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Saturday, June 19, 2010

THE SLOGANATOR: Bill Gates Surely Saw the “Window” of Opportunity!

Rhonda L.Sher

This week’s column is the first of a series of articles that will be building upon one another. So, I urge you to save each one for future reference. Because I intend to share with you some of the “how to’s” of identifying and growing your galaxy of prospects within the vast universe of suspects we’re all trying to capture.

One of the great blessings of the technological age is our ability to reach a huge audience quickly, efficiently and inexpensively. I remember many years ago, hearing Bill Gates address a large group of academic and business leaders about the way he envisioned what he then called “the information super highway” was going to influence the way the world communicates. But perhaps, even Bill Gates, despite his enormous success, couldn’t envision the way the “World Wide Web” www.?.com would change our economic landscape.

Today, less than twenty years later, more business is being conducted on the web than in all other print or visual mediums combined. For almost nothing, anyone can develop and launch a website that reaches tens of millions of people, as well as crosses almost every social, cultural, geographical and economic barrier. Wow! www.smorgasbord,com!

What an opportunity! What a feast! What a bounty! It’s all there … at your fingertips …just a click away. In today’s business world, all the business you could ever want can happen is less than a “New Your Minute.”

Obviously a great opportunity exists! The vehicle awaits … the gas tank is full, but how do we drive prospects to our websites and more importantly, how do we get them to remember us once they’ve arrived. What’s your “hook?” How do you capture their attention? And how do you hold it once they’ve landed? That’s where your slogan comes in. Your slogan that synergizes all of the advertising campaigns or marketing messages your business opportunity promises.

Nike just did it, actually they just asked you to “Just Do it.” You’re still “In Good Hands with Allstate.” Budweiser’s still “The King of Beers.” Maxwell House is “Still Good To The Last Drop” and the small window covering company I recently worked with is still inviting people to join him on the best “Blind Date They’ll Ever Have.”

The point is, while the universe is expanding so is our competition. Moreover, much of that competition is hidden behind a shield of invisibility in which your web presence can make them appear larger or more successful than they really are. So, competition is not merely greater but also very different.

One of the latest developments in electronic networking are the social media providers. Companies like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have created an environment where technology and personality have combined to put a face behind your message. In fact, the newest explosion in social media is the introduction of imbedding video into your profile, thus creating the human personality behind that message.

Rhonda L Sher: The Sloganator Rhonda L Sher was born talking. She fell in love with words as a child and has never stopped communicating since. Her father once commented that she was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. Not only has Rhonda inherited her father's humor, but it's that quick wit that has become the signature that has helped propel her clients to stardom.Acclaimed Keynote and workshop leader, Rhonda has authored two books, "The 2 Minute Networker" and "The ABC's of LinkedIn," "Get LinkedIn or Get Left Out" as well as numerous action guides, articles, workbooks, jingles and corporate slogans.

In addition to writing, Rhonda uses her gift of gab as a featured keynote speaker, consultant and corporate trainer throughout North America. She has successfully taught hundreds of business men and women on the art of business networking and written hundreds of elevator pitches and slogans.Rhonda's greatest talent lies in her ability to create fabulously catchy slogans that are memorable, upbeat, easy to repeat and create instant brand identification. In addition to the books, audio and video, Rhonda creates slogans and taglines for her clients which are memorable, bring them business and make them, money. She works with you to create a corporate slogan for your business that sets you apart from your competition. Her creativity and energy will tap into your customer's mind and have your phone ringing off the hook with new business.

Rhonda's Products can be previewed at:

The Two Minute NetworkerMingle To Make Money

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Empowering Emerging Enterprises”

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

THE COLD, HARD TRUTH: Prospecting 101, Part 4

The Cold, Hard Truth with Gabriel Siegel

We’re following the financial planner looking to expand his customer base by using cold call prospecting.

Our target is the small business owner and our source is the local yellow pages. The singular objective is to get an appointment. Each agent (financial planner) in the office has committed to spend at least one hour a day cold calling. The newest agent will be spending the bulk of her day cold calling for new clients. She understands that building a “book” of clients is a long process.

If you remember from our previous article, we have 3 objectives:

1) Introducing yourself

2) Overcoming objections

3) Getting a firm appointment

We spent a good part of each session working on overcoming objections. Perhaps you have heard some of these common objections:

“I’m not interested.” Click

“I have no money.”

“I have all the insurance I need.”

“I have a relative in the business.”

“I’m too young to think about retirement.”

