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Saturday, January 31, 2009


People, Power and Possibilities with Donna Fisher

If you watch the economy, you will notice that there is a domino effect and ripple effect in place that validates how connected we are. When consumers stop buying, stores lay people off. When companies lay people off, people have less money to spend . . . etc. And this is just one example of how our actions, behaviors, decisions ripple out to make a difference (positive or negative) in our world.

One of the ways that we can all create a ripple effect in a positive direction is to do what we can to help people who are looking for a job. It's important to all of us, our communities, our country and our world that people have sustainable employment. We can all be on the lookout for job opportunities for people out of work

I had several people contact me this week who are doing just that. These individuals emailed me to say that they wanted to offer a scholarship to one of their friends to attend my "Networking Job Search Teleseminar". After receiving my email about the teleseminar, they contacted a friend, recommended the teleseminar and offered their "scholarship". They came up with this idea on their own out of their gracious, generous, caring spirit.

Let's all be "Job Matchmakers" on the lookout for job opportunities that we can pass along to job seekers.
  • When you hear someone say they are looking for work, take a minute to find out more about their talents, skills and interests.
  • Think as a resource and see if you have a contact that you can recommend that would be helpful.
  • When you hear someone say that they are hiring, take a minute to find out more about what positions they have available.
  • Take a moment to think about whether you know someone to recommend.
  • Offer words of encouragement and support to people looking for work.
  • You might be able to help someone by offering the use of your copier, fax printer, computer or office space for someone who is conducting a job search.
  • Pass along websites, emails, articles that would be helpful to people looking for work.
Everyone will get back to work more quickly when all of us are looking for opportunities and connections for one another!

Donna Fisher
Author of Professional Networking for Dummies, Power Networking and People Power.
Connecting for a Greater Good


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Thursday, January 29, 2009

LASTING IMPRESSIONS: The "Buzz" On Social Traffic

Lasting Impressions with Sian Lindemann

The “Buzz” on Simon U Ford

And Facebook

Something happened a month ago that is changing the fabric of my life, work, and methods as an advisor to artists. A shift, if you will, in the method and in the reason for which I am attracted to the support of the emerging artist.

I met Simon U Ford.

Simon U Ford – Face Book Profile

Innocent in its beginnings where as an active participant on the platform, FACE BOOK, I was intrigued by the meeting I had with Simon. I’m not exactly sure how I got introduced to him, and I’m still unsure as to who requested the friendship. I can only refer now to that which was BS, before Simon, and AS, After Simon and I can tell you that from the minute I met the man I understood that I was in the presence of something new.

His work and his efforts have given evidence to a new way to develop one’s marketing, and ultimately their sales, relative to the hot and sizzly platforms of social networking. Adam J. Kovitz, here at TNNW, has been speaking about this for some time, yet I actually never really understood what he was talking about. Relationship – Marketing.

I get it, Adam… A little slow, but I get it.

I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Simon through interacting on Facebook. Thereafter, and significantly different to ALL the sales pitches that had been presented to me by participants on FB…Simon sidled up and demonstrated the difference between collecting friends and actually “being” one.

I simply experienced no resistance to his “pitch” and HAD to download his book, Social Traffic.

“Social Traffic, Been getting any Lately”

Social Traffic Group / Facebook

The interesting part of the exchange was that, not only did he get me to secure a book that I didn’t really want, I’ve come to discover it was a great acquisition…AND I’ve learned so much about interacting in the Social Media Marketing world in a very short time, through following him around a variety of platforms.

Knowing people through out my life that have defined the leading edge of marketing and innovation, is not unusual for me, to find myself of the presence of an innovator. The transition, however, of getting to know Simon, becoming a friend, and the natural state of “education” that has occurred in watching a dang GENIUS work his way around the web has been the fascination.

Now, I’ve said all of that to say this….I’ve also found a massively intriguing new way to consider marketing art via the web. Following Simon’s lead in developing friends in a virtual platform has encouraged me to be completely authentic online…I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve, and in these social platforms, I’ve developed a wonderful new group of friends, several thousands and growing….and I actually am getting to know many of them quite well.

I have to admit, that much of the interaction is more genuine, and self revealing than some of the live interactions I’ve engaged in over 30 years in business and other more personal exchanges. What I experience here, IS the revolution.

AND it’s made business fun again. I welcome 2009 even with all of the recent trials during the transition of power between the Bush and Obama Administrations.

Its been so much fun !!!

Jim Zuckerman Photography

.... Simon is developing a great social event building to Earth Day, 2009, and that is partially why I was intrigued with getting to know him. An insight I had has now proven itself to be valid. A group of people gathering around Simon Ford and Social Traffic is providing an amazing new way to use visual imagery and written content to tell a story, that ultimately culminates in building an audience, online, that is not significantly different that what used to be the Forums of major networking or educational events.

