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Friday, May 14, 2010

POWER THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Powerful Words, Part 4

Power Thought of the Week with Patricia Parham, Ph.D.

Powerful Words are Declarative

The most powerful words catalyze action. Instead of asking your network for something, create a compelling argument and then call for action. A persuasive argument convinces the reader of the goodness of the idea, lays the foundation to gain support and shows what to do to make a difference. This works best when their interests are served, as well as your own, so that everyone supports the change. You will be thanked for outlining the most expeditious trajectory towards achieving a goal. Show people how to get their needs met and reap the benefits of that leadership. What do you need from your network? Identify it and create a call for action!

Patricia A. Parham
Parham Enterprises

For more information, please visit Patricia's TNNW Bio.


The National Networker Companies™

Empowering Emerging Enterprises”

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THE SLOGANATOR: Telling the "It" Factor

Have you ever been in a room full of people where the most common question asked is “what do you do” and you desperately want to get your listener’s ear but don’t want to appear to be selling? You want to respond with a memorable catchy phrase that captures your listener’s attention, sets you apart from your competition, creates curiosity and leaves them hungry to learn more. Everyone needs a slogan or tagline that tells the “it” factor of your business and connects you with your product, service or company. Do people associate you with a slogan? Does that slogan paint a picture of who you are and what you can do for your clients’? If not, you’re probably being forgotten more than you’re being remembered. In fact, you’re likely leaving money on the table because you‘re living in the generic universe rather than the wonderful world of branding. Why settle for second place when first place is just a slogan away?

Everyone wants to be the first one considered when someone needs the product or service that you offer. It’s the easiest way you get more referrals and pure profit in your pocket. A slogan can earn big bucks for your business. Do you have one, and if not, why not?

Slogans typically take the form of either a link to something that people remember such as “a diamond is forever” which put the name DeBeers forefront in our minds, or it takes the form of a promise such as what FedEx says, “When it absolutely has to be there overnight.” Or it tugs on the heartstrings and elicits emotion such as Hallmark Cards with, “when you care enough to send the very best”. It can also address the security issue that people consider, when Michelin tires uses their slogan, “because so much is riding on your tires” or the promise of feeling protected, which is what Allstate does with their slogan, “You’re in good hands with Allstate.”

Humor is also a great way to deliver a tagline such as the one I developed for my client that creates edible gardens instead of just landscapes. They tell people, “You can have your garden and eat it too” For the entrepreneur who sells jewelry, telling clients that she takes the “chaching out of the bling” makes her stand out from everyone else who also does that. It uses humor and is certainly memorable. Your slogan needs to fit you because it is the way you are identified with your brand.

Slogans should be “sticky” so they attach with you and your brand. They should also be short, memorable, upbeat and easy to repeat. A slogan or tagline can be as short as three single words like Nike “just do it” or one or two sentences. It is not the length that’s important. It’s about having a ring rhythm that people remember. Take this simple test. Who is the “King of Beers” … Budweiser of course? “When you need a good neighbor, (who) is there? State Farm is there. Something as simple as just the right slogan can have your phone ringing off the hook with new customers and referrals from old ones. Remember, you’re only two minutes and two people from your next referral. So, capture them with a great slogan and watch your business boom.

Rhonda L Sher: The Sloganator Rhonda L Sher was born talking. She fell in love with words as a child and has never stopped communicating since. Her father once commented that she was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. Not only has Rhonda inherited her father's humor, but it's that quick wit that has become the signature that has helped propel her clients to stardom.Acclaimed Keynote and workshop leader, Rhonda has authored two books, "The 2 Minute Networker" and "The ABC's of LinkedIn," "Get LinkedIn or Get Left Out" as well as numerous action guides, articles, workbooks, jingles and corporate slogans.

In addition to writing, Rhonda uses her gift of gab as a featured keynote speaker, consultant and corporate trainer throughout North America. She has successfully taught hundreds of business men and women on the art of business networking and written hundreds of elevator pitches and slogans.Rhonda's greatest talent lies in her ability to create fabulously catchy slogans that are memorable, upbeat, easy to repeat and create instant brand identification. In addition to the books, audio and video, Rhonda creates slogans and taglines for her clients which are memorable, bring them business and make them, money. She works with you to create a corporate slogan for your business that sets you apart from your competition. Her creativity and energy will tap into your customer's mind and have your phone ringing off the hook with new business.

Rhonda's Products can be previewed at:

The Two Minute NetworkerMingle To Make Money


The National Networker Companies™

Empowering Emerging Enterprises”

Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.

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THE SLOGANATOR: Introducing Rhonda L. Sher

Welcome, Members of The National Networker Companies' GICBC.

