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Saturday, February 20, 2010

BLUE THING #10: BACKTALK!: Comments From Our Readers.

BACKTALK™: Comments From Our Readers

Your Feedback. Your Input. Your Turn.

by Beth Barany, BACKTALKTM Editor

BACKTALKTM is brought to you by
The National Networker and
The Writer's Fun Zone, founded by Beth Barany.

NEW: At the bottom of every TNNW article, we feature a COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE button. Click on it! We want your opinion on every article and author. Push our buttons. Spark us. Inspire us. Interact with us. We love hearing from you!


COMMENT On This Article!
Here are some of your comments on our recent TNNW articles:

Terri Benincasa: What Boomers Want
Tips for Marketing to the "Spending" Generation

“Hi Terri, Great article. I agree with the point ‘they want to feel that they know’... In a world with sales and marketing -- obsessed with themselves and their products -- this is a great lesson! Regards.”
Karl Smith

Blogger Profile

Douglas Castle: Comments And Observations Of Interest: Article Briefs & Thoughts Of The Day.

Competition, Collaboration and Cooperation are Not Opposites

"Love this Douglas!"

Brenda Krueger Huffman

Douglas Castle: WALKING AWAY...

“Perhaps the entrepreneur can learn a lesson for Senator Bayh. When do you walk away from a prospect who will never be a client? When do you sever ties with an existing client who usurps your time and energy? 

We may never know Senator Bayh's true motivation for leaving his post, he offers an object lesson: Sometimes it ain't worth it!"

Gabriel Siegel

Douglas Castle: Capitalism Without Zero-Sum Conflict: A Re-alignment for a New Era

“TNNW is great point. Hope it would be useful. Thanks to all who are associated to this post. & all the best!”

Cheating Spouse

Douglas Castle:
Bonnie Ross-Parker Brings Cutting-Edge Technology to The National Networker

“The kosher computer just made my day. Very enjoyable.”
Rick Itzkowich

DOUGLAS CASTLE RANTS: People Don't Follow Ideas; They Follow Other People
“This is a terrific article and with pride I sent it to all JOC licensees -- reminding each of them of the opportunity they have in their respective communities to lead. As always, your words inspire me to step up my game. In appreciation, your Atlanta fan.”
Bonnie Ross-Parker

Yossi Feigenson: Real Estate...and Other Things of Value
Find Common Ground

“I find your concluding suggestions to be on the mark. At the same time the path to finding one’s mission, or as you phrase it ‘what your good at,’ is to hone in on and then listen to that inner whisper, a whisper that is the one rational voice amongst the irrational shouts. Perhaps step two should come first.

Either way the question that remains is WHY? Why isn’t the obvious path to success the most traveled? If it is because the shouts of monetary gain drown out the whisper of self-actualization, then perhaps these times are hard only because our irrational shouts to only pursue the greatest monetary gains are frustrated by the current economic realities. In other words this whole mess should be viewed in a positive light, because, for the first time, the majority of society is forced to listen to the rational whisper ‘what is your role, where does nature dictate that you will be successful?’ If enough of us answer this question correctly then we will be on the road to recovery.”


Rick Itzkowich: Being There When It Counts

How far removed are you?

“Rick, I agree with you. Being referred could means the difference of getting a good and solid deal or even being recognized as a true / good professional. I did close a good deal last week by using my network and having good references about my professional profile, company clients and projects.

Today, most of the companies are looking for partners to reduce business costs, fulfill time frames and truly act as a partner. I spent / invest a part of my business time building relationship. I hope to be recognized as a good person / professional by someone important and who matters.”

Daniel Itzicovitch

“I think the premise of your blog post is sound -- it IS possible that we could be just one person away from getting connected to the means to accomplish our goals. I also think we have to realize that in this economy we could meet people everyday who have the influence to help us, but the fact remains that until there is the money to operate everybody's businesses fully, we may not be able to achieve that success soon.

I'm thinking in particular of the numerous influential people in my industry (VP's, and CEO's), who have responded to my queries for work with positive praise for my credentials. Even though these are people who could influence the hiring managers of their companies to hire me they are simply trying to keep their companies afloat and don't have a penny to spare when it comes to taking on new people.
So, I press forward and keep connecting, hoping that one day I will find someone with the ability to hire me now, and know that someday, the economy will recover and there will be lots of people who know my name and perhaps will consider hiring me at the time when their business is thriving.”