“I keep my money in the bank.”

“My wife handles our money.”

“All my extra money goes back into my business.”

These may be valid objections, or simply a way for a prospect to “blow you off.” How these objections were handled will be the subject of a future article.

As I explained to this group, cold calling is an impersonal process. You don’t know each other. Second, most of us are conditioned to reject an unsolicited call. It helps when you keep your tone casual. Third, remember that your only objective is to get an appointment or permission to call back. Fourth, there’s always the next name on the list.

In our prospecting round table, we developed and role played a variety of openings. One of the agents decided to use the following approach in introducing herself to new clients. She speaks in a casual and soothing tone:

“Good day sir. My name is ________and I have been talking with business people in our area who may have questions or concerns about their investment and retirement funds and may not have the time, or even the inclination, given this economy, to give this much thought.”

Remember, this is only an opening. For those skeptics out there, I must emphasize this approach works for her. Others in the office used a similar opening, with variations suited to their individual styles. But, all the openings had a common theme: POINT OUT WHERE THE PROSPECT IS HURTING.

After asking one or two qualifying questions (also developed in our “Prospecting Round tables”) our agent concluded her phone presentation thus:

“Sir, we really need to talk. I’m not going to sell you anything, we just need to talk. Would __________________ or _________________ be a good time to meet?”

Our agent has made several contacts so far. She carries nothing with her to the initial interview; just a pad and pencil to make notes. As her principle agent notes, “The objective is to look for real money and that takes trust and time.”

Why does this approach work? There are two reasons. First, it utilizes the salesperson’s own personality and comfort level. There are no scripts, because as successful salespersons have learned, the prospect never follows the script. Second, there are no “steps.” Some sales programs take the salesperson through a series of steps designed to culminate in a sale or close. The salesperson becomes so wrapped up in the progression of steps that any curve thrown by a prospect (and it will happen every time) renders the steps moot with the salesperson trying to figure out where to go next.

Our approach emphasizes questions and responses to a prospect’s concerns. It works for the financial planner, it works for our carpet and upholstery cleaner, it works for the computer consultant, and recently a painting contractor working with realtors to prepare houses for sale. There’s no reason to doubt it could work for you.

In my next article, I will share some of our approaches to handling objections on the phone just using a simple phrase. Unfortunately, too many sales persons will give up at the first hint of an objection.

For anyone wishing to share thoughts or comments, the writer can be reached at I respond to emails more quickly and thoughtfully than I do when contacted on social networking sites.

For more information, please visit Gabriel's TNNWC Bio.

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NETWORK LIKE A PRO: Five Standout Questions to Help Your Business Grow

Network Like a Pro with Dr. Ivan Misner

Asking the right questions goes a long way to help you earn trust and build rapport with your a contact.

People refer business to people they like and respect. This is why, when you give others time to tell their story and explain their business, your stock automatically rises in their eyes. Throw in the fact that you’ve got a top-flight product or service—don’t worry, eventually the other guy will wind down and you’ll get to talk about yourself—and you’ll see how it’s a lot easier than many people think to create a solid referral partner.

Question Time
It all begins with your first conversation. If you lead off by asking the right questions—questions that demonstrate a genuine interest in the other person’s business—you cultivate an attitude of trust and rapport from the start. By “right questions,” I do not mean prospecting or “qualifying” questions, the kind you would ask if you were trying to size up the other person’s potential for helping you or to grab some business right off the bat. Those should never be the goal of the first conversation.

Here are five good questions to ask that will make you a standout:

Question #1: “What do you like best about what you do?”
If you’ve been out networking before, you already know that “What do you do?” is one of the first questions people ask you. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn’t leave you much room to maneuver after both you and your fellow networker have answered the question for each other:

“So what do you do?”
“I’m a public relations consultant. How about you?”
“I see. Well, I own a print shop.”
(Awkward 4-second pause that seems to go on forever.)

Look how much better it works if you follow up with our question:

“Oh, a print shop. That’s interesting. What do you like best about the printing business?”

This leads to more interesting conversation about the other person’s business, his likes and dislikes, his experience, and so forth. It makes the conversation flow and lets you relax while you learn about his trade or profession.

What’s more, if he’s like most of us, he will eventually decide he’s talked enough and will ask you the same question—what do you like best about your business? Be ready with a good response:

Well, to be honest with you, I really enjoy helping clients get the word out about their business in ways they might not have thought about. Often when people hear “public relations,” their first thought is of a big Madison Avenue office—and huge retainer fees.

