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Saturday, December 20, 2008

U.S. SOUTHWEST: The New Frontier for Growing Your MLM Business

By Kathleen Ronald, U.S. Southwest Bureau Chief
(Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California)

Today I’m feeling a bit like my mother Bunny did when she was first introduced to accounting software after 23 years of doing it the “old-fashioned” way - one entry at a time with pencil on paper. I remember her distinct negative feelings of having to do it a new way. Although the "new way" appeared to be a better way, she never really learned to like it. However, having been the bookkeeper for the law firm for 25 years, Bunny knew that if she was going to keep her job, she would have to adapt to new tools, and so she did.

The new tools for growing a business in the Network Marketing world are many, and today I’m going to highlight one of them, in the form of a popular social networking site for network marketing that focuses on teaching its members sponsoring, recruiting and marketing online -, founded by the renowned Mike Dillard back in 2007.

I recently had the opportunity of meeting a couple of Mike’s business partners, Fernando Ceballos and Raymond Fong, who are helping to manage & market the site. Together, we explored this fascinating social network community,

I am extremely low-tech, and rutted in the “old-fashioned” way of building a business. However, by the end of our conversation, my interest was certainly piqued by what their community had to offer to folks that are in MLM or direct sales. Of course, as Raymond mentioned, “the education they offer for FREE on their site can benefit many sectors of business owners beyond the niche they appeal to.”

How did this site come to be? The community was the brainchild of Mike Dillard, and when initially launched in 2007, it was called the Magnetic Sponsoring Community, which evolved out of his very popular Magnetic Sponsoring training system. Fernando and Raymond jumped on the site as normal users when it launched and quickly became the “big fish” in that sea. They truly understood - as few do - the importance of adding massive value to others, as a means for achieving results powerful results in their businesses. They sought out to build relationships (while others are busy "selling" their businesses) by using the concept of “attraction marketing”, as exemplified in their first product, Attraction Marketing Formula.

They soon became the poster boys on the site, due to their posting incredibly valuable information, including a training video that caught the attention of THE biggest Fish- Mike Dillard himself. Mike wrote, “Great content man, you should be charging for content like that.”

Fernando and Raymond are all about adding value, and currently, they are bringing massive value to the community, by offering their new training on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) made specifically for MLM folks, (, which is the first of its kind for the industry.

And as the story goes, that was the first of many encounters with Mike, which eventually led to many joint ventures with his company. To their credit, all of their success came from following the principles of their own training and what Mike taught them. Fernando shared with me a motto that Mike expressed to them and one they abide by: “Give without want before you can have.”

So if you are stuck in the “OLD” ways of building your MLM or direct sales business, think again, and look at this avenue and all that the community has to offer.

I asked Fernando & Raymond, who is this community designed for? Their response was…

  • Those that are in MLM and direct sales
  • Those that are looking to add value to others
  • Those looking to establish themselves as experts
  • Those that want FREE training
  • Those that want to connect with like-minded people
  • Those that are looking to build their business

And here's the kicker: the community is FREE!

It is a fascinating portal that offers growth strategies that can rocket your business to new heights in a whole new way.

Raymond & Fernando realized their dream of leaving their JOBS within 8 months of joining the community. This is Nirvana for anyone who firsts starts in any network marketing endeavor. It certainly breaks the model of the past, where folks would grow their business by making a list of their top 100 friends, and begin to call them one by one to share their new business, only to get rejected more than a nerd in High School.

While that may be a valid option for some (and some have met success doing it the "traditional way"), at, they want to share another way of doing business. Their teachings on the site lend to a one-to-many model where people are attracted to you based on the value you add, and in turn they seek you out. I love how they put the customer’s benefit first. This is what I’m all about!

At, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Receive education on many topics
  • Network with like-minded individuals
  • Establish yourself at an expert & authority
  • Create a personal profile
  • Post articles, create a blog, upload podcasts and videos
  • Join active forums and groups
  • Leverage the resources and expertise of others

Aside from the success, Fernando & Raymond achieved on, they also shared the stories of some incredible people who have also achieved massive success through active participation:

Susan Coils, a grandmother who, like me, had zero experience, and has found her way through the education on the site to become one of their most active members. She learned to generate hundreds of her own leads, and established many joint ventures with top tier leaders on the site. Gosh, it gives me hope that if I keep an open mind that this might be an avenue that could send my business to the next level too.