You may have noticed that today's business climate has become more competitive than ever. And because of that competition you've probably also noticed it's getting harder and harder to attract new business while protecting the business you already have. Whether your marketing is online or offline, the challenge for most business owners is in differentiating yourself from your competitors and drive new business to you front door. Being consistent in your promotions is the cornerstone of building your business and it must be non-stop process, because customers can be fickle. So in a down economy it's those companies who are remembered the most that are recognized and rewarded the most. If you are one of those companies then you already know that marketing is king and sales are sacred. To do both, Networking Knowledge is a Necessity.

Do you have a slogan that tells your prospects and customers why your products or services are better for them than everyone else? What's your unique selling proposition? Do you have a simple system that shows you how to fill your pipeline with people that you want to use your product or service more frequently and then obtain their testimonial when they do? Do you have a system to keep in touch with your prospects, clients and referral partners that operates continuously on autopilot, so it consistently produces future business whether you're there or you're not?

If you answered NO to even one of these questions, or if your answer is merely a giant question mark, then you've come to the right place. Here you will find powerful products and services to help you attract more clients and referrals and NEVER be forgotten again! In this exciting world of technology, marketing moves as lightning speed. Don't let it pass you by. The most successful business owners understand that branding is what takes the boring to the brilliant and the mundane to the magical. It's your slogan, tagline and most importantly, your promise that people remember.

Rhonda L Sher: The Sloganator Rhonda L Sher was born talking. She fell in love with words as a child and has never stopped communicating since. Her father once commented that she was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. Not only has Rhonda inherited her father's humor, but it's that quick wit that has become the signature that has helped propel her clients to stardom.Acclaimed Keynote and workshop leader, Rhonda has authored two books, "The 2 Minute Networker" and "The ABC's of LinkedIn," "Get LinkedIn or Get Left Out" as well as numerous action guides, articles, workbooks, jingles and corporate slogans.

In addition to writing, Rhonda uses her gift of gab as a featured keynote speaker, consultant and corporate trainer throughout North America. She has successfully taught hundreds of business men and women on the art of business networking and written hundreds of elevator pitches and slogans.Rhonda's greatest talent lies in her ability to create fabulously catchy slogans that are memorable, upbeat, easy to repeat and create instant brand identification. In addition to the books, audio and video, Rhonda creates slogans and taglines for her clients which are memorable, bring them business and make them, money. She works with you to create a corporate slogan for your business that sets you apart from your competition. Her creativity and energy will tap into your customer's mind and have your phone ringing off the hook with new business.

Rhonda's Products can be previewed at:

The Two Minute NetworkerMingle To Make Money


The National Networker Companies™
Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
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Bonnie Ross-Parker
Founder and CEO

Guest Contributor: Marci Cowan

For more than five years, our coaching and leadership training company has offered a particular workshop in which we ask participants, all of whom are business people, to write 15 or more “I Am” statements in three minutes. While people may identify themselves by their profession (“I am a doctor), their family role (“I am a Mom”), or as having particular attributes (“I am positive and optimistic”), less than 5 percent of the participants ever identify themselves as a “leader.” What is the leader mindset, and why is it important to you as you grow professionally and personally?

A leader mindset is fundamental to your business success whether you are a company employee, a solopreneur or the CEO of a corporation. It’s a way of thinking about the business journey and the ultimate destination you plan to achieve. And, perhaps most importantly to the majority of business people, it will lead to increased profits and revenues, enabling you to have the lifestyle and freedom you originally imagined. Most people who run their own small businesses are stuck in the “employee” or “self-employed” mindset in which they haven’t crystallized their values, haven’t created a vision for the endpoint of the business journey, and don’t understand how to solicit feedback and “keep score” to create a business that is constantly improving.

Here are three steps you can take immediately to begin moving yourself into the leader mindset.

Identify Your Values

Your values are your guiding principles, and they should be reflected in everything you do. Thus, a first step to create the leader mindset is value clarification and crystallization.

An exercise we use in our workshops is to ask participants to write a Statement of Culture for their company. What points of culture would be important for your employees and customers to know about you and your business? While many business people identify integrity in their relationships and excellence in their product and service offerings as core values, what are the other values that drive you and your business? Do you value balance, success, credibility, continuing education, fun, gratitude?

Value clarification is an ongoing process. It requires self-awareness and introspection. The business owners with whom we work often wonder how they will find some time on a regular basis for personal reflection to keep values top of mind and to continue refining them. But research has shown that people with value clarity have the highest degree of commitment to their businesses, primarily because this clarity allows them to more easily align their actions with their values.