But that’s not how we operate. We help business professionals get more business through print and radio media without it costing them an arm and a leg. I can’t tell you how satisfying that is.

A response like this answers the question, raises some important issues, and explains how you’re different from others in the industry. If the other person is thinking about using a PR firm or knows someone else who might need one, then you’ve gone a long way toward setting the stage for a possible referral.

Question #2: “You mentioned that you were in [industry]. What got you started in that direction?”
This question is much like the previous one in that it gives the other person a chance to talk about personal goals and desires and to look favorably on you for asking it. It also gives you insight into how dedicated she is to her profession and how proficient she may be at it. When you learn what her previous experience has been, you begin to see ways that you might refer other people to her for specialized products or services.

Question #3: “Where else do you usually network?”
Amy Windham, a colleague of mine in Atlanta, first brought this one to my attention, and it’s an absolute gem. Not only does it help break the ice during that sometimes awkward period just after you’ve introduced yourself, but it also gives you a chance to talk about something you both know a little bit about.

Another reason we like this question is because it gives you the opportunity to make an instant connection. How? It provides the other person valuable information he didn’t previously have, on a topic that’s relevant to him. As we all know, a great step toward creating a solid referral partner is to first make a connection with that person.

Question #4: “What are some of your biggest challenges?”
This is a great question that can be used toward the end of the conversation. Of the four questions I’ve talked about, this usually elicits the longest response. Why? Because you’re asking about her reasons, her passion, and her motivation for being in her specific business in the first place. I’ve had people tell us all sorts of things when I’ve asked this question.

Question #5: “How can I help you?”
If you’ve asked a new acquaintance some or all of the above questions, the conversation has gone well, and you’ve decided this person is someone you’d like to have in your business network, this is a good question to ask. His answer you get may tell you something that will enable you to help him, and being helpful is the best way to start building a solid relationship. To a networker who is living the principle of Givers Gain, it’s a question that comes naturally, because that networker is one who has adopted the mindset of giving value and service to others without any thought of immediate return. It demonstrates that you have the other person’s interests uppermost in your mind, and it’s an excellent way to build the credibility and trust you’ll want to share with a valuable networking partner.

Remember, everyone has a story. Make it your job to find out what it is.

The Answers You Want
Asking the right questions is about earning trust and gaining rapport with a new contact. It’s about your contact feeling comfortable telling you about her business without competing with you for “airtime.” But most of all, asking the right questions is about developing a relationship with a future referral partner, so she’ll be more than happy to give you any referral that might come her way.

Called the "father of modern networking" by CNN, Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times bestselling author. He is the Founder and Chairman of BNI, the world's largest business networking organization. His newest book, Networking Like A Pro, can be viewed at Dr. Misner is also the Sr. Partner for the Referral Institute, an international referral training company.

For more information, please visit Ivan's TNNWC Bio.

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KALÖN WOMEN: Women as Savvy Investors - Yes YOU!

Guest Columnist: Ronit Rogoszinski

With 80-90% of women ending up managing their own finances at some point in their lives, becoming a savvy investor can never start too soon.

Understanding your role and clarifying your goals are the first steps in taking charge of your finances. It is so important to understand that you are responsible for your money not anyone else. I speak with women all the time who feel that their ignorance of money and finance disqualifies them from ever asking questions or taking on an active role in managing money. Granted, initially it may be an overwhelming task, but like anything else in life, one step at a time, in a forward motion gets you going and keeps you going towards reaching your goals.

So what am I here to share with you today? I wanted to give you some insight as to some of the first steps you should take in becoming a savvy investor. As I mentioned before you need to understand the role you will play in this process and the goals you want to achieve. Your role may very well be a passive one in managing your finances. If you have a spouse, an advisor or someone in the family who has managed your money for you, that’s fine. However, you should ask questions and request to become more involved in understanding the strategy and focus of the account. Don’t take no for an answer! I hear this all the time “I am made to feel so stupid when I ask questions” or “I don’t understand the answers so why ask the questions”. Ahh!! This is your money; this is your financial future. If you are made to feel incompetent or the individual lacks patience in teaching you – fire them! Obviously, if it’s your spouse or your uncle that may be hard; however what I mean is, explain that you want to better understand the strategy of the account and if they can’t respect your wishes, find an advisor you’re comfortable with and start your own portfolio. The goals for this account will matter greatly and so an honest conversation with the individual you are hiring should establish the parameters of how the funds will be invested. An ongoing relationship that allows you to learn in an open manner is priceless, so respect the person you’re working with by setting rules and roles for both of you to follow.