I’m learning so much, I am networking, and I am actually learning a completely new process in how to apply sales to the original arts world through this education. I cannot tell you that I have perfected it, but a demonstration that was utilized over the holidays, allowed me to use the visual imagery from my clients to be included in a verbal story that is developing towards first a Christmas Cheer

Jim Zuckerman Photography

campaign, and now towards Earth Day. We’ve created an amazing way to drive sales to the artists work in non – traditional and non- gallery settings.

The market is very different now. High end art is still selling, and print art is still selling, low- end print art. Use of the images, not unlike the use of stock photography is creating a way to tell stories and promote products and services as a licensing option that I would not have ever considered before the onset of the net.

Jim Zuckerman Photography

Stay tuned, as the Earth Day campaign is set in motion and weekly stories launched by Simon Ford start to get major attention. I am very excited that I can platform art, environmentalism, and a party like atmosphere all in the same room, “the net.”

Welcome to the EVOLUTION and a Paradigm shift in international art marketing. Life, like art, is SUPPOSED to be fun, RIGHT? !!!

Sian Lindemann


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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

POWER THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Corporate Social Responsibility, Part 1

Power Thought of the Week with Patricia Parham, Ph.D.

Basis for Networking

As we move into a new governmental administration with its emphasis on every person’s responsibility to “step up” to renew the economy and foundations of democracy, what role do our businesses play? How might this impact our networking? Every company has a responsibility to the communities in which they operate -- both virtual and co-located. Let’s share ideas and practices with each other on how corporate social responsibility manifests in our worlds.

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U.S., HAWAII: Six ways to bomb during your networking effort

By Danielle Lum

U.S., Hawaii Bureau Chief

I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Ivan Misner speak at a special event for BNI members in Hawaii. If you ever get the opportunity to hear him, jump at it. He is a fantastic speaker. He peppers his talk with anecdotes, examples, and live demonstrations to keep the mood upbeat and the audience energized. He was even undaunted and unfazed by two (not just one!) fire alarms during his hour-long talk. To top it off, he leaves the audience with very solid information that you can use pretty much right away.

His talk centered on his new book, “The 29% Solution,” and he gave the audience many different -- and easy to implement -- tools and tips on how they could become better networkers. If you want to know some of his tips, pick up the book, go read his blog, his Web site, or his article in The National Networker, or attend one of his speaking engagements.

What I want to focus on in this article is the networking event that surrounded Dr. Misner’s speech. It being a BNI event, naturally there were a couple of hours before and after the talk specifically dedicated to networking.

And there was a lot of networking going on. The room was loud, with many people talking, laughing, and doing what they came to do: networking. There were many connections being made that evening.

And while there were so many people doing things right, there were a few who could use a refresher course in Networking 101. So I thought it would be fun and different to do a list of things I observed during the networking portion of the meeting that are perfect ways NOT to be an effective networker:

  1. Hang out only with the people you know...either from your chapter or your company. It’s natural for people to want to be with the people they know. I know this from experience. I’m shy so I prefer to be with the people I know because it is comfortable and safe. Others justify that they don’t get to hang out with their friends from work or from BNI, so something like this is a good time to catch up. My advice is simple: Make a date with them to socialize later. Networking time is work time. 

  2. Don’t bring business cards. Common mistake, and I’m sure it’s happened to all of us at some point or another. I saw it quite a bit at this event, though, so be aware and prepare.

  3. Don’t wear a name tag. The corollary to this that the name on your name tag be so hard to read that people need a magnifying lens to see it. BNI provides plastic name tags that are the size of a business card. People put their business cards in them, thinking that their name, company, and phone number information is now available if someone wants it. Wrong! I saw people squinting to see the names in 12-point type. Your name tag is your calling card when meeting someone for the first time. So your name should be easy to read from at least five feet. So if you really want to use the BNI name tag holder, create a special insert that has your name in large, easy to read letters. 

  4. Arrive to the event late. This is self explanatory. You can’t network if you’re not there.

  5. Spend your time outside the room. This is a corollary to #4. Again, you can’t network if you’re not there. Besides, you made your way to the event, on time, why not go inside the room and meet people? 

  6. Spend the whole networking time standing in line for food. The line for hors d'oeuvres was poorly thought out by the hotel staff so the line snaked across the room. Yet people insisted on standing in line for food, bypassing an opportunity to network with anyone other than those standing directly around them. Is there another way? Can you eat and network at the same time? Yes. Wait for the line to get shorter. Keep an eye on it and when it’s reasonable and there is a break in the networking action, excuse yourself (if need be), and step away. 

In all, the Ivan Misner event was excellent. The speaker was second to none and the energy and excitement in the room was unparalleled. If Dr. Misner ever stops in your city, be sure to attend. And be pack your best networking skills when you go.

Danielle Lum is the president of NK Design, Inc., a public relations, advertising, and marketing company in Honolulu. A boutique agency, NK Design specializes in assisting small and new businesses to create memorable message strategies and reach potential customers.