Rennette Grace

“Hi Rick, You are so right. But maybe sometimes you need more than just one person to make the big and long term difference in your business, but it definitely only takes a few of the right connections to get the snowball effect rolling! My view is that this is not a new way to sell. People and businesses have for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years been building businesses and networks based on “mouth-to-mouth.”

Getting others and preferably well-connected people to talk about their business. When you hit someone with a “big mouth” the chances of returns are of course much greater! In most businesses that I am involved in, a rapidly growing share of sales is generated through such well-connected people and their respective networks. I believe the time of hardcore canvas selling is coming to an end or at least being reduced to only really profitable for very limited types of businesses. Equally I believe that selling through traditional advertising is being reduced dramatically.
The internet and the way by which we as customers (private or corporation) today seek reassurance from our network, of the quality of what we are considering buying, has made the many different variations, of what I choose to call sales by mouth-to-mouth, the most important of all sales activities. Today 'mouth-to-mouth' being the written words via internet and especially social media! Last, if any one believes that I through my network might be able to make a difference, I sincerely ask you to let me know. Likewise if anyone out there believes they can help me, or my business I hope you will let me know too. My very best wishes.”
Mikkel Madsen

“I agree the mind is like a missile once it locks into a target it finds a way to get there. This has been true for me in life as well as business!!!”
Lucy Murphy

“You couldn't be more correct! One person can make all the difference in the success of ones company. I am currently in the process of working a two deals that were referred to me by my fellow BNI members that would take my company up not just on step but ten steps in recognition. All from getting to know, like and trust my fellow members and living GIVERS GAIN!”
Sara Chiarilli

“From your article: ‘We have a tendency to project the future based on what has happened in the past. We often extrapolate numbers based on averages from previous months or years.’ How about projecting the future based on the possibilities of the future. If I met a person with a large database and they see value in a joint venture I could accomplish "X." Just because you have not met such a person in the past should not eliminate the possibilities of the future and, therefore, your future success!”
Don Osborne


Five Years of TNNW, Part III

“Thanks for your kind words. They are appreciated.”
Ivan Misner

Brenda Krueger Huffman: The Point with Brenda Krueger Huffman

Anyone can buy a truck.” No, Mr. President, they can’t.

“I read your article and really enjoyed it. Like you, I'm a registered Republican but am really pretty fed up with both of the parties.”
Jim Malmberg

“Brenda, Keep up the good work. This is another example of your ability to articulate your message and hold your audience. Best regards.”
Carl DeMusz, RCE

Michael Phillips: The Postillion
The Postillion Interviews National Networker Chairman and Founder Adam J. Kovitz

“Interesting article. Looking forward to many more years of TNNW. I am also looking forward to future Postillion articles and interviews.”

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DOUGLAS CASTLE RANTS: People Don't Follow Ideas; They Follow Other People

Douglas Castle Rants

Leadership: People Don't Follow Ideas; They Follow Other People - Leaders.

Dear Friends:

I have noticed a curious phenomenon. It is not only curious, but it is reaffirmed time after time in its consistency. If you don't have time to read this article in its entirety, I just make my point first, so that you can get back to watching television, playing Wii, or bowling:

If you determine that you want to be a truly great leader, you cannot merely spout rhetoric, or ideology or dogma -- you must walk the walk -- you must be the living exemplar or avatar of your own message. Leaders are not so much respected for their preaching as for their integrity - a leader must, himself or herself, be a believer, and not a hypocrite. You demonstrate your integrity, your faith, your strength and your commitment by living your life (at least publicly) as you would have others live theirs.

People follow people -- not words -- but special people with demonstrated devotion and the courage to take action. The principle characteristic that separates true leaders from philosophers, teachers and "coaches" (sadly it seems that almost everyone today who is not otherwise employed feels qualified to be a coach, but nobody has enough faith in most of these coaches, or enough disposible income, to purchase their services) is that leaders are part of the action of change... they are not afraid to walk into the battlefield. A leader doesn't just spout ideas -- he or she says, by action as well as words, "Follow me; I'll take you there."

When my children were very young, they occasionally listened (or pretended to listen to) my lectures on conduct, ethics, cleanliness and other subjects that parents are constantly "preaching" to their children about. Sometimes the advice took root, but often, it did not. I then began using repetition, to reinforce these ideas. It made a slight difference, but I was not coming across.

Watching my children play, I noticed that they were often mimicking me (with hilarious accuracy), or their mother. It dawned on me that they were much more interesting in watching and learning from my real-life, real-time demonstrated example than from my rhetoric and repetition.

