosh-darn bland. Everything is so black and white there, just like a resume. You read a dozen of them and they all start to look alike.

But Twitter, be it 140 characters of utterly pointless drivel, poignant commentary or a juicy red-hot rant, is 3-D with smellovision. You know who you're dealing with and what makes them tick. Unless you only follow the "biggins" who are out to sell you something. I like people who can keep it real even over the expanse of cyber space. I enjoy hearing who's had a G-d awful day or who's laid up with the flu. Not that I enjoy the misery of others, but I find the willingness to share the good, the bad and the ugly with friends, strangers and stalkers alike so much more personable than a LinkedIn exchange. (Note that I am not talking about creepy and dangerous stalkers, merely those Google-happy people that find you much more interesting than you find yourself.)

If I like the line in the sand between professional and personal, why would I even think of using my Tweets to update my LinkedIn status? Well, first of all, you have the choice of shooting all of your Tweets red-robin right over. "No, thanks. Really. That's TMI." Honestly, I think it's my inner voice telling me that it's okay to embrace my uniqueness - for an introvert that's pretty scary stuff. It's okay to have an opinion on issues. Not everyone will agree with you or like you, no matter how hard you try. It's all the stuff we tell our kids but otherwise seem to ignore in our day-to-day existence.

Frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of maintaining a separate unique me in facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. My advice is simple: live your conscience, make your mark and everything else will fall into place.

I'll leave you with one link from a Twitter pal named @JimmyElliot, a young college kid who believes that love can change the world. He started @holdingofwrists to reach out to young people struggling with day to day existence, especially those battling depression. It reminds me that we're all connected, and that's a good thing.

For more information, please visit Wendy's TNNW Bio.

- Wendy Kovitz
The Book Of Ara - Fictional Fantasy Memoirs
Twitter - @wlkovitz

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BEYOND NETWORKING: BEING: What Could Be Better Than Leads?

Beyond Networking: Being with Ron Sukenick

You're on your way home from a networking event, and, well, you're rather pleased with yourself. Not only were you able to collect several dozen business cards while handing out a similar number of your own, but two individuals you met actually gave you "leads". Now you have in your proud possession the names and contact information for companies your networking friends think might be able to use your products and services. What could possibly be better than that?

And the answer is…(TV quiz show drum roll here) Referrals!

Let's backtrack a moment. In this Beyond Networking blog, remember, the goal is to reach further - and deeper - beyond traditional networking, getting to the point where networking really starts to work for us. The fact is, study after study demonstrates that your best clients meet you through an introduction from someone they already trust. In other words, the way to meet really good clients is through referrals.

Every sales training course (I've taken many and led many!) talks about referrals, and about how lack of commitment to getting referrals can limit a business person's success. Bill Cates, author of Get More Referrals, has something truly worthwhile to say about the big R's, something very much in tune with my Beyond Networking principles. A common error, Cates says, is making referrals be about you, where you, in the old sales-school style, explain to clients that your business is built on referrals. What the clients hear is that, in order for you to keep providing them with good client service, they need to help you grow your business by supplying names of their friends and associates.

"Clients give referrals only when they see the value in the work you do," Cates explains, suggesting that if a business is not getting referrals without asking, it's a signal something's wrong.

In coaching hundreds of people over the years, I've arrived at a very simple conclusion about all of this: R's (referrals) depend on R (relationship). As we continue to create deeper relationships with our clients, coworkers, and network contacts, referrals will follow. My book, The Power Is In The Connection, is all about relationships.

What's better - much, much better - than a lead? A relationship, and its inevitable result - a referral!

Ron Sukenick
Business Advisor / Relationship Strategist / Author / Connector
Check out my Radio Podcast’s

Let's get connected on LinkedIn

“Certified Human Behavior Consultant”
Nominated 2009 "America's Most Influential Business Connector"

For more information, please visit Ron's TNNW Bio.

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RISK AND REALITY: Risk Management Related Syndromes and Their Cure

Risk and Reality with Franco Oboni, Ph.D.

Hazards have to be treated transparently, which of course does not exclude confidentiality, in order to avoid various well known organizational risk-related money wasting syndromes which we will summarize in three points:

The “specialist syndrome”: this syndrome leads hazard specialists of a given hazard, for example IT, military, political, or financial experts to believe they understand how to evaluate risks. They do not! What they can do is characterize the hazard they specialize in, but they simply do not know how to quantify, prioritize risks. We will not cite again the sub-prime/banking disaster, but let’s put in in simple terms: a car mechanic is not necessarily a racing pilot, right?

The “denial syndrome”: This syndrome is exemplified by the classic “it will not happen to me: I am too large, too small, it can only happen to others etc.” Well, invincible banks went on their knees, small Mom & Pop businesses were forced to shut…entire industries collapse…it will happen to you whether you like it or not, so stop procrastinating or looking into your horoscope! Get real and prepare.