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CAREER MANAGEMENT: The Silicon Valley Consultant

Career Management with Jason Alba

Last year I was in Silicon Valley on a book tour. I was scared to death for two reasons: First, I had never been on a book tour. Seriously, what if no one came? What if someone hated my book and threw it at me during a presentation?? Second, I found it awkward to go to the heart of technology and teach them the basics of online networking. Didn't the Silicon Valley people eat, breath and sleep this stuff? What could I possibly teach them? No need to fear, the trip was excellent and I'm scheduled to head out in February, which I'm really excited about!

Anyway, while in Silicon Valley I met with a lot of professionals in transition, many of which had a job title of "consultant." I had never seen so many consultants in one place, and was amazed, until someone told me that a consultant in Silicon Valley means someone who is in transition.


Perhaps in Silicon Valley "consultant" carries a weird connotation, but elsewhere it doesn't (as much). If I call from out of state and find our you are a consultant I'm impressed. If you are consulting to Silicon Valley companies (think Google, Yahoo,, etc.) I'm super-impressed. You aren't out of work, unemployed, or in transition, you are consulting with some of the top tech companies in the world!

Here's what I learned about this tactic of being a "consultant:"

  1. It's easier to network when you are a consultant. Too often job seekers come across as, well, job seekers. They somehow miss the value of networking and focus to much on asking for stuff (like, a job, which is the wrong thing to ask for). As a consultant you are a professional who has something to offer, not someone who is needy.
  2. It's good for your pride to be a consultant. When I lost my job I went from Jason the General Manager to Jason the unemployed guy. It was humiliating and hard to understand at times. I questioned past relationships that I think were in place because of my title, which seemed to slowly go away. Going from something to nothing is not fun. Funny thing is, I was still a professional, just like you are - I have come to realize that my stature didn't change, but my employment status did.
  3. You can make money as a consultant. If you declare your expertise, and can back it up, people might just pay you for it! I've seen this with my friends in transition as well as with myself. I double-dog-dare you to write down one thing that you have expertise in, and think about what you could offer in a 1/3/8 hour consultation session!
  4. Being a consultant can open new doors, or introduce you to new opportunities. This is probably the reason there are so many consultants there, so they can get their foot in the doors of target companies. Would it be easier to go to Yahoo and get paid $500 to consult for a couple of hours, or would it be easier to try and network your way in as a job seeker? Maybe you try both tactics (I only use Yahoo because they are a huge company).
  5. Consultants can be hired and put a hold on their consulting business. When you become a consultant you are not necessarily committing to a long-term gig - if you get a job you can put your consultancy on hold and take the job. Which is exactly what happens.

One of the worst things you can do in your job search is to lose your identity (point #2). It's demoralizing and confusing, and it usually shows when you give your thirty second pitch. Perhaps it's time to be a consultant?


Jason Alba created to replace the job search spreadsheet. If you need help organizing a job search, or your professional contacts, sign up on Jason also authored I'm on LinkedIn -- Now What??? and coauthored I'm on Facebook -- Now What???, both of which are designed to help professionals get more value out of these social networking tools. Learn more about Jason at

Purchase your copies of Jason's books by clicking the images below:


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN: How Does an Advancer Do Her Advancing? An Intriguing Inside Look

Especially for Women with Ann Barczay Sloan

Ann's article is brought to you by The Joy of Connecting

How Does an Advancer Do Her Advancing?
An Intriguing Inside Look

Introducing Pat Burns
Corporate & Entrepreneurial Advancer

Curiously enough, Pat Burns is now the third stellar woman whom I’ve featured in a TNNW article – all of these being women I originally met at Christine Kloser’s historic N.E.W. Entrepreneurs dinner meetings in Santa Monica, California. Coincidence? Perhaps ─ or perhaps not…

If you’re wondering about the first two women, my TNNW interview with Christine, “The Freedom Formula”, was published September 2008. The article on Morgana Rae, “True Secret of Wealth: Romancing Your Money” just came out late December. (For links, see end of this article.)

How Pat and I first connected

Yes, I met Pat Burns the very first time I attended N.E.W. Entrepreneurs ─ she was the speaker that evening! I was immediately struck by the knowledgeable points in her presentation, but even more so by the super-positivity and all-around self-confidence she seemed to radiate. After the meeting I introduced myself – we clicked, we stayed in touch ─ and she soon invited me to do some editing on her pride and joy, her forthcoming book: Grandparents Rock: The Grand-parenting Guide for the Rock-n-Roll Generation.

So ─ who is Pat and what is she all about?

As you read on, you’ll soon see it is a challenge ─ perhaps even impossible! ─ to simply summarize this multi-faceted woman. A brief Welcome page write-up on her web site, , makes an attempt to explain:

Pat Burns is a delightful and slightly wild woman whose chronological age (typical baby boomer) doesn't even come close to her experiential age of 180! Pat has traveled the world for business, pleasure and singing with a choir (now, she just sings in the shower.) Yes, Pat has seen it all ─ but she's definitely not ready to say she's done it all.

Pat's extensive talents are wrapped up in three projects:, Grandparents Rock enterprise and along with her partner Barry Ackerman, the hugely successful Orange County Children's Book Festival. As cofounder, she serves as the Executive Director of the Festival.