It taught me something about leadership. While a teacher or a philosopher talks about ideas, a leader has to exemplify them.

People (children and adults alike) follow other people much more readily than they do concepts. Most everyone would rather see a living example than hear about an abstraction or a hypothetical case. A leader who does not practice what he promotes will lose credibility. A leader must lead by example.

Bear in mind that people follow other people --they follow LEADERS - not ideas.

Also, remember that a Leader is motivated by an idea greater than his or her own fame, fortune or power -- a leader must represent and strive toward an objective that is of benefit to a large segment of society, and not something that is perceived as self-serving or exploitive.

There is a shortage of true, effective leadership today. Instead of leaders, we have "officials," "administrators," "moderators," and "power-mongers." Because of the pandemic of unteable politcal corruption and compromise, because of the pandemic of investigation, prosecution and criticism instead or creation and construction, because of the lack of clear direction and focus on the part of those who supposedly run our social, religious and governmental institutions, there is a greater hunger for true leadership than there has been in many years.

Do you want to be a leader? Set an example. Be a problem-solver. Get into the trenches with the troops. Be courageous. Be consistent. And above all, don't waste your constituents' time with excuses and explanations ... they have already heard enough of those.

If you are driven to fill the power vacuum, you must fill it with substance.

We need leaders. Not critics. Not whiners. Not sabateurs and terrorists. Not prosecutors. Not graceless negativists, wishing for the failure of others regardless of the consequences for others. Not haters. Not photo-opportunists. Not partisan wonks with pre-sold votes. Not atrophied and priviledged elitists. Not graffitti artists. Nobody who runs from responsibility or from questions about himself or herself can ever be a true leader.

We need people who are so strong in their beliefs that they will boldly lead the charge for positive change and put themselves at risk for what they believe in and for those whom they wish to save.

Yes... crises of confidence and trust precipitate economic recessions, business failures and social decay. They require true leadership, as well as intelligent, informed policymaking to be resolved.

Where are the leaders? All of Humankind needs you.


Douglas Castle

For more information, please visit Douglas' TNNW Bio.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

GO WEST!: Honoring Thy Self... Part II

Go West! with Christine West

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Many of us fail to recognize the innate ability we have to succeed at our endeavors. Yet in order to so, we need to stop participating in activity, buying into self-limitations or of others or feeding ourselves self talk that anchors us spiraling downward.

Pursuing what we want in both our professional and personal endeavors takes persistence and stamina. It requires you to differentiate and distinguish yourself from others. It is about allowing originality and individuality to shine bright by responding to life’s opportunities.

By no means am I diminishing team or group efforts. I feel strong about working in groups or in partnerships. Yet we need pay attention if the group norms are helping or hindering us.

As an example, if you are a horse jockey and you are paid to win. Do you get paid to stay at the same pace of the other horses? Absolutely Not! Or behind the other horses? – think about it for a moment, that is an absurd thought, Right? So why would anyone do it in everyday life?

Do you get paid to react to the other jockeys, horses and audience? – No because you would be way too distracted by your emotions. You would be too focused on the approval of others or how the other jockeys treated you during the race. Not a very good or efficient strategy. Many continue to behave this way at work or in personal relationships.

The winning strategy in a horse-race is to be able to respond to opportunity. Which means the focus is on driving my horse through the path of opportunity. By paying attention and maneuvering the horse through openings past the other horses quickly with graceful efficiency toward the finish line without any hesitation, is the horse that wins. This strategy also requires a jockey who knows how to pace the horse through the openings and once ahead of the competition, continues to run the horse hard to the finish line.

The horse and jockey receive their glory because they figured out how to move past and maintain a pace ahead of the other riders. This is very similar in regular day to day life. When we honor our very existence, something magical occurs. We are no longer distracted by life, negativity, and the pressures to conform to ways of others or need a sense of approval. We anchor ourselves to the sense of purpose within ourselves and we give free rein to our sense of being to respond to life and her opportunities. And we end up belonging to more than we ever imagined.

When we do this, we increase our worth and deepen our self-love, in which radiates outward in all that we do. When we behave out of love instead of manipulation, we allow ideas, resources and opportunity to develop into prosperous endeavors. Our energy is higher and authentic. People want what we have so therefore they become magnetized by our presence. Life becomes fuller and more interesting. Stressors decrease and clarity surrounds us.

