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Thursday, April 01, 2010

THE POINT: Can Voting In Non-Career Politicians Fix Broken Washington?

The Point with Brenda Krueger Huffman

An Interview with MA 9th District U.S. Congressional Candidate, Keith Lepor

With polls and protests reflecting the discontent with Washington, there is a growing anti-incumbent position with voters from all political parties loudly voicing it is time to “take back our country” by “voting out incumbents.” Many voters believe the vast majority of the members of Congress are no longer “of the people and for the people.” Congress is ignoring their constituents expressed desire of fiscal responsibility and job creation being their top priorities.

Many feel current legislation is being pushed through against their will. They see arrogant career politicians who believe they know better than those that sent them to Washington representing them on how to spend their money and how to live their lives. Voters are worried about the creation of massive new entitlement spending and record-breaking deficits, especially during a recession. They are concerned about the effect this will all have on the country’s future economic stability and on the tax rates their children will have to live with throughout their lives to pay for it.

Constituents watch career politicians minimizing voters and calling them names for expressing their opposition views. Many voters feel Congress is out of control. With congressional approval ratings at an all-time low, there is a loud cry for House and Senate term limits. They notice the loyalty in Washington has become to a party and political machine, not to the voters. Voters are stunned by what they see as a shaping up of two classes in America -- the non-political class and the political class.

More and more voters are dissatisfied with politicians they realize have little or no private sector job experience managing large programs and trillions of dollars. They see career politicians demonizing profit, bashing American capitalism, and taking over free market industries. They watch as career politicians take over private companies, and know they have no business doing this. They also realize they have little or no business experience to successfully run a company and suffer no consequences if the company is not successful. They see career politicians minimize obvious corruption and rally around members and their party as opposed to investigating the corruption and holding people accountable.

More and more voters realize the main job creation efforts are in reality establishing a larger government, increasing intrusion into their lives, businesses, and ability to pursue happiness as intended by our founding fathers. Voters see government printing money and career politicians raising the debt ceiling as though these are acceptable answers to more spending. They see what has amounted to over a trillion dollars in bailouts and stimulus spent with political overtones, actions that has not solved economic problems, or positively affected their lives. And many understand that seniors on social security did not receive a cost of living raise while all members of Congress received thousands in an annual raise.

Can voting in more non-career politicians fix our broken Washington? Voters are now more aware than ever of the real world value in having citizens who have actually worked within the private sector and have paid their taxes represent them in Washington. They realize Congress might be more realistic with their money and manage the government better if it had more members that have balanced a budget, met a payroll, and had to make a profit to stay in business. Voters want to be represented by those whom have lived and worked among them in the real world and will live by the same laws imposed upon them by Congress. They want what the American founding fathers originally envisioned for Congressional members -- citizen politicians. This was the intent and spirit described in “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The founding fathers were not career politicians. They were every-day citizens who returned home to their real jobs, homes, and lives after representing and serving the people of their districts and states in the Congressional session. Being a politician was not their life-long profession. Our founding fathers did not want a ruling class for America exempted from laws and programs imposed on other citizens and receiving a better life and more perks simply because they were in government.

Everyone has heard the sentiment, “If you don’t like something, stop complaining and do something about it.” Some Americans who have never held public office are doing just that -- they are running for Congress as a non-career citizen politician. More and more voters definitely want the out-of-touch career politicians replaced. The obvious question then becomes: Replace them with whom? What qualities would voters want the ideal non-career politician to have to govern effectively with practically?

After much thought, I developed a common sense criteria list:
  • no political background;
  • well-educated;
  • common sense;
  • business experience;
  • military understanding;
  • international affairs understanding (especially of the Middle East);
  • fiscally responsible;
  • socially moderate;
  • has lived within a middle-class income;
  • has overcome hardship understanding;
  • honest;
  • holds new and realistic ideas;
  • committed to representing constituents;
  • supports term limits;
  • and respects voters.

Would it be possible to actually find a non-career politician that fit what voters want or at least most of it? I researched the Internet, and as things often happen, an answer came to me in an unexpected way.

Unrelated to my research, my husband emailed me a YouTube link of a NATO combat photo journalist in Afghanistan filmed by a camera mounted on the helmet of a marine. In the video, the photo journalist, Keith Lepor, was shot by a sniper and pulled to safety by two marines. It turns out that Keith Lepor is a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Congress in the Massachusetts 9th district. Upon deeper exploration, I realized Mr. Lepor met the non-career politician criteria list I posted above.

