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Friday, January 29, 2010

KARL SMITH: Networking lessons from President Barack Obama

by Karl Smith

I am a self-confessed Obama fan and have just finished reading the book “From Promise to Power”. Today, one has to search hard for the kind of leadership and the human relations qualities the President displays. I studied the aforementioned and other books, as well as the Obama character according to the world of Google, extensively during the past few months. Specific attention was paid to his relationship building and personal branding skills and I want to present some of my findings as follows:

In my opinion the journey to the White House via networking started with the optimistic vision instilled by his mother – that, our essence, all humans are connected by compassion and generosity of people. What is your vision? Do you have a networking strategy to underpin and realise your vision?

People come from diverse backgrounds. One cannot label people just because they are of the same race. Treat people as individuals and not as groups. See the best in people, rather than the worst. Do you give people an opportunity to earn your trust?

There is power in hope. Human beings need “hope” so give it to them in an honest and sincere manner. Whether you are an entrepreneur, consultant, sales professional or a manager you must understand that the hope we give people today, gives them reason to face the challenges of tomorrow. Are you able to give people hope in interacting with them?

Self-awareness is key to self-growth and you must understand your purpose. One of Obama’s greatest strengths is the ability to take time to reflect and to control his emotions. He lived a monastic existence in Manhattan to read and reflect. Are you reflecting on what you read or hear? Are you asking the question: “How does it impact on me?” Are you principle-driven as a result of your reflection?

Surround yourself with others to make you a better person. When Obama went to college on the mainland, he did not see his future in basket ball like his peers. He ensured that he mixed his sport with intellectual discussions by networking with deep-thinking peers and professors. What kind of people do you have in your network? You cannot hang out with the turkeys if you want to fly with the eagles. We become like those we hang out with most of the time.

Put yourself in the shoes of others. Obama transferred from Occidental College to Columbia University in New York City to find a “community” of blacks. You cannot speak for me, sell to me or communicate with me, if you don’t truly understand me. Have you developed this vital networking skill?

Well, there it is. These are some of my observations and I will continue with this topic in a series of articles. What do you think of these observations AND what, if anything, would you add ? I'd love to hear from you.

Karl Smith speaks to hundreds of people each year. He is South Africa’s Business Networking and Referral Coach. He is the of owner Business Networking South Africa. Visit to see Karl in action, see what Karl’s clients says, book Karl to speak or to do in-company training, attend a public event, subscribe to his newsletter, to use the free networking resources or to buy his book “Beyond The Business Handshake: Dare To Build High-Trust Business Relationships”

For more information, please visit Karl's TNNW Bio.


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN: Making Millions by Making a Difference

Especially for Women with Ann Barczay Sloan

Introducing: Suzanne Evans

Founder & President of Help More People

“Stop Chasing the Money and Start Chasing the Dream”

“Stop Marketing and Start a Movement!”

Unexpected viral pathways: How Suzanne and I first connected

Impossible to track how I recently came across a link to a teleseminar with Suzanne Evans. She was probably featured in one of the Ezines I subscribe to, created by one of the bright entrepreneurial women whose exploits I enjoy reading about. Yes, it’s true to say that Suzanne first landed in my in-box the viral way!

Amid the myriad pedestrian pitches for coaching crowding my inbox, the fresh all-around approach to marketing presented by Suzanne grabbed my attention. I then went on to explore her links, signed up for her mini-course, read some of her blog – and now find myself even more attracted to her unique voice in the realms of marketing and business coaching.

So here I am, looking forward to meeting Suzanne, to sharing in a fun yet in-depth interview ─ and excited about this opportunity to unveil Suzanne’s refreshing, even feisty teachings to a new audience here within the virtual pages of The National Networker!

Who Is Suzanne Evans and what is she all about?

This bio info is an excerpt from

Suzanne Evans is best known as an action expert. Suzanne is driven by a passion and desire to help business owners discover the key to success ─ being authentic in their business. In two years time Suzanne grew her business from zero to a quarter of a million dollars by helping more people….

[Update: Suzanne has now upped this to half a million dollars in 2009.]

… After working for the nation's largest union, being a professional actress, a nationally ranked water skier, a high school teacher, and an Assistant Producer to five Broadway shows (all before the age of 30), Suzanne began using her life experiences to coach a wide range of people on living their fullest potential. She created a private coaching practice with over 40 clients in one year and launched three businesses in a four-month timeframe. Action comes naturally for Suzanne!