No matter what your profession is, all of us need to interact with people to accomplish our goals. When we honor who we are, it is simpler to honor and accept the choices of others instead of becoming consumed by them. People seem to trust people more that interfere less with their existence and behave in authentic means toward them. We will never truly value others until we honor and value who we are.

When continue to build and invest in the greater good of ourselves and in others, that very goodness comes reflecting right back to us. The beauty in this we learn to collaborate, build wealth and a quality of life that is more rewarding.



Author: Christine M. West, TheBusinessMD, 2240 E. Tudor Rd. #976, Anchorage, Alaska, USA 99507. Phone 1-907-223-8403. Email:, Christine West is an industrial organizational psychology practitioner and is in private practice as TheBusinessMD which helps organizations and individuals overcome fear and explore the power of change. Ms. West is also a Featured Columnist for the National Networker

For more information, please visit Christine's TNNW Bio.

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BLUE THING #10: BACKTALK: Comments From Our Readers

BACKTALK™: Comments From Our ReadersYour Feedback. Your Input. Your Turn.

by Beth Barany, BACKTALKTM Editor

BACKTALKTM is brought to you by The National Networker and The Writer's Fun Zone, founded by Beth Barany.

NEW: At the bottom of every TNNW article, we now feature a COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE button. Click on it! We want your opinion on every article and every author. Push our buttons. Spark us. Inspire us. Interact with us. We love hearing from you!


COMMENT On This Article!

Here are some of your comments on our recent TNNW articles:

Teri Aulph: Beyond the Cubicle
BEYOND THE CUBICLE - CORPORATE CULTURE: Tweeple, Twibes and Tweets…the culture of virtual communities

“Very interesting and makes me wonder: Is Social Media just another vehicle for people to connect? Is Twitter just the 2010 version of the front porch? If we didn't have computers, would people walk out of their homes and connect face-to-face? If so, would they be as honest? I doubt they would limit their conversations to 140 characters. Loved this article, many layers.”
-- Jackson Gallagher

Terri Benincasa: What Boomers Want
Tips for Marketing to the "Spending" Generation

“I too am a boomer...What I have come to realize is that high unemployment, a recession, a stock market crash and a left leaning president have all shaken my faith in what we like to call the system. What I have learned is that rugged individualism is the only way those of us closer to or in retirement will ever be able maintain our lifestyle. To that end, while I am still gainfully employed, I have started several websites that will augment my income in the event I were to become a casualty of the recession.”
-- Mike Anderson

Douglas Castle: Bad Branding: Sarah Palin's Reversal on the Use of the "R" Word.

“Adam's mom voices her opinion of Douglas Castle's post, and about Sarah Palin's credibility...or is it incredibility?”
-- Douglas Castle

Just listening to Sarah Palin speak makes me think of chalk squealing on a chalkboard. Hearing what she speaks about is even worse. How the American public who are looking for someone to rail against the present US government can look to her for leadership is beyond my understanding. She knows very little about leadership and government, and I feel she is the wrong person to lead the Republican party to a successful election for President. Yes, she and other people in this country are all right to complain about Mr. Emmanuel's use of the ‘r’ word when speaking of 'challenged' citizens; however, she has made too many mistakes to be taken seriously.”
-- Mrs. Susan Kovitz

Bill Doerr: Sales and Marketing with Bill Doerr
SALES AND MARKETING: Social Marketing -- Online or Face-to-Face?

Dear Bill: As a sales medium, social networking is a business model that has yet to be invented. All the Communications 101 hype about this “hot” medium, fails to address a fundamental issue in the “sales cycle,” namely, “I have a service you need, but you don’t know you need it.

All the “social networking” in the world, will not add one dime to your bank account unless you can sell me your service. Further, what makes anyone think that as a business owner, I would even consider Facebook or Twitter as a mechanism for solving a problem, a problem which by the way, I don’t even know I have.

The idea of “cold call prospecting,” is now out of favor and repugnant. We’ve substituted “feel good” and totally unproven academic scenarios for the nitty gritty of the hard stuff; real world prospecting.

I love the idea of your “KNOW, LIKE AND TRUST.” Please tell me how that will add to my bank account?”
-- Mr Gabriel Siegel

Brenda Krueger Huffman: The Point with Brenda Krueger Huffman
THE POINT: “Anyone can buy a truck.” No, Mr. President, they can’t.