Create Your Vision

Vision is a view of the future, and leaders know that vision is critical to business success. In order for your vision to be relevant to you and those who support your success, it needs to be framed for the long term, well after you are done with your professional career. It needs to describe how the world will look because of you and the impact your business endeavors will have on the world. Every person who works with or for you needs to know your vision. Your chances for success increase dramatically if others can enroll enthusiastically in your cause.

An exercise we conduct with workshop participants involves having them pretend they are being interviewed by a magazine of their choice at the end of their business journey. Did they retire as the CEO of a large company? Did they sell their business assets for millions of dollars? What do they like to do with all the money and free time that success has allowed them? Giving life to a vision by writing it down and articulating it to others is much more likely to make it manifest.

Solicit Feedback

Great leaders actively seek out feedback. If you’re on a team, other team members or colleagues can provide feedback. If you’re a solopreneur, you can solicit feedback from vendors, suppliers and customers.

One way to solicit feedback is to keep score. We have a completed feedback form from every person who has ever participated in our workshops and seminars. We want to know if, in their opinion, the material is relevant, the speaker is engaging, the venue is high quality and the experience is referenceable to others. Where constructive criticism is noted on the feedback form, we follow up with the participant and ask for more details and specifics.

Learn and understand what people think about your products, your customer service, your reputation, the attitude of your delivery people, your return policy, your location, your uniforms, and whatever else may be important to your business success. If you don’t know, you can’t do anything to improve it!

Leadership is not a title or position, it’s a mindset. With these three steps, start to liberate the leader in you for a more successful business journey.

Marcy Cowan is a principal in TriOdyssey GPS, a leadership development and training company based in Atlanta, Georgia which provides franchisors with tools to help move their franchisees from the self-employed mindset to the leader mindset for increased growth and profit. For further information, call Marcy at 770-912-0250.

About The Joy of Connecting

THE JOY OF CONNECTING® is a nationally recognized off-line community designed to support the female entrepreneur, business woman and professional. With face-to-face opportunities in warm, nurturing environments, participants join other professionals to increase one's warm market, build relationships and expand business. JOC is an innovative customer acquisition/marketing program, IF:
  • Your present NETworking is NOT working.
  • You're looking to eliminate frustration and rejection.
  • You're looking to expand the business you love.
  • You want to get paid to market your business to others.
  • You want greater website exposure, training and enhance your leadership skills.

More About Bonnie : Business Plus: Real Ideas for Real Results


The National Networker Companies™

Empowering Emerging Enterprises”

Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Bonnie Ross-Parker
Founder and CEO

Building Profitable Lasting Business Relationships with Bonnie Ross-Parker

Remember the Total Cereal commercial a few years back? You’ll have to eat ten bowls of the leading brand to get the same nutrition that’s in one bowl of Total! The advertiser’s point is clear: If you want better nutrition for less calories (not to mention money!), you’ll logically choose the “one-bowl” alternative.

This same principle applies to business. Experts say that only one percent of all cold calls ever convert into sales. Imagine! How many calls do you need to make each day to close the number of sales necessary to stay in business? Even if you can stomach the rejection, the fruit you reap is far too sparse in proportion to the amount of time and effort you invest.

What’s the “one-bowl” solution? Try networking! Statistics show that you can boost your chances of closing a sale from 40 to 90 percent. You’ll generate more qualified leads in less time than any other marketing effort . . . if you do it right.

That’s the catch. Networking blunders hurt your business credibility, shutting the door to sales — not only with one person, but sometimes with a whole “grapevine” of prospects. What can you do to minimize mistakes and make the most of your networking time and money?

1. Go for the gold. List your best clients. Where do you find more like them? Find out what organizations they belong to and ask to be their guest for an upcoming function. This way you network with people who have established credibility in the group, are familiar with you and your work, and are willing to introduce you to key prospects.

2. Commit to action. The adage rings true in networking as in any activity: “You get out what you put in.” Seek to be an active player and leader in whatever group you join. High-level involvement gives you and your business greater exposure to prospects, by revealing your personal qualities — whether it’s being a go-getter or a visionary — this helps build your credibility.

3. Come fully prepared. Oh the power of first impressions! Forgetting to bring business cards, promotional material, or your appointment book to a networking function is worse than not attending at all. This conveys a sense of amateurism that will turn off prospects and keep potential “gatekeepers” from passing you leads. When you show others you’re serious about your business, people will take you seriously.

4. Be concise. Tell others what you do — in one sentence — in a way that makes them hungry to know more. A long description may result in losing people’s attention — which in turn can affect future sales or referrals.

5. Speak confidently. Admit it. You’re an expert in your business. If you weren’t, clients wouldn’t pay their hard earned money for your products or services. Use networking functions as an opportunity to share your business accomplishments. This way people feel greater confidence in both passing you “hot” leads and seeking to do business with you.