So -- what’s on the menu for an “Organizational & Entrepreneurial Advancer”?

The various menu items on provide an overview of Pat’s breadth of scope: her talents, services, activities:

About Pat | Expertise & Services | Media | Resources

Expertise and Services

For starters, let’s click this item and see what Pat is offering to the world. The list is truly staggering:

Business Executive and Entrepreneurial Coaching
Corporate Consultant
· Group Teleseminar Training
Book Writing and Publishing
· Responsive Emcee and Professional Platform Speaker
· Business Branding, Marketing and Packaging
Mastermind Sessions
· Trendy Event Planning
· Make-it-Happen Introductions
· Chic Millionaire Events
· Exclusive Community Membership
Organization and Delivery
Non Profit Consultations
Corporate Sponsorship Programs

A number of client testimonials are interspersed in this list. Under “Trendy Event Planning”, here’s a typical one I can’t resist sharing:

“As the founder of the Enlightened Wealth Institute I always knew our special, high-end events would be over the top when Pat Burns was in charge. Her design and vision transformed a meeting room into an unforgettable experience. Her ability to read the audience was a talent I leaned on and trusted. Her WOW factor even impressed my wife… and that’s saying something!”

~ Robert Allen ─ 5 times New York Times best selling author and founder of the Enlightened Wealth Institute

Now let’s look at another testimonial, this one under “Make-it-Happen Introductions“. It seems living proof that Pat “owns” connections of astonishing quality as well as quantity ─ all over the world.

“You never think that one phone call can save someone's life but that's what happened. I have a friend in Africa who was at great risk due to the political situation in Kenya and she needed immediate assistance. Pat Burns is so connected around the world and when I shared my friend's situation, she knew who to call. In one phone call, my friend was taken care of. You really are unstoppable!”

~ Cynthia Kersey, best-selling author of Unstoppable and Unstoppable Women ─


On Pat Burns’ Resources page, we find this impressive list:

Event Production Meeting and Event Planning & Production
Audio/Visual Film and Tape Production, Audio Recordings & Photography
InternetWeb Design, Google AdSense, Search Engine Optimization, Myspace & Facebook
Copy Writing and Editing Copy Writing, Proof Reading & Editing

But let’s stop with the web site ─ it’s time to speak with Pat in person, to learn about the amazing Advancer’s world directly from the source. So I start by asking:

Can you briefly describe what you do, Pat? What’s your “elevator speech”?

“Explain briefly?” laughs Pat, “I’m not sure I can… Basically, here’s what I am:

· -- An Enlightened Corporate and Entrepreneurial Advancer
· -- Business identity, marketing and relationship expert
· -- Published Author of the #1 best selling book Grandparents Rock:
The Grandparenting Guide for the Rock-n-Roll Generation
· -- An Associate producer of a soon to be released film, Back From the Edge
· -- A Literacy Advocate
· -- Co-founder of the Orange County Children’s Book Festival. “

Wow, Pat! I want to say “Wow” here, but that’s an absurd understatement! So I’ll just move on and ask: What makes you and your company unique? In other words, what is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

“In record time I help great and giant thinkers and dreamers bring their businesses to a higher level and their visions and passions to reality.”

What is the primary mission of what you do in your professional work? In your artistic and humanitarian activities?

“There are several activities of mine that I am very happy to say are providing service and happiness to thousands of people.

First off, I am the cofounder of Southern California’s most successful family literacy event. It is called the Orange County Children’s Book Festival. The annual Festival is held the first Sunday of October. This past Festival attracted over 25,000 attendees, 89 authors and illustrators, 78 exhibitors, professional storytellers, five stages of entertainment and education and featured celebrity Jamie Lee Curtis as our main stage presenter. It truly is a wonderful gift to Orange County.

In addition, my book Grandparents Rock: The Grandparenting Guide for the Rock-n-Roll Generation is helping multi generations find new ways to connect at a very disconnected time.”

I keep on wanting to say Wow… So ─ can you briefly describe how you got started in all this, and how you arrived where you are currently?

“Yikes… are you serious?” Pat laughs.

Well, yes I am…

“OK, then! Basically, I love adventure. I am somewhat fearless and I see, think and react well with BIG picture ideas and thinking. As long as I can recall, I never thought I couldn’t do whatever I set my mind to. I am also a very good salesperson which really is how, in my opinion, anything gets done.”

And this “Advancer” title, this persona you created ─ how or when did that come into being? I heard you say in a recent conference call that you just started calling yourself that ─ and people, clients, started coming?

“That’s exactly right!”

So ─ which of your projects are you currently most excited and passionate about?

“Well, just this week I have been brought on to help advance several new businesses and it is very, very energizing. I am helping a new Internet based browser go public with an IPO and helping a global outreach company launch their new outsourcing business.“

That’s definitely exciting! Now let me ask: How much of your work is focused specifically toward women?