As you expand your involvement, here are some topics you must discuss and know from your spouse or the person managing your family’s finances, if you have been passive all these years. Ask what your net worth is. This measure that takes the total value of your assets (what you own) and subtracts from it the total value of your liabilities (what you owe) should be positive and growing. You will also want to know where all the investments are being held and who do you need to contact in an emergency to access these funds. Do you and your spouse have life insurance? In which case again, where and who do you need to know? Before I go on I will tell you ladies that most men do find this line of questioning very intimidating and may get quite irate from it. Others will be totally relieved that you are finally taking some action in protecting yourself in case they can’t take care of you. Be prepared that the response you may get may not be what you expect it to be.

I strongly encourage women of all ages to get involved and start by taking the first steps towards becoming a savvy investor by asking questions, looking over what you already have and finding someone you are comfortable talking to in helping you on this learning curve. It’s never too late to get going.

Ronit Rogoszinski has been helping individuals and professionals understand the world of finance and wise personal money management for over twenty years. A graduate of Queens College’s Scholars Program, Ronit holds FINRA Series 7 and 66 registrations through LPL Financial and is New York State certified in Long Term Care Insurance. As the proud mother of four children,

Ronit understands firsthand the demands we all have in our fast paced lives. Yet her calm, personal and relaxed nature help to put her clients at ease while remaining focused on the job at hand – realizing and bringing them closer to their financial goals.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CONNECTING IS NOT ENOUGH: Why do you refer others?

Connecting Is Not Enough with Andy Lopata

In this extract from my new book due out later this year, and adapted for the web, I look at the importance of recognizing why we refer others to help us understand how to inspire others to refer us.

We may well be surrounded by people who would be happy to refer us, by people who have the opportunity, and also by people who have the necessary understanding to refer us. Something is still missing though. If not, businesses would be buzzing with the referrals received and you would not be reading this article.

How can you shift your network from a position where they’d be happy and able to refer but don’t, to one where they are referring you on a regular basis?

I would hazard a pretty reasonable guess that the main barrier to regular referrals at the moment is that everyone involved, including you, are reactive and passive about generating opportunities, rather than proactive. A Champion will refer you if someone else in their network asks them to recommend a service provider and you fit the bill. If no one asks, nothing happens; you probably are not thinking about opportunities or actively looking for them.

Similarly you will gratefully accept referrals offered and may take some small moves towards proactively asking for them, but the approach is general rather than focused on individual Champions.

Let’s change that. A successful referral strategy treats everyone in your network as an individual and seeks to make it as easy and as likely as possible for each of those individuals to refer you. The first place to start is recognizing what will inspire them to do so.

Who do you refer?

Many companies rely on financial incentives and rewards to inspire people to refer them. We are going to look in more detail at this later but before understanding how effective that approach is with others, let’s look at how effective it is with you.

Take a piece of paper and write down the names of five people or companies you have referred recently. In particular, think of the most valuable referrals you have passed and also people you have referred most frequently.

Why did you pass the referrals? What inspired you do so?

Did they ask you for the referrals or did you simply volunteer them? Was it a "passive referral"? In other words, did you respond to a request for a recommendation? Or was it a "proactive referral" where you spotted an opportunity and created the connection?

Alongside each name score out of ten how well you trust that person or business, how well you understand what they do and the opportunity you have to refer them. Write down the key factors that motivated you to refer them.

Company Referred
Number/Value of Referrals Passed
What motivated you to refer?

Look back at your list and try to see if there are any common factors that motivated you to refer. Are you only referring people with whom you have strong levels of trust? What difference does it make to you how well you understand their business or whether you are speaking to the right people on a regular basis? Are you motivated by financial reward or something more esoteric?

Now look back at the list of people you referred. Did you know someone else who could have done an equally effective job? If so, were there particular factors that meant you referred them at the expense of someone else?

As well as understanding what inspired you to refer, did they make it easy for you? What was in place that made it straightforward for you to refer?

Now I’d like you to create two more lists. In this case, list three people you’d love to refer but don’t, and also three people you simply wouldn’t be willing to refer.

In the case of people you’d like to refer, what’s stopping you? Do you like them personally but not have enough of a grip on their business to make the referral? Perhaps you don’t understand who their customers are or how to make the introduction.