6. Listen intently. Ask questions. Clarify statements. Listen for expressed needs that your business might be able to meet. When you demonstrate you genuinely want to understand other people and their businesses, you will build greater rapport, opening the doors for sales opportunities.

7. Give first. If you appear as a “taker,” people will notice. They will feel uncomfortable around you and avoid you the next time they see you. Give leads, gifts, marketing ideas, or offer to buy lunch. Remember this: when you have given nothing, ask for nothing.

8. Follow-up! Follow up! Follow up! Show your prospects that you’re thinking of them. Fax them articles relevant to their interests. Don’t just say, “We need to do lunch sometime.” Take initiative to set a date. When your actions correspond with your words, people trust you and feel comfortable passing leads. One must earn credibility. Do what you commit to do.

About The Joy of Connecting

THE JOY OF CONNECTING® is a nationally recognized off-line community designed to support the female entrepreneur, business woman and professional. With face-to-face opportunities in warm, nurturing environments, participants join other professionals to increase one's warm market, build relationships and expand business. JOC is an innovative customer acquisition/marketing program, IF:
  • Your present NETworking is NOT working.
  • You're looking to eliminate frustration and rejection.
  • You're looking to expand the business you love.
  • You want to get paid to market your business to others.
  • You want greater website exposure, training and enhance your leadership skills.

More About Bonnie : Business Plus: Real Ideas for Real Results


The National Networker Companies™

Empowering Emerging Enterprises”

Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.

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Bonnie Ross-Parker
Founder and CEO

Strategies 1 - 2 - 3 with Bonnie Ross-Parker

Maybe you’re a veteran of the networking arena and agree you could be more effective. Or, perhaps, you’re just getting started and would like to better understand how to network productively. “The Quick Connection” is a reference tool to help you effectively impact others and increase your success.

Here’s the familiar scenario: Show up. Shake as many hands as possible. Give out and get as many business cards as you can. Tell everyone, “I’ll call you” or expect the people you meet to actually call you. Now, consider another approach that over time will get you better results.

“The Quick Connection” can be implemented any time and in any networking arena. The plan is based on three components: Differentiate, Be Memorable and Make A Difference. If you focus on attending any business environment with all three or any one of the strategies, your success will increase significantly.

Strategy # 1 – Differentiate.
Being unique distinguishes you from others, especially those that are in the same industry. Remember when you were young and fitting in meant doing the same thing as everyone else in the crowd? Being the same was a way of establishing acceptance. In the business world, the opposite is true. You will have an advantage when you differentiate.

For example, initiate conversations with people you don’t know. Ask how he/she got into the industry they are in, what trends they anticipate or what they did before their current career. Ask what they find to be their biggest challenge. If you’re wondering why this line of questioning, it’s because most business people are more eager to share what they do then to engage in building rapport with some one else. Find out what a good lead is for the individual you’d like to assist. If you want to get to know another business person, consider extending an invitation to an upcoming networking event as your guest. When you implement strategy #1, the emphasis is off of you and focused elsewhere. This is not typical in networking situations.

Strategy #2 – Be Memorable.
There are two ways to be memorable – appearance and behavior. In one’s appearance consider branding yourself. For example, men can wear unusual ties, different lapel pins or colors unlike every other man. Women have an easier time? Jewelry can easily help a woman be memorable. Barbara Bush wears her infamous pearls and Larry King is known for his suspenders.

They have branded themselves. I always wear cowboy boots. Every day – 365 days a year. While I may not be as well known as Barbara or Larry, having a unique style makes me memorable. People may not remember my name, however, they do remember the lady who always wears cowboy boots. Having a signature style has advantages – especially when you are recognizable!

The second way to be memorable is in your behavior. You must focus on being remembered for the right reason – generosity, punctuality, follow through, integrity and resourcefulness are examples. Being remembered means leaving positive imprints in everything you say and do. People are watching and will choose to do business with individuals that display consistency and integrity.

Strategy # 3 – Make A Difference.
You never know who you will meet and the difference you can make in someone else’s life or the difference that encounter will make in your life. Replace a simple thank you with “I appreciate you”. Go out of your way to make a newcomer feel comfortable at a networking event. Over time, you’ll be amazed how differentiating yourself, being memorable and making a difference will impact your success.

Like anything new, being conscientious and consistent will take time. Let’s face it, the marketplace is crowded. Everyone is scurrying for their share of business. Find out for yourself if the effort involved in applying strategies of “The Quick Connection” will be worth the results. Get Up! Get Out! and Get Going!