Suzanne received her Bachelor's Degree from Lees-McRae College, her Master's from New York University, and is a graduate of Coach U. She is a highly sought-after speaker, workshop facilitator and coach. Her coaching has been described as tough, honest, keen and caring.

Helping More People: Suzanne’s Trademark

You’ll hear more information about Suzanne’s unique marketing philosophy in the interview. It’s all based on being totally authentic in presenting one’s self, talents and services to the world. Here’s a bit of back story in Suzanne’s own words, recounting her frustration when she realized her early efforts at marketing herself just were not working: :

I threw up my hands and wondered what if I just became me? No fancy names, no somebody else's ideas and no created messages. I started encouraging my clients to do the same. We all took the journey together and amazing things began to happen. Everyone was attracting more business, my clients were happier, and we were all making more money. Helpingpreneur and The Help More People System were born.

Helpingpreneur is my trademarked term for anyone who packages or provides help and service to other people or groups. If you help, heal, serve, or support for a living, then you're a Helpingpreneur. It all made sense because it was all me. My client base doubled and so did my income. For more on this, see

Suzanne has two main sites plus a blog:

1. Help More People Tour

This three-city tour took place in 2009. It was sold out!
However, it’s still valuable to read some of Suzanne’s text, e.g., these excerpts:

It's time to Stop the Same Old Marketing as Usual and Start a Movement.

Never again wonder how you "should" be marketing. Stop sabotaging yourself with the guilt of feeling behind. End the worry of who to listen to. Eliminate information overwhelm. And forever end the cycle of hiding your amazing talents from the world because marketing feels gross.

2. Be the Change Event

This is an event upcoming February 18 – 20, 2010 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Suzanne explains in more detail in her interview (below).

Here are some excerpts from the event site:

“… I was stunned to find that when I made my marketing 100% my own, my income accelerated beyond what I ever believed was possible.

So what did I do? I traded the old strategies of marketing for a mission-driven movement that was able to reach more people and increase my income because I was leading with my purpose.

My approach created a new marketing reality for me:

Old: Professional Positioning New: Embrace Your Inner Helping Guru

Old: Niche New: Who Needs You Most

Old: Marketing Funnel New: Money Mountain

Old: Strategic Marketing Plan New: Forwarding Your Fingerprint

This small, simple shift made a BIG impact in my ability to connect with people. Not only did it increase my revenue and my reach, it allowed me to sleep at night knowing I was connecting to people on MY terms…..

What was the lesson?

When you are in a movement / marketing zone it is so richly authentic you can market anywhere ─ even the supermarket!

This shift enabled me to create wealth, help thousands, stand in my authentic self, and have real impact on the world...”

Additional details on this event are at

3. Suzanne’s Blog

This blog is crammed full of valuable articles and information.

Now, time to meet Suzanne!

Let’s meet Suzanne at last and get an inside look into her back story, her personal perspective on what she calls her “movement”, and the vision she has for her future!


First off, Suzanne, how would you briefly describe what you do?

“I help people make millions by making a difference through aligning their purpose with a business model that works and is authentic.”

What is your mission, the primary goal of what you do?

“I teach people exactly how easy it is to turn their passion into a fun, fulfilling, and profitable business ─ when they discover how to stop marketing and turn their life's calling into an unstoppable movement! When this happens they heal their shame around money and do life changing work.”

“They heal their shame around money”! Wow ─ what a powerfully resonant phrase. I’ll be giving that some more thought! Now, moving on ─ please tell me how you got started in all this, and how you arrived where you are currently.

“Here’s how it went: Three years ago I was working a day J-O-B to (barely) pay the bills and dreaming of starting a business that would allow me to help people, make more money, and create the life I always wanted.

I knew the world desperately needed my help. I talked to people who felt ‘stuck’ and could see they were crying out for what I knew I could offer them.

Only I didn't know how to give it to them.

I knew that to start a business I needed to market myself but felt that the ways I had been ‘taught’ to market were not in line with who I was. They felt inauthentic and sleazy. But since that was ‘the way’ it was done, I played along. I even got some clients. I should have been thrilled.

Instead I felt trapped, empty, and confused.

What I thought was the road to freedom was simply another trap. What I thought would make my spirit soar simply replaced one form of unfulfillment with another. All those marketing secrets I had learned simply left me as the master of someone else's world. Someone else's business. Someone else's life.

It was devastating.