If you were to take steps to refer them, what needs to happen? What can they do to make it easier to refer you? If you took on the task of making at least one effective referral for them, what would you need to do?

Now look at the list of people you’re not willing to refer. Why not? Is it simply a matter of a lack of trust, or poor personal chemistry? Or has your experience of their services been a negative one?

If they had to rely on referrals from you in order to save their business, what steps would they have to take to change your mind? How would you expect them to turn the situation around and make you their Champion? No cheating allowed by saying "they couldn’t!" They HAVE to make you their Champion to save their business, what could they do to make that happen?

If you bring your lists together you should now have a record of ways people can inspire you to refer them. Some of those inspirations may be very transactional, such as commissions for referrals received, the understanding of referrals back to you in return, or being taken out as a thank you. Others may be more relational, simply because you like them and want to them succeed.

These are the inspirations that work for you and can give you some insight into different approaches you can take to inspire others. However, not everyone is the same. Whether people are more inspired by transactional or relational interactions very much depends on their personality type.


Are you struggling to put an effective networking or referral strategy into place? Do you want to know more about how to ensure you get the maximum possible return from your networking?

Visit Andy's brand new website at for more resources and ideas about how Andy can help you.

Andy's Audio program, "Networking in Ninety Minutes," will give you the tools you need to make the most from your networking. Available in CD or mp3 format here.

Andy Lopata's newsletter archive
Andy Lopata's LinkedIn profile
Join Connecting is not Enough - Andy Lopata's Facebook Page

For more information, please visit Andy's TNNW Bio.

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BLUE THING #7: Most Memorable Quote of the Week

Brought to you by The National Networker and QuoteActions.

"Idealism increases in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem."

- John Galsworthy

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By the way, if you don't already use QuoteActions for keeping in touch with your clients, friends, colleagues and prospects, you should start. Information follows!

-- TNNW Quality Assurance Control ("Quack," for short)

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BLUE THING #10: BACKTALK: Comments From Our Readers

Your Feedback.    Your Input. Your Turn.

by Penny Ng, BACKTALKTM Producer

Coming soon...

...a new feature here
for our Members.

Watch for it!

For more BACKTALK™ or to start a discussion of your own, join The National Networker™ Fan Page on Facebook

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BLUE THING #9: This Week's Top Buzzed Items and Terms

New! We've added a new feature at the bottom of this blue quadrilateral of vast wisdom -- it is a Word Cloud (produced for us by TNNW Blogworks using an algorithm developed by Tag Crowd) of this morning's most frequently occurring terms in Google Search Results. Have a go at it! The larger and bolder the word displayed, the more frequently it came back as a part of search results. Science meets art. How appealing!

To get this week's top buzzed items, just Click on:

Pick on: -- Get all the news, info and intel that you need in order to be far ahead of the curve. We are green, environmentally-compliant, eco-friendly, bio-degradable, and emit no CO2 or other greenhouse gases. We do not emit dangerous radiation, gamma waves, tidal waves, or other similar things which could potentially cause disease or fatality (even death!) amongst our readers, or emit anything which could destroy our planet. We don't permit our employees to even walk on other people's lawns. Our company automobiles are run on electricity or ethanol, as do some of our senior staff members. We love the Earth. Choose the Picker -- Save the Planet!

Now featuring the Rede Report Blog from the New York Times.

Newly improved, enriched and in a more easily navigable format. Try it. Please. You'll like it.

Did you know that several hundred people (we use the term "people" loosely) have already picked THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER gadget to adorn their websites, blog pages and newsletters? Our goal: 100,000 viewings per day. Join us, please. Choose your news! THE WORLD IS GOING GREEN.

*Better grab this gadget soon for mounting on your blog, website, newsletter, homepage, social media profile, twitter feed, refrigerator, cinder block and your bathroom mirror. (Use duct tape, as it withstands the humidity.) Why? You need news. We have it all. And, after some date (as yet unannounced), you will no longer be able to grab this gadget. You'll have to go directly to the page. It's not funny. Do it. Don't just blow us off as idiosyncratic, uncultivated clowns. This PICKER is POWERFUL.

Think about this: 20 minutes each day to be the smartest person in any meeting (or at least seem like it). You cannot compete in any business pursuit where you interact with other people unless you sound intelligent and informed. Give yourself the edge.

Free Gadget:

Here's our Tag Cloud for today based upon the most frequently occurring words in Google Search Results. We limited our cloud to only the top 50 words.