Raised in a financially challenged household by a single mother (his father died when Keith was 13), Keith Lepor understands hardships. He also overcame cancer as a child. Mr. Lepor graduated from Boston University and continued his education at Oxford University, not with scholarships, but with student loans and work in a variety of part-time jobs, including in restaurants and college security details. Mr. Lepor has a business background. He has worked for an East Asia-focused boutique consulting firm, undertaken business development work for clients in business and finance, and has contributed to articles on international and strategic relations in several publications. He published a book in 1997 entitled After the Cold War (University of Texas Press, 1997). The foreword was written by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. This book helps focus the international debate and discussion of the emerging world order and the US role therein, and is available now in paperback.

As a photojournalist, Mr. Lepor has worked throughout Africa. His last assignment was in Central Africa with the UN Department of Peace Keeping Operations and Office of the Spokesman, covering instability in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. His most recent significant international assignment was a year spent as a Forward Media Team Leader for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF/NATO) in Afghanistan. He managed a team of Afghan print and radio journalists, and worked as a combat photojournalist in support of US and Coalition forces in eastern (Kunar, Ghazni, Nangahar, Parwan, Kapisa) and southern Afghanistan (Helmand & Kandahar).

An Interview with Candidate for U.S. Congress MA-9 Keith Lepor

BKH: You were born and grew up in Massachusetts. Tell me about that experience.
KLepor: I was born in Boston and am a former "Jimmy kid" having survived childhood cancer, thanks to the generosity of the people of Massachusetts who donated to the Jimmy Fund in support of cancer research. My father was a pilot, so I actually grew up all over the place including Switzerland, Holland, Hawaii, California, the US Virgin Islands and Seattle.

BKH: I’ve read you graduated from Oxford University. That’s impressive.
KLepor: Education has always been very important to me. I completed my undergraduate work at Boston University, earning two BAs. I continued my graduate work in Middle East Studies in Cairo, Egypt, and continued post graduate education at (St. Antony’s College) Oxford University in Political Economy.

BKH: What made you want to run for U.S. Congress in Massachusetts?
KLepor: I am very concerned about the future of our country. The out-of-control spending and taxes are hurting the small- and medium-size companies that account for 80% of the job creation in the US. We must also address our foreign energy dependence. And I believe we should aggressively pursue realistic alternatives such as natural gas and nuclear energy. Finally, my concern for national security has made me realize it is necessary to take responsibility and make a difference. I can provide the leadership and new ideas required to address these important concerns. For all of these reasons, I have decided to enter the race for Congress in the 9th Congressional District.

BKH: What do you believe you would bring to Congress for the people of Massachusetts?
KLepor: As a fiscal conservative and one who is strong on national defense, I would bring a fresh face, new ideas, and a unique background. I had been an independent voter for years before joining the Republican Party, and I believe I have the temperament which will facilitate my ability to work with members of Congress from both parties. My ability to think outside of the box would lead to creative solutions which will, of course, be developed over time. As a photojournalist who specializes in guerrilla warfare and counter-insurgency, I am tough and have a background that will lend itself to following my own instincts to do what I believe is in the best interest of my constituents and country irrespective of the political leadership.

BKH: Do you see running as a Republican in Massachusetts more difficult than running as a Democrat considering the history of Massachusetts as a strong blue state?
KLepor: Certainly Democrats have a better track record of winning elections in Massachusetts, yet I firmly believe voters are looking for change. They are fed up with the arrogance of power and how out of touch many members of Congress are. They are looking to change the status quo. And I believe being a Republican may now have certain advantages. The un-enrolled, Independent registered voters are looking for change. A balanced, competitive two-party system provides the checks and balances that are necessary for a functioning democracy, so Republicans need to be more competitive in Massachusetts.

BKH: What do you think of the recent Scott Brown Senate win?
KLepor: Scott Brown’s success in the Special Election is indicative of the level of frustration with Washington. His election in January was meant to send a message which appears to have been ignored by Congress and the Administration. The Democrats may pay for that in November.

BKH: What are the three main differences between you and the other Republican primary candidate?
KLepor: I believe that my passion to help our men and women in uniform and our veterans differentiates me from other candidates. Having run with front line combat units in Afghanistan for a year, I am highly motivated to ensure that our men and women in uniform have the best equipment available when they are deployed into hot zones (Afghanistan & Iraq). I am also concerned about vets that return to the U.S. with traumatic brain and other injuries. We must also ensure that vets from Vietnam, Korea and WWII have what they need. Another significant difference between me and other Republican candidates is the nature of the opponent that I face (Stephen Lynch). All of the MA Congressional delegation are perceived as tax and spend liberals.