Jim Yaghi, former PhD Computer Science guy, who found great success sponsoring and recruiting, using attraction marketing. He is now the "in-house" Adwords expert for Better Networker & Magnetic Sponsoring. He consistently generates 4,000 - 5,000 leads per month with Adwords. He also uses as a teaching platform, as well as a lead generation source, by adding value to the community.

David Schwind, who was used attraction marketing to become one of the top 5 income earners in his primary network marketing company. David uses as a training platform, which attracts new leads to his business. He's personally sponsored 100 people with his primary opportunity, and earns the 3rd largest residual income in his primary network marketing company.

Check it out! If my mother Bunny can change the way she did business, you can too! The site is fresh, current, and easy to navigate. Try it today! You have nothing to lose, and in the end, you will find new and interesting ways to grow your business, beyond the realm of possibilities that the old paradigm offered. Welcome to the new frontier!

If you are looking for more information you can contact either Mike Dillard, Fernando Ceballos or Raymond Fong. You can also write them at :
PO Box 5211
Austin, TX 78763


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Perfecting Your Network, Part 3

Power Thought of the Week with Patricia Parham, Ph.D.

Enthusiasm Empowers the Blueprint

Your enthusiasm for your Network Blueprint generates the energy to contact the sources that are needed. It helps flush out those who do not share your vision and excitement. And, it reinforces those who are in sync with you. Take time this month to make sure that your network members know that they are appreciated and held in high esteem by you. Recognize people individually in ways that they treasure. Happy Holidays!

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Block and Tackle Networking

Mastering the Membership Maze with Glen Gould

Hall of Fame football coach Vince Lombardi is credited with starting each football summer camp by holding up a pigskin and declaring, "Gentlemen, this is a football."

Success in any endeavor in life relies on understanding the fundamentals. Whether football or networking, understanding the rules and knowing the basics cold are essential to success.

It is amazing the jump in attendance most chambers of commerce will see at programs during the month of January. As we approach a new year, what better time than now to reevaluate goals and objectives for attending chamber meetings in 2009. Here are a few tips to consider as you plan your year.

1. Determine your ultimate goal for chamber membership. What do you hope to gain through your chamber membership? As with every other type of marketing, determine in advance what success looks like. Who do you want to meet? How many new clients do you need to receive a satisfactory return on investment of marketing dollars and time spent?

2. Know what you expect to achieve by attending an event. Most people who attend chamber programs have no real goal they expect to achieve by attending. Know your outcome before you attend so you may determine your level of success. Determining what you want from each event gives you the fundamentals you'll need to be successful over the full year of membership.

3. Determine your rate of success for several events. You need to fill your pipeline with qualified leads and referrals to be sure, but you also need to fill your networking pipeline with quality networking partners who can introduce you to new quality leads and referrals. Determine how many qualified leads, referrals, and networking partners you gain from each event you attend.

4. Calculate how many leads and referrals equal a closed sale. You may wish to segment this into: People met, Networking Partners, Leads, Referrals, Presentations, Closed Business. Determine how many people you actually need to meet to get to the number of closed deals you need.

5. Determine the best events to attend to achieve your desired outcome. After sampling all available events and measuring the results of each, choose the one or two different events held each month that are best for you.

6. Attend regularly. Measure results. Achieve success.

If you are like most people, this sounds like a lot of work. It is. But these are the basics for success in attending and being a part of a chamber of commerce if you measure success in business closed. There are many more reasons to join your local chamber to be sure, however those who will flood the chamber in January are likely those looking for new clients.

Armed with a plan for success, you will stand out from the crowd, attract more business, have more meaningful relationships, and have a more fulfilling experience.


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Small Actions – Big Results

Networking Success with Dr. Ivan Misner

Ivan's section is sponsored by

I was recently speaking to a friend of mine who is a partner in an international consulting and training company, when we discovered that we had a mutual acquaintance who is a bestselling author and fairly well-known speaker.

In our discussion, we found out that he had contacted each of us individually to see if there were any possibilities for some type of strategic alliance with our companies. We were both open to that possibility but couldn’t see any immediate and dramatic way our companies could link up with his and do any specific projects at that time.

We were both a bit amused to then discover that we were summarily “dropped” from his radar (no response to emails or other attempts to connect) after that.

We got the sense that he was looking for that one big alliance that would help his company soar to the next level. That realization started a conversation about the difference in the relationship between the third party mentioned above and two of us.

Ironically, we had the same type of phone call with each other just 18 months earlier. We had come basically to the same conclusion. There was nothing on a grand scale that we could do together at that moment. The difference, however, was the rest of the story.