I knew something had to change.

And I knew I wasn't the only one out there with passion for their purpose, needing to market my message, and wanting to do so from an authentic space.

What I didn't know was that if I was going to change the way the marketing game was played, I would have to become the change myself. I decided that winning the world simply wasn't worth losing myself in the process.

So I did something revolutionary. I started being myself.

It was in that moment that I stopped marketing and started a movement.”

Wow, Suzanne! ‘Start being yourself! Stop marketing and start a movement!’ These messages of yours really attract me, engage me. I’d love to explore more deeply what that means!

“You explore it by actually living it!”

Yes, I do understand that! Now let me ask: Was there a time of breakthrough, a turning point when you chose to change your course? Any specific quantum leap(s)?

“What I just said above: I did something revolutionary. I started being myself.”

Which of your projects are you currently most excited / passionate about?

"The 'Be The Change Event' – a live event taking place in Fort Lauderdale, FL, February 18-20. It is designed to do the following:

• Help you TAKE BACK CONTROL of your business dream from the gurus and hacks,

-- all while creating a REAL plan to accelerate your income beyond what you believed possible. See ."

Sounds really great!

Suzanne laughs. “Sounds great and is great! And it’s close to being sold out!”

Let me ask you: How much of your work is focused specifically toward women?

“While I work with men and women, my marketing and message are mostly geared toward women. Authentic, heart centered, movement, and meaning all seem to have high female appeal. Imagine that!”

Yes, I can absolutely imagine that, I laugh.
What are some of the ways and places you promote your enterprise?

“I promote both online and offline. Held a very successful one-day, three-city Tour last Fall – St. Louis, Los Angeles, and NYC. I called it my ‘Helping People Tour’ ─

According to your web site, all three cities were sold out!

“Yes, sold out. That was great!”

Looks like you’re definitely fulfilling a need! Now my next question: Whom does your network currently include? How far does your network extend?

“Including social networks, over 12,000 in my database ─ and a reach of over 10,000 that extends worldwide.”

What has been the best about building a network? Benefits, expected and unexpected?

“I am desperately in love with people, their stories, their possibility. Every person I meet is such a joy. It is amazing, whether through Twitter or in person, the power that lives in connections and contact.”

Beautifully stated, Suzanne! Now, may I ask: What challenges (if any) have you found in your networking experiences? Any unexpected events?

“Honestly, no. If you remain more interested than interesting you will connect, grow, and benefit from your networking. Always remember to be in a mode of service and it all comes back to you.”

Bottom line – What do you feel is really working well for you, your company?

“Focusing on my movement. Nothing is stronger than living a life and running a business with so much passion and conviction that it inspires others to service. If you believe in your mission and take daily action, everything is easier.”

Besides networking, how else are you promoting your company? What do you view as the primary vehicle and what makes it more important than the other(s)?

“I speak, speak, speak! I tell my story and share my movement every chance I get. Whether teleclasses, social media, or in person you must be willing and excited to wake up every day and spread your message. It is the ONLY true marketing that works. I view marketing as a moral obligation and live by that.”

And I see you have a page on YouTube as well.

“I certainly do!” Suzanne smiles. “The link is ."

What’s the achievement, the accomplishment you’re most proud of at this time?

“Serving over 1,000 people this year in business. The more conscious heart-felt entrepreneurs we have, the better we leave this planet.”

What are your plans and goals for the future ─.organizational / personal ─ especially regarding networking activities?

“I have a big and exciting partnership with David Neagle that will happen this Spring ─ and because we love teaching and sharing our message, look for us on tour.”

David Neagle – the one dubbed the “Million Dollar Income Acceleration Coach”?

“That same David Neagle!” Suzanne smiles.

That’s got to be an exciting partnership!

“Yes, definitely! I am thrilled. I can hardly wait to get out there with David.”

In conclusion, anything else you’d like to add for our readers? Some words of encouragement, inspiration?

“There is only one successful principle to continually focus on ─ tenacity. Most businesses and lives flounder or fail simply due to quitting. Honestly ─ if this were easy everyone would be doing it. Keep going ─ the world needs your message!”

I’d also like to add a powerful quote of yours from your blog:

“Please don’t wait to share your gifts and help more people. We all need you.”

These are quite empowering messages to end with, Suzanne. Thank you so much for this interview, this inspiring glimpse into your “Helpingpreneurial” world, your passion to model and bring success to as many as possible!