“None, really. My work focuses on all genders and ages.”

What are some of the ways you promote your various enterprises?

“It’s pretty much word of mouth and not staying home. In other words… network, network, and network. For example, I met my newest client on a Southwest Airlines flight… How nuts is that???”

  • Really crazy! Now ─ whom does your network currently include? How far does your network extend?

    “I am what is called a HUB. I know a ton of people.”

    What has been the best about building a network: Positive experiences? Benefits, expected and unexpected?

    “Really good question. I would say: Always knowing that on any given day, I can reach numbers of people for advice, help or connections.”

    What challenges (if any) have you found in your networking experiences? Unexpected events?

    “Not really…”

    Bottom line – What do you feel is really working well for you?

    “Getting out and being with people… lots of people.”

    Besides networking, how else are you promoting your company? What do you view as the primary vehicle and what makes it more important than others?

    “Networking is the primary method for promoting my company because people aren’t familiar with my term “advancer”, so it’s best done in person where I can explain or give examples.

    I also market myself by speaking to networking groups, conferences, chamber meetings and fundraisers also through the media. I’m often contacted to do interviews for radio, internet and print publications. And that, combined with my reputation for advancing businesses, leads to referrals.”

    How would an entrepreneur who wants to bring their business to a higher level, contact you and where and when would you begin?

    “I feel it’s important to understand that every project, business or company will need an advancer at some point. I remember when Mark Victor Hansen and I were working together and he once asked me; “How would anyone ever find someone like you?” Through web site, it’s easy to contact me.

    There’s an important distinction in your question of where and when to begin working with an advancer that I’d like to address. My skills are best used at the founder or executive level where the expectations and accountability can be clearly defined and measured. That’s where I begin… at the top. How I begin is always by way of a mastermind session with complete and open dialog.

    An important element of my work is the inclusion of spirituality and love. This is a non negotiable component for my work and life. It is actually stated in my contract. Being an “Advancer” is a special gift not given to many. I acknowledge this gift by bringing spirituality and love to my work."

    What’s the achievement you’re most proud of at this time?

    “I would have to say the OC Children’s Book Festival. My business partner Barry Ackerman and an astonishing all-volunteer committee have built in just 5 years a huge community event.”

    What are your plans and goals for the future, especially regarding networking activities?

    “I’m going to continue to expand my network by offering conference calls and facilitating introductions..”

    I know your conference calls bring together amazing people, Pat – thanks so much for inviting me to one just last week!

    Now -- Anything else you’d like to add for our readers? Perhaps words of encouragement and / or inspiration?

    “With the United States just days away from officially starting its biggest change in decades (also creating a ripple effect around the world), it certainly is a stimulating and thrilling time for out of the box and unbelievable opportunities.”

    Yes, absolutely!

    “Now don't think I've got my head in the sand… I hear the woes of the media and know that many people are wringing their hands with worry. But I also have the fun and privilege of “hanging out” with genuinely amazing people and if you'll allow me … there’s another side to consider that I'd like you to believe.

    Here are my ‘Advancer’ Top 10 Opportunities to look for this year:

    -- New ideas and innovations are launching
    -- New ways of using technology are being discovered
    -- Countless new businesses are starting this year
    -- Every new business will require new team players:Accountants, attorneys, marketing specialists, financial backers, Internet experts, copy writers, graphic designers, managers and sales people to name a but few
    -- The world is getting smaller and creating opportunities to expand globally
    -- There will be fabulous real estate opportunities for investors
    -- High consciousness thinkers are gathering together in groups around the world to form think tanks for Mother Earth and her people
    -- There is a need for “advancers” to work with businesses and individuals formulating strategies towards many powerful global causes
    -- More people will be learning to simply let go and learn to begin again fresh and new
    -- There will be greater cooperation and looking beyond race, color, religion, gender and social economic status and begin a time of humanitarian unification.”

    It’s all tremendously inspiring, Pat ─ Thanks so much for everything you’ve shared!

    “You’re welcome! I wish you and all your readers love and joy, good health and well being. But not just that… I also wish you'll see new hope in the New Year living with blessed prosperity and continual gratitude.”

    # # #

    Links to Women’s Networking articles mentioned at introduction:

    Christine Kloser: ,

    Morgana Rae:

    Pat Burns Contact Information:

Ann Barczay Sloan, M.A.
Author & Editor / Creative Writing Coach BarczaySloan
Women's Networking Editor,


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Monday, January 26, 2009

TURNING CONTACTS INTO RELATIONSHIPS: A New Year to Mine for Solid Gold Opportunities!

Turning Contacts into Relationships with Michelle Bergquist

It's the dawn of a new year and a new opportunity to make things happen. It's time to evaluate the last year and set a plan for being more effective, profitable and successful. When it comes to business and key relationships, it's never been more important to stay connected and in-touch with those that are important to you and your success in business.