You see, we agreed to stay in touch. . . and then we did. We connected several times over the year and we met in person as well. During that time, we gradually found some simple ways to help each other and gradually enhanced the relationship. This was a sharp contrast from the third party we had talked to individually. We both felt that when this person didn’t see any big payoff, we became persona non grata with him. On the other hand, the two of us found ways to help each other gradually and even to this day continue to build on our relationship.

We came to the conclusion that most people who are successful at networking and creating strong strategic alliances view the process as a series of small actions taken with many people to create a long-term positive growth for your company. The process is more of a marathon than a sprint. Throughout the race, you form alliances and help each other in what may seem little ways over the long haul—small actions over time really can create big results!

Here’s another real-life example of this scenario relating to two companies which both reached out to me and BNI to form a strategic alliance with us:

The first company, which shall remain nameless on the grounds that they like to slam folks they don’t approve of in the media, contacted me. With them, it was a case of “glad to meet you—let’s get married!” I really got the sense that they wanted to GIVE me the privilege of sharing my entire database of contacts with them based on who they were and how amazing it would be for me to even say I had stood in their shadow! Get the picture?

When I explained our corporate philosophy and my own personal belief system that deepening a business alliance and building a relationship with a partner business took time and effort before getting to the “let’s get married” stage, they abruptly ended the call and (I’m sure) moved on down their computer-generated list of businesses to call.

By contrast, here is how a second organization in the same business approached the same issue: The owner himself contacted me and started the conversation by asking what our corporate plans were. I shared with him what our overall goal for growth was over the next five years. The next statement from him was, “We want to help you achieve that!”

From there it went from “glad to meet you” to “let’s get to know each other better!” He then shared with me that he had ideas that could help us achieve our corporate goal and help our members do better business at the same time.

When I explained, as I had with company X, that our philosophy as a networking organization was one of mutual cooperation and that our belief was that anything that would really be of value to either of us would take time, he completely got it!

Our relationship has developed organically and we now have a strong strategic alliance with the organization based on getting to know each other and work with each other over time.

I’m not sure how company “X” is faring; I don’t hear so much about their program anymore! I wonder why, hmmm?

Looking back over two decades of building an international company, I can clearly see that no one person or company brought something to the table that launched my company to the next level. Instead, it was the cumulative effect of many people, many strategic alliances, and many well-nurtured relationships that gradually, over time, catapulted my business higher than ever imagined in the early days. Each contact, each opportunity to reach out to each other and each mutually-beneficial activity served as just one more spoke in the wheel as we rolled up the hill toward success!!


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Awareness Leads to Learning

People, Power and Possibilities with Donna Fisher

Awareness is always the first step towards growing and learning. Becoming aware of something that you want, something that you don't want or something that you wish were different, gives you valuable information for taking steps to make the desired changes in your life.

Being aware includes being in touch with your feelings, desires, the people around you, and the opportunities available to you. Awareness can move opportunities into possibilities and then into realities.

Awareness is about being conscious, being present, and being in touch with what's going on in the moment at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Be aware of:
What you could change that would enhance your life.
What you could change that would enhance your work.
What fears, concerns, and "mental roadblocks" get in the way of you expressing your full brilliance
The nudges and inklings that can guide you in making wise choices.
How to connect with people more quickly and easily.
The people in your network and how you can be of support.
How vast and powerful your network is when utilized effectively.
The natural human desire to connect and contribute.
Each individual as a network of connections.
Your ability to contribute to the people that you come in contact with on a daily basis.
The power of your speaking to direct a conversation in a positive, productive direction.
The vast, unlimited and organize nature of your network of people.


Donna Fisher believes in the power of people to connect and communicate to create new possibilities. She is a Certified Speaking Professional, author, drummer, Nia White Belt and business owner. Author: Power Networking, Professional Networking for Dummies, People Power, and Power NetWeaving
Houston, TX

Email: Donna


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Friday, December 19, 2008

Networking In Austin

By Peter Biadasz
U.S. Southern Plains Bureau Chief
(Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico)

When Scott Ingram, founder of, moved from California to Austin, Texas he found that there was no central networking resource for him to tap into. Being the self motivated networker that he is, he decided to form a resource that would connect the business networking community of Austin. Desiring to create an environment that would build relationships, generate referrals and create real business, for anyone involved. Thus, was birthed. was created to save networkers time and money by helping them choose the networking events that are right for them before they attend. Unlike more limited business journal listings, offers key details about a full range of networking opportunities, including small business networking events, referral/leads group meetings, meetings of civic organizations and associations, Chambers of Commerce events, social networking opportunities as well as career change/ job search events. Being the largest business events calendar in Central Texas, actively works to list every public business and networking event in Central Texas.