About The Joy of Connecting
THE JOY OF CONNECTING® is a nationally recognized off-line community designed to support the female entrepreneur, business woman and professional. With face-to-face opportunities in warm, nurturing environments, participants join other professionals to increase one's warm market, build relationships and expand business. JOC is an innovative customer acquisition/marketing program, IF:
  • Your present NETworking is NOT working.
  • You're looking to eliminate frustration and rejection.
  • You're looking to expand the business you love.
  • You want to get paid to market your business to others.
  • You want greater website exposure, training and enhance your leadership skills.

More About Bonnie : Business Plus: Real Ideas for Real Results

The National Networker Companies™
Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

KALÖN WOMEN: To Convert or Not to Convert - That is the Question!

Guest Columnist: Ronit Rogoszinski

Over the past months changes have been made to the tax code as to allow a greater pool of retirement savers to convert their IRA’s to ROTH IRA’s. The question everyone is asking is, is it worth it for me? So let’s take a few minutes to understand the pros and cons of this process.

In a Roth IRA contributions are on an after-tax basis where the earnings accumulate tax free of federal taxes and when an investor reaches retirement and begins withdrawing money, there are no taxes to pay on earnings. In order for withdrawals to be tax free, the account owner must be at least age 59 ½ and have owned the account for 5 years. If these conditions are not met, taxes and tax penalties may apply. An IRA however is comprised of contributions that may be deductible and earnings grow tax deferred for Federal taxes. When an investor reaches retirement and begins withdrawing money, taxes must be paid on any earnings. In fact by age 70 1/2 an investor has to take out mandatory distributions or pay a penalty.

The Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 made several changes that benefit investors as income limits on converting an IRA to a ROTH were eliminated in 2010. Special tax treatment is now available to all those who convert to a ROTH in 2010 as well as direct rollovers from qualified plans to a ROTH are now allowed. However, income limits on contributions to a ROTH remain.

So once again we ask, why convert to a ROTH? First and foremost withdrawals from the ROTH are tax free. Right now in 2010 our highest tax rate is 35% on income tax which will increase in 2011 to 39.6% thus increasing the value of a tax free. In fact for the past 50 years, there have only been 5 years (1988-1992) where the top rate was less than the current 35%. It’s important to note that qualified tax free distributions from ROTH’s do not affect social security taxation unlike tax exempt interest, series EE bond income and traditional IRA distributions.

Another advantage for women planning for retirement income is to remember that there are no required mandatory distributions from ROTH IRA’s which is a distinct advantage in estate planning. In fact tax on conversions is prepaying taxes, a gift for heirs as they will not owe any taxes upon inheriting ROTH’s.

Another benefit is that if you elect to convert an IRA to a ROTH you can elect to defer half the tax liability to your 2011 tax return and the other half to your 2012 tax return. Also, for the first time higher income individuals with adjusted gross income of more than $100,000 are eligible to convert. In addition the low-cost conversion opportunity exists now as you have the ability to lock in today’s low tax rates and receive a special tax treatment for 2010 and 2011. Realize that in the past several years many have suffered losses in their portfolios which if converted to ROTH IRA’s now, the recovery may be a tax free recouping of your losses. Remember that investing in securities is subject to fluctuation which may result in loss of principal.

Finally several considerations need to be addressed and should be discussed with your tax and financial advisors: what is your time horizon, what are your current income-tax brackets and your anticipated income-tax bracket in retirement, and finally what assets are available to pay the resulting conversion taxes.

If converting your retirement plan to a ROTH makes sense, go for it now as it’s a great time to get going to maximizing your investment plans.


Ronit Rogoszinski has been helping individuals and professionals understand the world of finance and wise personal money management for over twenty years.

A graduate of Queens College’s Scholars Program, Ronit holds FINRA Series 7 and 66 registrations through LPL Financial and is New York State certified in Long Term Care Insurance. As the proud mother of four children, Ronit understands firsthand the demands we all have in our fast paced lives. Yet her calm, personal and relaxed nature help to put her clients at ease while remaining focused on the job at hand – realizing and bringing them closer to their financial goals.

ABOUT KALÖN WOMEN: The mission of Kalön Women is to provide answers and raise awareness of issues and causes that affect women 40+, so that they will be stronger from knowledge gained, and the generation of women who follow in their path will hopefully find it less rocky. The articles, stories, poetry and other written expressions in Kalön Women are created by real women 40+. Written to inspire, help and perhaps provide a few laughs to all “women of a certain age”.

The National Networker Companies™
Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
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Monday, May 10, 2010

BLUE THING #10: BACKTALK: Comments From Our Readers

Your Feedback.   Your Input. Your Turn.

by Penny Ng, BACKTALKTM Producer

NEW: At the bottom of every TNNW article, we feature a COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE button. Click on it! We want your opinion on every article and author. Push our buttons. Spark us. Inspire us. Interact with us. We love hearing from you!