“Nicely done, I changed my registration from Republican to Independent two week ago.”
-- Inphoman

“Hi Brenda, Did you write this all by yourself? Wow! How nicely put. As I read it, I agreed with everything you said. I read it a second time looking for where I disagreed and never found one point of disagreement. I look forward to your future blogs. You are a great writer! Regards.”
-- Steve Yanoviak

“Very good point. It is about time that Republicans come back.”
-- Donald Hsu

“I enjoyed your piece, Brenda. It's often hard for those of us outside the US to get a real sense of what is happening in America right now, and it may not be all that clear to you there either. It seems the polarization you describe is getting worse and worse, and I do feel Obama has missed out on many areas, but accept that the Republicans have certainly not been blameless in the creation of the current fiscal crisis - but it's extremely difficult for those of us outside the US to understand the health reform debate at all! Well, thanks for sharing - great work! Regards.”
-- Endaf Kerfoot

“Brenda, You wrote a good article. I'm a registered Republican but have not been happy with Republicans in the past few years. I am a conservative and the Republicans have not being acting in a conservative manner for a number of years and that included President Bush. I think they just don't get what we all we are mad about.”
-- Marchel Peterson Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro ABR (Results Realty)

Well said! I believe we began a steep decline when the term Politician transformed from Public service title to Career title. Our government seems plagued by the entitlement issues and the quick fix mentality. Leadership seems an, all too frequently, forgotten concept. It is frustrating for us all and you captured that very well. Now if we can just get them to read this!”
-- Anonymous

“I liked the blog. Well thought out and concise. There are two major concerns I have about our country in general. So here goes, for what they are worth.

1. The general apathy with which many of our citizens greet the major issues facing the country. A sense of individual responsibility seems to be vanishing and being replaced with a collective 'don't care.' I have seven children (grown), many of them have no idea or regard for how we got the freedom we have and what sacrifices an entire generation has made to get and insure them. Further, they seem to be wondering into mid life with little individual responsibility for calling for accountability in our government and our world. The liberal education system has taken its toll on 'thinking.'

2. As we create more dependency on the government in more and more of our citizens, votes to insure this continues and actually expands are guaranteed. A frightening trend that is observable in all the liberal give always, especially in this administration. Citizenship has been devalued and a "come one come all to the trough" is the order of the day. It is quiet possible that if this trend continues, it will eventually be the degrading of the nation in the short term and the destruction in the long term. Britain, and most of Europe, is slipping into this trap with welfare states like France and gutless leadership to stand up for values that created the great democracies and most if not all will be Muslim, and the wrong kind of Muslim with terrorists in charge. The outlook is not good there or here. If we do not elect conservative leadership that will be moral, value centered, and constitutional minded, we will join the progression into this abyss.

Wow, there you have it. Just some thoughts for your blog postings.
-- Jim Sherry

“Brenda, your article was very accurate and points out the need for more respectable debate. I too am tired of the angry political hacks that demonize innocent people just because they disagree with their position. I think what the media and their pundits are trying to do to Sarah Palin and her family is a disgrace and I think the American public is beginning to see through the media's terrible bias. Congratulations on a great article!”
--Mr. Carl DeMusz

“You totally nailed the growing independent mood of the American voters. Great article.”

Adam Kovitz: A NOTE FROM THE CHAIRMAN: Five Years of TNNW

Hi Adam, Thanks for the shout-out as a new columnist with TNNW and for the opportunity to write for TNNW. TNNW has a class A team of talented and accomplished writers. Congratulations to you and TNNW on your five year anniversary!”
-- Brenda Krueger Huffman

BLUE THING #6: Featured Deal of the Week

As a CEO space graduate of July 2009, I would like to report a Win from sunny FL. I went to CEO space with the intention of opening up a Holistic Healing center, 1st in Orlando & expanding out. Two weeks ago I signed on as a member of a new Body/Mind Medi/Spa. This was right before my second win of being asked to speak on a New Years Resolution Wellness Cruise to the Caribbean, three weeks after our CEO space amazing cruise. Life keeps looking better & better! Namaste to all!”
-- Karen the Inspirational Coach

BLUE THING #8: Great Websites and Blogs to Explore

“Thought you might like to add my Networking BLOG to your list. Lots of Networking articles, etc. Something NEW is added every 4th day.”
-- Larry James, Scottsdale, AZ

TNNW: Update Bulletin - New Developments - The National Networker Companies - 02.14.2010

“The TNNWC is the best updater. I always like it. It is very helpful to keep touching with latest news, thanks!”

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