In addiction to its extensive calendar provides its members with an online, industry-specific directory that currently lists 371 individuals. There is a member’s only section in which all memberships are individual memberships, not company memberships. This is because real relationships are with people, not companies.

Other benefits that are made available include: insider tips from some of Austin’s top networkers, teaching on how to ask for (and give) referrals, how to turn lukewarm leads into red-hot referrals, keys to building long-lasting business relationships., how to create top-of-mind awareness and generate word-of-mouth advertising, an extensive list of networking resources, articles, blogs and books.

If this sounds like a lot, it is. Scott shared with me that is “the hub of networking activity and information in the greater Austin area”. He shared with me that the organization is quickly evolving and that there will be many exciting things happening in 2009 to make an even more valuable resource.

If you live in Austin, plan on traveling in Austin, or just want to learn form the networking professionals in Austin, I highly recommend ___________________________________________________

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Monday, December 15, 2008

U.S., MID-ATLANTIC: How To Follow-Up Networking Leads

By Bruce Newman, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bureau Chief (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC)

Successful networking requires a systematic process. No longer is it sufficient to merely scribble a note on the back of a business card and - possibly - make a single follow-up phone call.

In this constantly evolving social and event-driven networking age, merely collecting business cards and contact names is at best limiting and at worst, time consuming and unproductive. All too often at networking events, people have taken my business card – sometimes even making notes on it, and never followed up. I have even told salespeople that I am interested in their product or service and still, not received a follow up phone call – something I find infuriating. Why go to the trouble and expense of getting my attention, only to then ignore my potential business or importance as a networking contact?

For networking to be successful, networkers must realize that the initial meeting or contact period is only the first part of the networking process. What is needed is a comprehensive and useful system in which networking leads are methodically processed.

This is the function of contact management and customer relationship management (CRM) software which allow you to effectively manage your contacts, appointments, tasks and meetings (among other things). This software is essential for excellent networkers. By entering your contact information into the system, you automatically create a “working record” that allows you track all communications with each contact. Contact management software also allows contacts to be scaled, grouped, keyed, sorted, assessed or processed in any way that allows you to effectively access them – by group, if desired, and to easily generate informative reports.

I use my CRM system to track every one of my contacts including all my LinkedIn connections. This allows me to categorize them, apply several ranks to them (for my purposes) and track all my communications with them. This grouping and sorting is very important and compensates for one of the major failings of most social networking programs: the ability to rank contacts. A casual contact in my network should have a different rank than one with whom I am in constant contact. Similarly, a recruiter, writer and outstanding technical consultant should all be grouped in different occupation categories. By using these categories, I can send a message or an interesting article to all members of a specific occupation merely by using a few keystrokes.

Contact management software also allows you to schedule your follow-up phone calls and appointments – and to easily reschedule unsuccessful or non-responsive calls. I find that most contacts appreciate my (if necessary) repeated communication efforts.

An occasional email to a contact is also effective. It serves the dual purpose of enabling me to remain “in front” of the contact while also providing a point of reference when we speak. (Having a CRM system is helpful because if a contact calls me in reference to a particular email, I can easily retrieve it from within the contact’s record and knowledgeably discuss its content.)

Every successful networker requires a contact manager to continue and enhance the networking process. Without one, much networking effort is wasted and usually reduced to limited notes written on the back of business cards.

Please contact me if you want more information on networking as a process or on contact management and CRM systems.

Bruce Newman is a consulting guru and the Vice President at The Productivity Institute, LLC ( which provides prodinst by matching the specific software products and services needs of companies to rated outstanding consultants who can meet those needs. Need consultants? Sign up for our free referral service and be contacted by up to five rated outstanding consultants. We do the searching and consultant evaluation for you. Also, subscribe to our free newsletter and read our blog and software product descriptions.


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Sunday, December 14, 2008

TNNW, December 2008, Week 2: "TNNW in Chrysalis Stage"

By Adam J. Kovitz
CEO, Publisher and Founder

Long time readers of this publication my be noticing that something's a bit different with TNNW this week. It is!