NEWER: At the bottom of every article you will now also find a multi-purpose comprehensive social media button which will permit you to forward, email, rate and share articles with all of your colleagues on all of your social media. Forward. Share. Never miss an opportunity to get you name in front of your colleagues, clients and prospective clients -- and you can do this without selling and without spamming!

Sometimes the keys to successful commerce are 1) keeping in touch through regular, enjoyable contact (so that you'll always be on the recipient's mind), and 2) simply being there when it counts. When your client needs what you have to offer, he will give you FIRST PRIORITY. This new button gives you the power to mass communicate and announce your availability and brand. Samples of both buttons follow, but first...


Look at these fancy buttons!


Here are some of your comments on our recent articles published in the TNNW Weekly Newsletter, the Blue Tuesday Report, and our other infomedia, publications and special bulletins:

BETH BARANY: Get Published Now

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Publish Your Book

As always you are a fount of wisdom and this is what I needed to hear. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

And I do agree with you, #2 is critical, one cannot overcome #1 or #3, and many of the other reasons prior commentators have offered without putting in the work.

Obviously, #2 is what I'm working on.

Great post!"

Victor Powell

DOUGLAS CASTLE: Douglas Castle Rants

Sorting Through "Extreme News" From Left, Right and Center
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell

People say they love truth, but in reality they want to believe that which they love is true. -- Robert J. Ringer

I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts. -- Abraham Lincoln

It is one thing to have an open mind. . . . but don’t let your brains fall out at the smallest puff of wind.

Journalism is not rocket science. . . Tell the story factually. The ability to do that without slanting to your preconceived views?. . . now that is becoming the extinct from yesterdays model of journalism.

Most news papers (Print Media) smell so poorly that you dare not taint the fish that you would wrap it in. The meteoric plunge of subscription and add revenues along with the bankruptcies are a direct proof of this. Media over the air waves is experiencing the same purging effect as well.

Ask any banana republic what is the first to go under poor conditions?
Transparency then Information.

Today’s model (whatever form it takes, Print and electronic medias melting together) that will emerge, (through painfully evolutionary means) will simply be nonpartisan and non-corrupted media streams of immediate reports. The focus will reside in Transparency, Information and Knowledge.

Those that do not change?
Are already dinosaurs. . . they just haven’t reported it yet.

And in the end?
Isn’t that what it is all about?

A little word called truth.


Mike Fesler

RICK ITZKOWICH: Being There When It Counts

How Saving Three Lives Led to a Sale
"Rick, from one fellow BNI member to another, it is all about mindset and embracing the giver's gain approach. High value, high content and a personal touch makes all the difference in a marketing strategy. As you mentioned in your article once a connection appears to be made, take the next step and reach out to actually introduce yourself to that person deepening the relationship."
L. F.

"Thanks Rick for your article and candid and ON TARGET perspective. I use the words 'on target' specifically as that is one of the assets I appreciate about you. You are personal, professional and offer myself and others expertise in systems that help us all be 'on target'"
J. N.

"Social Networking and Business Networking can help individuals to improve their visibility in professionals network.

Ff you are visible then you will have an opportunity to share your knowledge with more people and these people can convert into customers."
Y. A.


In your article you mention an important element (at least for me) of social networking which goes beyond the Internet and steps into good, old fashioned, pre-Internet business building style of making a connection: you picked up the phone, all be it probably not a rotary dial phone on the desk in your office but a cell phone while on the go.

I find that social networks are a great starting point and one method to 'stay in touch' - a key element for me is 'making the call' and having a conversation. In fact, I think that's how we actually 'met'."

D. O.

"I have been aware of the power of Social networking since Thomas Power visited Denmark last year. I have been a Management Consultant and Business coach in Denmark since 1998 and all my customers have come from personal references/network activities. About a year ago I began to write on different blogs and groups and now I get customers who have liked my comments. So I really believe in Thomas Powers 3 steps:
1. Know me
2. Like me
3. Follow me"

E. F.

ADAM J. KOVITZ: A Note From the Chairman

Where's the Trust?
"Whether it is a large corporation or a person you meet at a networking event, you need to do your due diligence. I wish I had a nickel for every MLMer I ran into a networking events. And most of them are gone before the next networking event.

I agree with you, I'd rather do business with someone that I know, like and have a connection with. But that doesn't excuse me from the need to do my own due diligence."

Fred Bauer

"The article is quite concerning. We are slowly losing our freedoms in areas that need not be affected."
D. S.

ADAM J. KOVITZ: The Mind of Adam J. Kovitz

Have You Inadvertantly Joined The Loser Party?