The “technology fix-it-all syndrome”: This syndrome leads to the classic excesses driven by “hardware/gear” vendors and other biased parties who want to erase aspects of the hazards, but miss the true nature of the risks. History is full of invincible castles (I am not referring to Douglas Castle here) who were seized in a day, starting from Troy on; unsinkable vessels, who sank miserably; invincible armies who starved or froze to death too far away from a logistic base (Russian campaign(s) etc.). Furthermore, examples abound of laws and decrees aimed at solving one situation, then backfiring on another; parking planes close together to avoid “local sabotage” in Pearl Harbor, only to offer an easy prey to the Imperial Air Force, etc.

Can we cure these syndromes?

Of course we can..and here we summarize how:

  • In a well managed organization hazard specialists should define the hazards, their magnitude, and to a certain extent, with facilitation, the likelihood of a strike.
  • Then a Risk Manager will determine the risk posed by these hazards, after helping to evaluate probabilities and potential consequences of the hazards hitting the system. Finally a risk estimation will be delivered in a clear and transparent way, compared to the organization’s explicit and quantitative tolerabity threshold. A that point it will be possible to know which mitigations have to be implemented, if any, and a road map will be defined.
  • In a well managed organization a preliminary risk assessment (see the two points above) will allow to evaluate which risks are relevant and should be tackled. This will result from a comparison of the evaluated risks with the organization’s tolerability curve, an exercise that has to be developed quantitatively and transparently in order to avoid biases of various nature.
  • In a well managed organization prestige, arrogance and self-praise will be kept at bay by unbiased, transparent evaluations.
  • A good Risk and Crisis Management approach will ensure the balance of the mitigative measures.
  • No good mitigation can be implemented unless a serious Risk Management approach weights the residual risks, and secondary effects.

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RISK AND REALITY: Do You Still Think Crises Are Mere Consultants’ Creatures?

Risk and Reality with Franco Oboni, Ph.D.

Well, all along our professional life of Risk and Crisis Management consultants and coaches we have been confronted with clients that expressed themselves with statements like: “well, you know, this kind of stuff only happens to others”, generally followed by “we are too small, … too large, too smart, too powerful”, etc. (please refer to for more details).
Relentlessly we have kept our stance: crises are foreseeable,
crises can be as costly as a natural disaster or a major accident, the public IS THE JUDGE, and the sentences he delivers cannot be appealed etc.
Examples abound in our courses and our
latest book, but the one that follows is exceptional for many aspects.

United Airlines Lost $180 Million due to YouTube Video

We learned about this crisis as everyone else, via the media reporting in the morning news about how social media can seriously damage a brand.

The Story

Take a musician (Mr Dave Carroll, from Canada) going to a concert, who sees the airline ground crews manhandling his instrument (a beloved guitar) to its death (broken neck, fatal wound indeed).
Imagine other passengers witnessing the massacre under the indifferent look of totally uninterested flight crew zombies.
Mix to this an interminable series of communications between the victim and a ice cold airline management who refuses to take any responsibility.
Bad enough? Well, yes, for the victim, for sure; but the airline had no clue how bad things were going to turn for them!

You see, our victim-musician had the interesting idea to make a country tune (titled “United Breaks Guitars” by Dave Carroll ) out of his sad story, and such a nice one, complete with an amusing video, that became an instant success on Youtube (appx 4million views as we speak).

The Results

United Airlines share price dropping by 10% (i.e. 180MUS$ loss), equivalent to over 50,000 replacement of the defunct guitar. I do not think any Court would have punished so harshly the airline, but this is the power of the public-JUDGE: exemplary punishements and NO APPEAL.


In the era of internet, social media and networks, there is no hiding, there is no mercy for the culprits. And in period of exacerbated sensitivity to poor corporate behavior, like amidst a recession, and in the aftermath of large scandals (Madoff, banks etc.), punishments are going to get tougher and tougher.

There used to be a saying that one happy customer would report to three other people, but an unhappy one would spell his story to seven. Well, welcome to the world where a bad story can be broadcasted or is echoed out to four million within days, and for free!

For more information, please visit
Franco's BIO.

Editor's note: Franco also does fiction. The Omani Link ... an Interactive Story began on October 20, 2009.

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The Emergence of The Relationship Economy

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
The Emergence of the Relationship Economy features TNNWC Founder, Adam J. Kovitz as a contributing author and contains some of his early work on The Laws of Relationship Capital. The book is available in hardcopy and e-book formats. With a forward written by Doc Searls (of Cluetrain Manifesto fame), it is considered a "must read" for anyone responsible for the strategic direction of their business. If you would like to purchase your own copy, please click the image above.


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