In preparation for the New Year, we want to show our devotion to you, our subscriber, that in 2009 we will be bringing you more as we strive to continue to be a major driving force in the world of networking. We will continue to bring you the stories, articles and writers you've come to know and love at no extra charge to you.

But here's just some of what's coming...

1.) Membership for those who want access to some absolutely amazing business services as well as other extras. We've managed to utilize our ever-expanding network to leverage the most useful business services for an incredible value. I want to tell you more about this now,'ll have to stay tuned!

2.) New delivery options for TNNW. What? You mean I can get TNNW articles emailed to me? I can listen to them on the web? I can put all the TNNW articles (and then some) up on to my own website or blog? Click here to find out how!

3.) TNNW Reader Surveys and Polls.'ve been making your voice known to us! Now you can do it even better with our new site devoted to letting us know what's on your mind. We will also be making your collective opinions be known. Click here to find out more.

4.) TNNW Calendar of Events. We have a new calendar and it's open to you! To post your event, send an email to (being certain to write "TNNW Calendar" in the subject line of your message). The one-time service fee for posting an event is $5.00, but Members may post one event per week at no charge.

5.) New Newsletter Format. Why settle for the same old, same old when you can have brand-spanking new! If you don't alrady get out wildly-popular, no-charge newsletter, click here.

If you liked TNNW in 2008, you'll love us in 2009! More updates to follow.

As always, I look forward to networking with you!

- Adam


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The Rarest Achievement

By Lynn D. Spencer

Financial Services Editor

It's pretty rare to get an Olympic Gold Medal, wouldn't you say? Only 1,210 Americans have received one. It's unusual to climb Mt. Everest, too: Just 2,300 people have done that. But there's an even rarer category: The number of billionaires. No more than 1,125 people in the world can claim that distinction.

My friend, Bill Bartmann, did just that. Now keep in mind that this group of 1,125 people includes people who had major help along the way: Many were born with it, inherited it, or had every advantage while growing up.

In the history of billionaires, Bill Bartmann stands alone. He's the ONLY former homeless person and gang member ever to have made a billion dollars. That's right, Bill went from eating out of dumpsters and living under a bridge viaduct, to having after-tax, take-home pay in a single year of more than $100 million and being listed as the 25th richest person in America.

Here's where it gets extremely interesting: Bill is willing to coach YOU on how to succeed in business.

After all, what can you learn from someone whose daddy died and left him a billion? But it's totally different with Bill Bartmann: He worked in a slaughterhouse. He was an alcoholic at age 17. And at one point Bill was paralyzed from the waist down. Yet Bill discovered a DIFFERENT way of thinking and acting that enabled him to overcome all of that, and become a self-made billionaire.

After scaling the highest peaks in the business world and getting his fill of toys like $25 million aircraft, what's Bill up to now? He has one current passion: Showing others his special techniques for overcoming any challenge and being as successful as they want to be.

Do you think Bill might know a few things YOU could use to overcome your own challenges? What if you could get his thoughts on dozens of business topics?

Now you can. Bill is launching a one-of-a-kind online service, called his "Billionaire Business System". This is not some one-size-fits-all deal. Instead, Bill has built a mentoring tool that provides you with laser-targeted advice on many individual topics.

Are you already running a business but not sure what's the best way to secure financing for your next stage of growth? Bill covers that topic. Not even sure if business is right for you? Bill has a video session just about that.

In fact, the Billionaire Business System currently has almost two dozen topics, and is constantly growing.

I strongly recommend that you take a look at Bill's system and see for yourself how it can remove whatever roadblocks are in your way to greater business success. You can find it by going to:

Name me anywhere else on the planet that you can get specific, useful, and comprehensive business-building advice from a self-made billionaire? That's OK, I can't think of any, either.

The sooner you have Bill Bartmann in your corner, advising you on business success, the sooner you can sit back and bask in your own dreams coming true.

To Your Success,

Lynn D. Spencer

Financial Services Editor

P.S. The chances are really good that whatever challenges you have, Bill's been there, and found a way to overcome them. Let Bill show you how, by taking the easy step of going to


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Blog Archive

BNI News Feed

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
The Emergence of the Relationship Economy features TNNWC Founder, Adam J. Kovitz as a contributing author and contains some of his early work on The Laws of Relationship Capital. The book is available in hardcopy and e-book formats. With a forward written by Doc Searls (of Cluetrain Manifesto fame), it is considered a "must read" for anyone responsible for the strategic direction of their business. If you would like to purchase your own copy, please click the image above.


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