Stephen Lynch, on the other hand, is falsely perceived by many as a "conservative." [BKH Note: My research reflects Mr. Lynch voted with the Democrats 98% of the time. Some of his illustrative votes included support for continued federal funding of ACORN, burying the investigation of Charles Rangel, embracing Cap & Trade, and his stance on illegal immigration (border security, interior enforcement, amnesty) that seems very much out of step with his constituents.] The Boston Globe published an article on March 24th, titled "Evasive Maneuvers" discussing Mr. Lynch’s recent vote against ObamaCare while last fall he voted in support of it.

Educating the constituents of the 9th [district] to the reality of my opponents’ voting record will be crucial and make fund raising to get the message out that much more important. Finally, although there are others like myself, who have never run for public office before, I believe that my international background differentiates me from my peers and will give me a better perspective from which to look out for the interests of the country, Massachusetts and the constituents of the 9th Congressional District. This will be particularly important vis-à-vis foreign policy, defense policy, intelligence policy and homeland security -- all issues relevant at the federal level.

BKH: What do you think of the health care legislation passed by the House on March 20?
KLepor: I have serious misgivings about ObamaCare and believe that it does nothing to help improve the health care system in the country. This legislation represents billions in new taxes, not to mention the price tag of $940 billion. It raises taxes and premiums while rationing health care with no reduction in costs and pricing. Tort reform and allowing citizens to purchase insurance across state lines would help drive down costs by keeping insurance competitive and medical costs down.

BKH: How do you think Washington can bring down the growing deficit?
KLepor: The Government must live within its means. Reduced spending is desperately needed. Out of control costs and programs continue to add to the national burden. We as individuals must all live within our means, and I believe it is necessary that government do the same. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

BKH: What do you believe are the best ways to get the economy growing again and for creating jobs?
KLepor: The biggest problem we face is the need to create jobs. We will not do that if government keeps raising taxes on business. We need to simplify the tax code. You should not have to hire an accountant to pay your taxes. Much of the tax code unnecessarily works against small business. I will work to simplify government, so that it is more responsive to the needs of the people and creates a better environment for the growth of business that creates jobs in Massachusetts. Government needs to be more efficient in the way it spends our money. It makes no sense to tax to death sound businesses to prop up failing ones.

BKH: If elected to Congress for MA-9, what can the people of Massachusetts count on from you?
KLepor: They can count on me to always look out for the best interests of Massachusetts. I will not be dictated to by any political party. I will always do what I believe to be the best policy for the people. The people of the 9th should also know that I will serve no more than three terms in Congress. Frankly, if I have not been able to accomplish what I have set out to do in six years then I have done a disservice to my district. What we need are citizen politicians. The Internet and social media helps me stay in touch with voters and get my name and message out in real time. Voters can follow me on Twitter and on Facebook.

BKH: Do you believe there will be a rise in citizens without a political background running for Congress in the political climate of today? Will there be more ordinary citizens getting involved? What do you see as the negatives and positives of this?
KLepor: Indeed, I believe there will be. I am one of them. I have encountered some negativity as I have been advised that I need political experience before going after such an important office. I have also been told in no uncertain terms that I need to "pay my dues." Frankly, the one thing that we don’t suffer from in Washington is a lack of professional politicians. What happened to the concept of the citizen politician? I only see positives from the involvement of political "novices." We need a new approach, fresh ideas, less cynicism (willingness to look at bipartisanship) and perhaps even a little enthusiasm. That may sound naïve, but we just need to change the mindset.


I believe Keith Lepor, perhaps like other non-career politicians from both parties that run for offices this November and beyond, is indeed running for U.S. Congress MA-9 for the right reasons -- to get back to truly representing constituents and serving America. I believe he is sincere in wanting to make a difference in politics, for our country, and for veteran citizens. Our founding fathers certainly would have wanted politicians crafting legislation affecting American citizens to be “of the people.” The intent and expectation of our founding fathers was those making laws would ensure liberty within those laws, if they themselves had to abide by the same laws imposed on those they represented.

Well, we know how that has turned out. Is it here -- the time to go back to the intent of our founding fathers? I believe so. Americans can begin to fix broken Washington first by supporting and electing those running for offices that really are “of the people.” We have all seen that power does corrupt and career politicians are more susceptible to corruption. Term limits should be a part of the representative equation now for Congress.

More and more citizens with no political background (state or national) are considering and taking action to run for political offices. Our political system generally gives an incumbent the advantage over challengers with the established party machine behind them, enjoying better name recognition, and having well organized money to campaign.

If voters want to send more non-career politicians to Washington to represent them, they will have to put their money where their mouth is in supporting these candidates by seeking out new faces, educating themselves about new non-career candidates, contributing time and money to their campaigns, and helping energize a base to vote them in. And as they say, the proof will be in the founding father’s fig pudding.