Think back over the last year and ask yourself how committed you've been to staying connected with your best business relationships. Have you kept in touch beyond the once-a-year greeting card and barrage of email marketing messages? How often did you connect face-to-face or phone-to-phone with your most important relationships and contacts? How many contacts have fallen through the cracks due to neglect and lack of organization to keep connected?

Make a personal commitment for 2009 to keep connected more strategically. The more you have a plan to manage your business relationships, the better your results will be in generating new business, connections, repeat sales and referrals. I've outlined a few suggestions to build better relationships that can turn into solid gold opportunities for the new year.

1) Prioritize your contacts and give a rating as to their importance to your success. Rate contacts as "A's, B's, C's or Good, Better and Best." You can't be effective in generating referrals and developing repeat business and opportunities if you try to keep connected to everyone in your database and contact list. Best clients get your time, attention and resources. Put your time into those that have the highest potential to you and your future success. For the rest, keep connected via email marketing and automatic communication.

2) Mix up your communication with your relationships. If you always send out email marketing (as so many of us do now), try making an old fashioned phone call to your best relationships. Better yet, ask to meet with them if you haven't had precious face time with your best clients and referral partners.

3) Track your communication and conversation. Do you know the last time you met with your contacts and what entailed or what was said? Log information that comes from conversations with key relationships. Make an effort to collect personal and business intelligence that helps you strengthen the bond between you and your best business relationships.

Minor changes can provide significant business results if you commit to making small changes in how you connect with your best business relationships. Start with a few commitments and begin to reap the rewards. Here's to 2009! May it bring you solid gold opportunities!


Michelle Bergquist believes that when it comes to business and success, it's all about relationships! As business consultant, author, national speaker and corporate trainer to companies and associations throughout the United States, Bergquist entertains and educates small groups, conference attendees and large corporate audiences. Michelle's book, "How to Build a Million Dollar Database" is quickly becoming the authority on how to build a powerful database full of priceless connections and productive business relationships. Michelle's book is available online at or If you're looking for a keynote speaker, workshop leader or emcee for your next meeting, conference or event, call 800-438-6132 or visit

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THE STRESS OF SUCCESS: Starting a New Business Doing Something You “Love”

The Stress of Success with Sifu Cinda Hocking

Starting a New Business Doing Something You “Love”

Are you embarking on a new business venture? Maybe you have a hobby you’ve wanted to do full-time, perhaps you’ve decided to take action on a social or environmental issue, or maybe you have a creative side you want to cultivate and express. However it started, you have felt the urge to grow and change from your current work to something that has more meaning and purpose to you.

Now what? Envisioning the work we want to do is easy when you have a strong passion or purpose, but going from concept to implementation can be quite challenging. Why is this?

Besides the practical financial funding and logistical issues, there are several common stress-inducing fears that slow progress in new business endeavors:

#1 Leaving the Known

Taking a leap into a new business means going way outside the box of your “comfort zone” into the exploration and learning of what sometimes feels like the twilight zone! Besides being fired or laid-off, people tend to leave jobs because of: boredom, feeling trapped, overworked, unappreciated, and disliking the work environment. People starting their own business are either still searching for a niche for their skills, or are burnt-out with their career and are leaving something they are good at but don’t enjoy or something that pays well but isn’t rewarding. Whatever the reason for leaving, you are purposely saying goodbye to a known role and hello to change and uncertainty. Make sure to find others who have been there too and can provide you support, encouragement, and reminders of why you are doing it whenever needed to keep things moving forward.

#2 Taking It Personally

When you feel like your work expresses who you really are and what you really like to do, you are more emotionally invested in its success. Work becomes far more personal, so you also are more sensitive to how others react to it. When your work is your brainchild, any difficulties encountered can feel like rejections of your personal expression. The criticisms you receive tend to trigger reaction patterns conditioned from childhood. You need to watch carefully for these tendencies in yourself, and set up support and strategies to help you stay focused on constructive solutions.

#3 Having To Do It All

Working on your own means you have more responsibility, more power, and the need to have at least fair knowledge of the details of ALL areas of your business. You are now the business, not just staff or a contracted worker, so nothing happens unless you are driving it and participating in it. Leading your business requires the ability to do your research so you can recognize what you don’t know and what you need to learn in order to intelligently hire and supervise someone else to provide your business with the skills you don’t have. Finding these mentors, consultants, partners and colleagues is a vital part of reducing stress and increasing productivity.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that networking is the common feature to my stress-busting solutions. Networking is a key component in generating new energy and reducing the strain of starting a new business. By sharing ideas, stories and discussing co-ventures and cost-sharing possibilities, you will learn and grow much faster than trying to bear your challenges alone. Working with your networks is usually a better option than venting with friends or family who are often overly optimistic or pessimistic, instead of realistic. When you talk to others who have started their own businesses about these common pitfalls and see what strategies they have come up with to handle them, you get a better sense of the possible options. When stress tells you to fight (rebel), take flight (withdraw) or freeze (get depressed) instead of indulging or ignoring your fear, do some reality testing and solution building by contacting your network. Even when you don’t like or want to hear the advice you are given, you still will learn something that can help you get out of your dilemma. And, as my grandpa said, “a kick in the pants is still a step forward!”