# # #
Contact Information:

Tel: 866-496-3060 - Ext. 3
Key Words:
Suzanne Evans, Be the Change event, Ann Barczay Sloan, The National Networker (TNNW), Marketing, Movement, Helpingpreneur, Help More People, Helping People Tour, Start a Movement, David Neagle

Ann Barczay Sloan, M.A.
Author & Editor / Creative Writing Coach
& Connectrix

Featured Columnist,

Author of the forthcoming book:
How to Use the Pieces of a Broken Heart:
Recipes for Rebirth

For more information, please visit Ann's TNNW Bio.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Creating and Managing Effective Teams
with David Muraco

We spend so much time trying to find just the right person to fit our organization. We go through thousands of applications, then after weeding through them we make hundreds of calls trying to set up interviews. Then we do one, two sometimes three interviews just to see if we have that perfect one to fill this role in our organization. We do all that and then what happens, they fail miserably. At first glance most people will read that and say their is a flaw in the hiring process. The truth is their is a huge gigantic flaw in their training process. Most organization spend so much time looking for the right person that more times then not they find them. The reason they don't work out is because they do not have any system in place for training. They don't ensure that employee is on the road to success, they enable that person to at best below average.

Take a company looking to add to their sales force. Their objective would be to hire the very best. So they do all the work to try and hire that person and if they are successful what do they do next? Let him go do his thing his way and then all of a sudden after a fast start he falls off dramatically. They call a meeting and ask why? He makes up a lame excuse and off he goes to sell some more. With in 3 to 6 months if in fact he is still there, production is minimal and if their is a salary attached then, no production at all. Then the company will make one last ditch effort to try and motivate that person but it is to late and next thing you know he stops showing up at all. What do the owners or the individuals say who hired him? Wow I didn't see that coming I thought he was going to be the one.

The truth is he was, if he was trained in a system set up by your organization where he could learn and grow. Every organization I have worked with wants to blame the people they hire instead of taking a look in the mirror and seeing that maybe it is them. How does this pertain to you and your organization? Look at where you are missing the mark and I guarantee that 9 times out of 10 it is because there is not a system in place to maximize the potential of your work force. We all want to label systems to making people act like robots. The reality is that more people have greater success following a system then ever doing it on their own. I encourage you to make the adjustments necessary to empower your team. Think of would the benefits would be to your team to train a good person once and what them grow. Or if you want to continue to get the same results,you can hire 10 people just to see them fail. The choice is yours.

Remember be positive, be real and live your life In The Zone.

For more information, please visit David's TNNW Bio.

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POWER THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Wise Dominion, Part 1

Power Thought of the Week with Patricia Parham, Ph.D.

Vision, Values and Principles
Networks, a precious commodity governed by the beliefs, values, and principles held dear. In this year of transition, take time to do a values check. Core values of adults rarely change, however, the priorities among them shift with short-term goals and unexpected circumstances. Name and define the top three goals for your networks. Prioritize them for 2010. How might these translate into principles that guide operations and strategies specific to creating what you want in 2010?

For more information, please visit Patricia's TNNW Bio.

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BLUE THING #10: BACKTALK: Comments From Our Readers

BACKTALK™: Comments From Our ReadersYour Feedback. Your Input. Your Turn.

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Here are some of your comments on our recent TNNW articles:

Ron Sukenick:
Beyond Networking: Being
Networking is not like what used to be

Ron, I agree with you that networking principles have really changed over the past decade (or two). And I'm glad to see that you also recommend the book Networking Like a Pro by Ivan Misner. Lots of great tips that reflect your insights and a practical networking system for daily action. ""
- Kate DuBois

Peter Biadasz
: The Write to Excite!
What Do You Want In 2010?

"My greatest victory in 2009 was the pleasure of meeting Peter Biadasz. He not only taught me how to market my first book but gave me the push I needed to make it a success. I will be forever grateful to him for his kindness, having faith in my work, his emotional support and for his professionalism in publishing my book Sweet Home Acres! "Thanks Peter"
- Mr. Mosezickle Pitts II,

"nice article Pete...."
- "Gonzo"

Douglas Castle
: (from Douglas' personal blog)
Douglas Castle's Breakthrough - The Fastest Way to Qualify a Prospective Client!

This is spot on. Rather than qualifying prospects, I suggest trying to dis-qualify them and then concventrate on theose you could not disqualify"
- Roy Sequeira, ,

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