This is by far one of the most insightful and sharply-pointed articles I have ever read. It is the reason why most networking and relationship-building efforts continually fail. The "one-sided" Mutual Admiration Society marketplace falsely appears to be our comfort zone (filled with friends and compliments), but is, in actuality, the "black hole" that saps our energies.


Douglas Castle

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BLUE THING #5: Featured Company of the Week

Featured Company of the Week is brought to you by The National Networker, CEO Space Northeast and Rob Adams (pictured here).


Would You Like To Have Your Company Featured Here?

Whether or not you belong to CEO Space (which you should), you are invited to tell us about your greatest deal for our consideration. If it's truly great, we'll write it up! Your victory will be seen by and shared with thousands and thousands of readers and prospective customers and clients. Simply write to


Helen Denise and Hilin Life Products Develop Two State Process to Raising Capital

Helen Denise’s team has been working hard on a number of fronts to bootstrap their way to sales. She has done this with a dual purpose. She is delighted to advise us that they have now done it! Last week they got an order from a buyer in Taiwan for the MaybeMOM® product that will be sold only in overseas markets.

This means that they are now officially able to launch in the Taiwanese market, for which their buyer has already obtained for them local Taiwanese FDA approval. These funds are also enabling the company to galvanize all five of their manufacturers for the KNOWHEN™
product. As of last week they pushed the button on their first firm order of product from the manufacturers, most of whom, against all the odds, have agreed to give them net 90 day terms.

Helen believes that this is a heroic achievement on the part of her team. The first quantity of KNOWHEN(TM) products will be used as samples and for the first 3 purchase orders. This also will enable CO of Sales to kick start his sales efforts in earnest.

Now that they have both the corporate website and the KNOWHEN™ product websites both up and running, and they have our requisite collateral material ready, the CO of Sales can now go to the buyers with the professional credibility he needs in order to close sales. This
has been a long time coming and a source of considerable frustration for the company. But, as of Monday, May 3, that logjam was broken and they will start to gather momentum from this point.

By first developing their sales, Hilin Life Products is now able to confirm to their investors, as well as to prospective investors that they are capable of making real sales. This strengthens their approach to attracting investors. They can now do so with pride!!

So what is Hilin Life Products?

Hilin Life offers products and services that improve a woman's general well being through unique reproductive health education combined with simple and effective tools. Their
customers report gaining peace of mind, freedom of choice and confidence from using their products. Hilin Life Products empower women to develop new habits of monitoring their body's natural processes.

Hilin Life Products invents and distributes products in the Health Industry. They provide customers with a unique approach to fertility solutions. Since 1999 their innovative products
have helped women globally to get pregnant or to prevent pregnancies. They listen to their customers and provide them with a value that is important to them, both the re-seller and the end-user.

Helen Denise, CEO Hilin Life Products, Inc. (917) 680-4279

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Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
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BLUE THING #8: Great Websites and Blogs to Explore


But first, our most popular and best-known services are up and live. Yes, they're alive!

BUZZWORKS! Visit at .

NOTE: Sites are selected based upon merit by an unbiased* panel of judges. Regrettably, we cannot accept payment for the placement of your site here. Darn.

*At least in their own opinion.

The National Networker Companies™
Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
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BLUE THING #7: Most Memorable Quote of the Week

Brought to you by The National Networker and QuoteActions.

"Of course you keep making the same mistakes, it is too hard to think of new ones every day."

- Relationship Therapist and Author, Dr.Jeffrey Low

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Rate This Quote! Click on , write QuoteActions in the subject line, and give this quote a rating between 0 and 5; Zero is horrible, and Five is wonderful, insightful and worth forwarding to colleagues. If you'd like to either praise Rick Itzkowich or publicly humiliate him, we'll print your comments either way. Try to use superlatives and to avoid expletives.

By the way, if you don't already use QuoteActions for keeping in touch with your clients, friends, colleagues and prospects, you should start. Information follows!

-- TNNW Quality Assurance Control ("Quack," for short)

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Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
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Sunday, May 09, 2010

BLUE THING #6: Featured Deal of the Week

Featured Deal of the Week is brought to you by The National Networker, CEO Space Northeast and Rob Adams (pictured here).


Would You Like To Have Your Company Featured Here?

Whether or not you belong to CEO Space (which you should), you are invited to tell us about your greatest deal for our consideration. If it's truly great, we'll write it up! Your victory will be seen by and shared with thousands and thousands of readers and prospective customers and clients. Simply write to

Amber Bowden WINS with New Addition to her MedTrakkers

Amber Bowden of MedTrakker is proud to announce 3 additional Health Condition Trakkers for consumers to document, track and monitor their Health Care. Over a year in the making, Amber has consulted with Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Business Professionals and Patients, all of whom have made valuable suggestions for the individual organizers.