Custom created by TNNW Blogworks using an algorithm developed by T

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Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
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BLUE THING #8: Great Websites and Blogs to Explore

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Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
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BLUE THING #6: Featured Deal of the Week

Featured Deal of the Week is brought to you by The National Networker, CEO Space Northeast and Rob Adams (pictured here).


Would You Like To Have Your Company Featured Here?

Whether or not you belong to CEO Space (which you should), you are invited to tell us about your greatest deal for our consideration. If it's truly great, we'll write it up! Your victory will be seen by and shared with thousands and thousands of readers and prospective customers and clients. Simply write to

Lynne Cogan Creates Big WIN for Client

Lynne Cogan, founder of Careerization™, announced a new tagline for her business: “Strategic Résumés for Professional Dreams™.”There was a super win this week for one of Careerization’s clients. He landed his dream job, which comes with a 75% increase in his base salary plus mega-bonuses that could increase his overall income by 300%, 400%, 500% or more. Lynne Cogan, 801-432-8447,

Dixie Daly Keeps Sending In The WINS

The wind must be blowing in Colorado. Dreams Do Come True, having the chance of a life time to be in the audience with her daughter, Shannon, to see Oprah! Audition for a Show Host idea for Oprah! Signed a license agreement on an invention! CEO Space Loveland Club President The Melting Pot, of Ft Collins CO partners with Tickled Pink Boutique CLOZ to home, of Loveland Co partners with Tickled Pink Boutique.

Dixie Daly

Joy Porter’s WIN Becomes WIN for those Considering Becoming RNs

Author of Get Your RN Faster: Bypass RN School Wait Lists In honor of Joy's book printing in July, she is offering FREE Nurse Education Coaching for those considering becoming a Registered Nurse during June 2010. Pre-Order of book and Free Coaching information can be found at her website:

Who Do You Know?
Joy Porter, Author of Get Your RN Faster: Bypass RN School Wait Lists 267-337-3145,

Vinny Ribas WIN with Indie Connect

Indie Connect, the first professional organization for independent musicians and songwriters, is going national with local chapters in Nashville, Boston, Cincinnati-Columbus, OH and Chicago. 9 More cities are in development as well!
Vinny Ribas, CEO, Indie Connect, Inc. Office: 615-882-9496 Cell: 615-568-4736

Bonnie Karpay WIN

Bonnie Karpay has a HUGE WIN to report to you! SheI was the Keynote Speaker for the Houston Council ABWA (American Business Women Association) annual Women of Honor Gala, this past week. Addressing 200 business women on the topic of Dreaming Big. She was able to integrate the important concepts of Cooperative Capitalism and Jobenomics and truly inspire the audience.

If you have 15 minutes...

Antoinette Sykes, The Total Communications Boutik

Antoinette Sykes and the Total Communications Boutik added two new clients - Dr. Brian Grossman - The GREAT Communicator. When communication techniques are implements, your small business or large corporation can focus on results! TC Boutik & Dr. Grossman have partnered together to let his voice be heard. Second client: Dr. Walt - a renowned behavioral scientist who is on a heart-mission to make the world a better place, by increasing happiness in 10 million Americans by 2013.
TC Boutik’s mission is to help the small businesses realize their potential media exposure, to grow their profits and popularity! Is your business prepared for the media?

Antoinette Sykes, The Total Communications Boutik, (703) 731-6731,

Promised Youth WINS with Brad Carpenter

Brad E. Carpenter, co-founder of Promised Youth, is developing a business soon to be empowering youth across the US and Canada. In order to raise capital for the initial legal work, including obtaining my Non-profit status, He is holding a motivational coaching conference on empowering your lives and living in freedom. The event is being held in Los Angeles area on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.

Brad E. Carpenter, 626-494-7828, being held in the Los Angeles area on Wednesday, July 14, 2010. I am seeking public speakers, and if able a donated venue, to speak and hold the conference.s being held in the Los Angeles area on Wednesday, July 14, 2010. I am seeking public speakers, and if able a donated venue, to speak and hold the conference.

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The Emergence of The Relationship Economy

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
The Emergence of the Relationship Economy features TNNWC Founder, Adam J. Kovitz as a contributing author and contains some of his early work on The Laws of Relationship Capital. The book is available in hardcopy and e-book formats. With a forward written by Doc Searls (of Cluetrain Manifesto fame), it is considered a "must read" for anyone responsible for the strategic direction of their business. If you would like to purchase your own copy, please click the image above.


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