Cinda Hocking, LMSW
Internal Energy Plus Consultant and Lifestyle Counselor


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SALES & MARKETING: Timely Truths for Tough Times

Sales and Marketing with Bill Doerr

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15 Second Speed-Read

Now that the transition of power is completed, it's clear there's 'more bad news' to come with our economy. Regardless, there are some timely truths to keep in mind that may help you get through these challenging times and into better ones in the future.

Meet Zeke
I met Zeke Camusio through an excellent online business community we both belong to -- He wrote an article (several, actually) and I really liked his style and insights. So we connected and he agreed to be interviewed for this article.

Zeke is in his mid-20's and is a self-described 'serial entrepreneur'. The E-bug hit him when was around 16 years old and he's been involved in six (6) successful ventures since then. Currently, he's the head of The Outsourcing Company -- a Denver-based firm that partners with its clients to help them leverage the internet to enjoy increased revenues and success. He lives in Aspen, CO and has a second office in New York City. A graduate of business school in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he is a delightful and passionate young man with an eclectic mixture of skills and attitudes that make people and businesses successful.

Truth #1: "Be Committed" and Truth #2: "Make an Investment"
As a poster-child for modern technology, Zeke's into using anything and everything he can to achieve his clients' marketing objectives. Mostly though, he is highly selective about who he'll work with -- preferring a client who understands that marketing, to be done effectively, requires 2 keys: 1) commitment to 'stay the course', and 2) money.

I like that. It's not what many prospects want to hear, but they will ignore this reality at the peril of their ability to be profitable. Maybe even to exist when the current recession ends.

Truth #3: "Don't Be Cheap"
Zeke told me, "I charge a fair price for the services we provide. But we're not the lowest priced firm offering the kind of services we do". Again, I like that. The operative word is 'fair', not 'lowest'. Low pricing runs the risk of making you into the guy who brings a knife to a gunfight. Technically, you've got a weapon. Practically, it's likely to get you killed!

I asked Zeke about what prompts prospects to be interested in his services. "There are 2 main reasons . . . First, 'Not Enough Traffic' is going to their website. Second, 'Not Enough Revenues' are being generated after they arrive". Not uncommon. And you and I know these are symptoms of what really needs attention. That's the starting point for Zeke and his team to roll-up their sleeves, dig deeper and apply their knowledge, experience, skills and abilities to correct the client's situation.

The Epiphany
While his current company started in 2002 and has enjoyed a considerable success, it became problematic for him. In fact, Zeke felt he was growing so fast that his ability to satisfy his clients' expectations was being compromised. That made Zeke reflect on how he was running his business. Specifically, he was looking into some fundamental beliefs about how he wanted to operate his business. He discovered changes were necessary.

Truth #4: "Focus on Your CORE Client"
Zeke felt that, while on the basis of revenues alone, he was doing well. In terms of how he and his team felt about their working environment, there was room for improvement.

Even at the ripe 'old' age of 25, Zeke knew that attempting to be all things to all people is what paves the road that leads you to marketing hell.

"We decided to set our own standards of who we'd work with as a client. We didn't want revenue alone. Every client offered us that. We wanted clients offering us a mutually beneficial relationship. Relationships that gave us more than just revenues and our clients more than just our services".

That decision -- to be selective -- took a lot of courage to admit. Even more to act upon.

"We told our clients the truth, " Zeke said. "We admitted we were overloaded with clients and we shouldn't be working with every one of them". It took a few months, but Zeke and his team pared down his clientele to a core of clients that were a really 'good fit' for his business and, vice versa.

Truth #5: "Attraction is The Other Side of Rejection"
It's ironic. You may have learned this earlier in life. In school. At a dance. Or, a club. Remember someone you found really, really attractive? It was probably someone who either was or, seemed to be 'unavailable'. Zeke found this is true in business, too.

"Once we made the decision about the kind of client we wanted, we posted a notice on our website about who we did NOT want as clients". I asked, "What happened?". Zeke replied, "Well, we actually found we had more prospects . . . of the kind we wanted . . . seeking us out".

Truth #6: "Working with Clients You Want . . . is More Fun!"
Zeke allowed that, while he's no longer taking on 'everyone with an open checkbook', he is having more fun with those who pass muster with his selection process. "We get involved in a client's life, their business and, most importantly . . . their vision of the future we can create together".

Zeke's learned that there's more than one way to be paid. And not all forms of payment (i.e. psychic income) are deemed taxable by the IRS!

Closing Thoughts
We concluded our conversation with these words from Zeke: "If you're thinking of starting a business . . . GO FOR IT!" This is actually a great time to start one. Yes, people are cautious. But so are your competitors! Find a need and fill it well. It's true. While others are holding back in these 'tough' times, you can be earning a share of mind and market and be nicely positioned when this economy improves -- as it always does. Next he added, "DON'T GIVE UP . . . too soon or easily!" Success takes time. Like an apple tree. You plant a seed. You nurture its potential. THEN . . . you reap the 'fruits' of your labor. Good advice from an inspiring entrepreneur to keep in mind as these challenging days come and go -- listen well -- and succeed!