MedTrakker offers three Specialized Medical Organizers for Specific Health Conditions… Additionally Amber also offers A Universal Medical Organizer for consumers that are not dealing with a special health condition but would find this Trakker adaptable for managing their Medical history. Cancer Trakker Diabetes Trakker Cardiac Trakker Universal Trakker
Amber Bowden, MedTrakker ©2010, Owner/Founder

Karin Hoffman Announces WIN: The Price of Ovulation book is Finalist in Book of the Year Award

The Price of Ovulation has been awarded the Bronze and is selected as a Finalist for Gold or Silver in Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Award and Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) Gold & Sliver winners to be announced at BookExpo America in New York City on May 25-26.

"The finalists, representing 360 publishers, were selected from 1,400 entries in 60 categories.
"These books are examples of independent publishing at its best."

The winners will be determined by a panel of librarians and booksellers. The ceremony is open to all BEA attendees."
Already the winner of 7 prestigious awards with an accepted entry for the 2010 Pulitzer, this tell all on the truth about fertility drugs and a solution to the problem. "...feels a bit like a John Grisham novel, except with figures, transcripts, and courtroom testimonies thrown in to inform the reader and provide credibility" For more information on how to practically eliminate the risk of birth defects go to:

Karin Hoffman,

Julie Edwards, CEO Space member WINs with Interview on Internet Radio Program “Let’s Talk Money”

Julie Edwards had a fabulous opportunity give her company, Color and Soul, greater exposure through an interview on "Let's Talk Money" hosted by Taylor Thomas on Friday, April 30, at 11:30 am - internet radio. Taylor Thomas is the news anchor on "The Steve Harvey Morning Show" heard hear in DC on 96.3 WHUR FM radio. "Let's Talk Money", heard all over the world, not only covers issues concerning your finances but also features up and coming businesses and how they are building success in their industry. The Color and Soul Cosmetic Cafe was the featured business of the week.

Reudor Gratch Creates big WIN by Thinkering
As a marketing and business development professional Reudor Gratch must use both sides of his brain in concert to be successful. The difficulty is that the creative side is an ever-evolving force that by definition doesn’t allow the analytical side to set boundaries and curtail its natural growth. There’s a reason why companies have different departments for this, usually at odds with each other.

A few weeks ago Reudor devised a system designed to address this inner struggle. Every morning he allow himself one hour to tinker with the first thought that came to mind, resulting in a daily comic strip— Thinkering. It’s both a journal and a sketchbook. The creative animal gets to roam free, but the analytical one dictates the format and sets the deadline.

Unexpectedly, this personal exercise attracted a following. Almost a thousand people have already subscribed to receive the comic strip daily in their inbox, or tune in to view Thinkering at or on Facebook.
Last week Reudor signed a contract with a very desirable client who’d discovered him neither through LinkedIn nor through his work for Disney or CNN or Pepsico. But through a cartoon! Reudor Gratch, RMG Innovative,

Ken Bennett and Palm Painter WIN with additions of Sian Lindemann and Picture-Tiles to his Team Ken Bennett has added Sian Lindemann and to his team on his Palm Painter project and launched the Artists in Residence web site to promote arts education.
Ken Bennett, 310-256-2384

Brian Kelly and SkyTel WIN BIG with Accelerated Growth since December
Brian Kelly claims that his life has been changed forever. His business has been experiencing accelerated growth since graduating in December 1209 from the CEO Space forum.

His company, SkyTek Digital Media, has been continuously growing since its inception about eight months ago but so much greater since his CEO Space experience. In one week his company was able to sign on a powerhouse Board of Director, Terry Collier, who is CEO of a multi-million dollar product distribution company called Cold Mountain Group. This gave access to Terry's rolodex and connections alone are driving extreme hyper growth potential for the company.

Equally as awesome, after beginning his early round “friends and family” capital raising presentation process learned through CEO Space, SkyTek was able to generate 250k in start-up capital in one week which is astronomically huge for the rollout of his business. If you're curious as to what SkyTek is please feel free to check out their website at

Brian Kelly, President/CEO, SkyTek Digital Media, Inc., 888-759-8359

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Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
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The Emergence of The Relationship Economy

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
The Emergence of the Relationship Economy features TNNWC Founder, Adam J. Kovitz as a contributing author and contains some of his early work on The Laws of Relationship Capital. The book is available in hardcopy and e-book formats. With a forward written by Doc Searls (of Cluetrain Manifesto fame), it is considered a "must read" for anyone responsible for the strategic direction of their business. If you would like to purchase your own copy, please click the image above.


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