Zeke Camusio is the founder of The Outsourcing Company in Denver, CO. He and his team like to work with carefully selected clients to leverage the internet, build their brand and grow their success. You can reach him through his blog:

Bill Doerr, CCO of SellMore Marketing, LLC is the creator of The Ultimate Client Development System® which helps professionals and small business owners build relationships, referrals and revenues by design, not accident. You can reach Bill by phone at: 860-798-6964, online: and by email:


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U.S., NEW ENGLAND: The Maine Women's Network - Connecting Professional Skills with Personal Relationships

By Noelle Southwick

New England Bureau Chief
(Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut)

The Maine Women's Network is a nonprofit organization and a statewide resource. The Network has a vision of connecting Maine Women from Kittery to Fort Kent.

Although their mission is professional growth, what sets the Maine’s Women’s Network apart for many of its members is the personal relationships they create through the organization. Many members of the organization build friendships and go out socially with people they have met at events.

Local chapters
The Maine Women's Network have three independently operated chapters: Androscoggin, Midcoast, and Greater Portland. Each chapter is responsible for its own programming, public relations and local projects. The chapters form a networked system through sharing resources, ideas, and working together to develop and promote State-wide initiatives and events.

Each chapter runs its own series of monthly events. For example, the Androscoggin chapter is currently offering a series of talks from the most influential women in their area. The Greater Portland chapter has put a focus on business education. The series includes such topics as learning to read financial statements and improving organizational skills.

Annual event
All three chapters come together to host an annual event. In September, the Maine Women’s Network hosts the "Celebration of Amazing Women."

Jennifer Hogan is coordinator for the annual event. In addition, Jennifer Hogan is Chair for the Androscoggin Chapter, a Board Member of the Maine Women’s Network and Marketing and Training Coordinator for Community Credit Union.

Although still somewhat in the planning stages Jen gave us a preview. You can expect plenty of open networking. There will be a statement about the successes and future goals of the organization. A keynote speaker will discuss re-creating yourself for success in this challenging economy. Additionally, the coming event will offer afternoon break-out sessions. Based on member surveys, how to use social networking sites to build business, and networking at large events will be some topics offered.

The Maine Women’s Network is looking for ways to support their members to get through this challenging economic time with education overall and networking skills.

15-second elevator speech
At the monthly events there is open networking and participants are given time to introduce themselves to the group.

Jen tells me one of the key points they stress is to create a short 15-second elevator speech. It is important to be able to convey something about what you offer to others in a concise manner. Often times people say too much.

Jen says that if you are able to describe your business quickly and clearly you are more likely to be remembered. She suggests that you will notice more interest if rather than talking about yourself you offer a few seconds on what you can do to help others.

Going through the process of constructing a 15-second elevator speech has the benefit of creating clarity. From talking with members, Jen knows that clarity makes people more approachable. Members are getting more contacts and having greater business success by being clear about what they offer. Jen has noticed, being able to openly articulated their message has actually made members happier.

Relationships take time
Jen says some people believe networking is all about selling your business. It may be about building your business but it’s certainly not about insisting someone do business with you. Networking is about building relationships, taking the time to get to know someone.

Jen points out that someone puts their own reputation on the line when they refer you to an associate. That associate will always relate the experience they have with the person who introduced them to you. A person wants to get to know you before they trust that you will represent them well.

Jen stresses that it takes time to build a network and the relationships needed for a successful business. She says you may get business at a networking event. However, it is more likely you will meet people with whom you will later do business if you make additional contact with them. It takes more than one meeting to build a relationship.

An interesting member benefit
In addition to monthly networking opportunities, business education, and developing professional and personal relationships members of Maine Women's Network have access to an interesting resource. Members may use to an online membership directory and receive member-to-member discounts on products and services. Additionally, members can participate in the program by making discount offers to increase their own business.

Contact information
Since 2002 the database for the Maine Women’s Network has grown to over 1300 and continues to grow. Members and non-members as well as women and men are welcome to participate in all events offered by the Maine Women’s Network and to make discount offers to their members. For additional information on membership and events see their website.

AndroscogginJen Hogan, Chair
MidcoastKim Palermo, Chair
Greater PortlandMarie Hogue, Co-Chair

“Don’t give up on networking because you don’t get business out of
one networking event.”
~ Jennifer Hogan, Maine Women’s Network


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The Emergence of The Relationship Economy

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
The Emergence of the Relationship Economy features TNNWC Founder, Adam J. Kovitz as a contributing author and contains some of his early work on The Laws of Relationship Capital. The book is available in hardcopy and e-book formats. With a forward written by Doc Searls (of Cluetrain Manifesto fame), it is considered a "must read" for anyone responsible for the strategic direction of their business. If you would like to purchase your own copy, please click the image above.


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