For more information, please visit Brenda's TNNW Bio.


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Sunday, March 28, 2010

NETWORK LIKE A PRO: Networking: The Global Language of Successful Businesses

Network Like A Pro with Dr. Ivan Misner

There’s a very good reason why referral networking is becoming an accepted and important marketing strategy in businesses worldwide: it works.

Imagine being dropped off in a foreign city with nothing but a few hundred dollars and told that the only way to get home was to start a business and make a lot of money -- in six days. Well, you don’t have to imagine it. Just watch the BBC television show The Last Millionaire.

In this reality show inspired by Donald Trump’s Apprentice on American television, 12 of the UK’s most successful young entrepreneurs pair off in a series of competitions. They are taken to cities around the world where -- without their accustomed luxury, without the aid of their companies, colleagues, or friends, without access to their bank accounts, often without even knowing the local language, culture, or customs -- they pair off in teams and are told to build a business from scratch. The team that makes the most money in a week gets to go home; the rest go on to compete in another city. After the last two teams face off, the last surviving pair are pitted against each other to win the honor of not being the Last Millionaire.

In one of their episodes, the final contenders, Natalie and Lucy, were flown to Hong Kong and lodged in a cheap hostel. They were each given the equivalent of a few hundred U.S. dollars and told to create a product and sell it in five days. They could recruit student helpers from a list they were both given, but otherwise they were left pretty much on their own.

Natalie called the student contacts for help. Lucy, however, went to an Internet café, pulled up Google, and typed “business networking” into the search engine. The first hit was BNI, the world’s largest business networking organization. Lucy called the president of one of Hong Kong’s chapters and wrangled an invitation to visit their next meeting.

Minutes after giving the group a 30-second presentation on her business goals, she was networking with members and getting referrals for contacts that would design, produce, and sell her product: T-shirts. Among these referrals were the largest manufacturing agent in Asia and one of the top manufacturers in Hong Kong. A couple of days later, her new business was off to the races.

Want to know who won? Lucy, of course. Her earnings were 16 times her start-up money, and more than four times what Natalie made.

Think of it. In a time when businesses worldwide are struggling, an ambitious person with good business sense can be dropped into a foreign city and, with a little help from some business networkers, build a profitable business in less than a week. To people who are not familiar with the power of networking, that is astounding! There’s not a more vivid testament to the power of referral networking, at least, not on television.

Networkers know. As I work my way across continents and oceans giving presentations and conducting seminars to spread the word about the power of relationship networking, I am constantly greeted by audiences of enthusiastic business people eager to supercharge their enterprises by becoming networking professionals. But at the same time, and in the same settings, we are often bombarded with questions that reveal how much myth and misinformation there is around networking as a marketing tool: Is referral networking truly effective, or is it just a way to pick up the occasional new client? Can it be considered a legitimate business strategy? Aren’t direct mail, billboards, even Yellow Pages ads more important?

The truth is that referral networking is becoming an accepted and important marketing strategy in businesses worldwide. Obviously, there’s a very good reason for this: it works. It’s a cost-effective way to get in front of a bunch of new clients, and it’s a much better way to keep a business prospering over the long term, because it’s built on mutually beneficial relationships between you and your fellow business owners. It’s powered by the oldest and most enduring principle of human society: Givers Gain®, the idea that the good you do will eventually come back to you in one form or another.

Called the "father of modern networking" by CNN, Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times bestselling author. He is the Founder and Chairman of BNI, the world's largest business networking organization. His newest book, Networking Like a Pro, can be viewed at Dr. Misner is also the Sr. Partner for the Referral Institute, an international referral training company.

For more information, please visit Ivan's TNNW Bio.


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BLUE THING #10: BACKTALK: Comments From Our Readers

Your Feedback. Your Input. Your Turn.

by Penny Ng, BACKTALKTM Producer

NEW: At the bottom of every TNNW article, we feature a COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE button. Click on it! We want your opinion on every article and author. Push our buttons. Spark us. Inspire us. Interact with us. We love hearing from you!

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Here are some of your comments on our recent articles published in the TNNW Weekly Newsletter, the Blue Tuesday Report, and our other infomedia, publications and special bulletins:

BETH BARANY: Get Published Now

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Publish Your Book
"If a writer doesn't have the time or desire to market a book, it should only be written for the pure joy of writing or sharing with one's family. I also feel that if a writer hasn't read enough in the genre she wishes to write in, she shouldn't be writing the book."
Penny Ehrenkranz

"Beth, The article makes very good points, however it makes me wonder based on them why a person would ever write to begin with.

For me, as a creative, the process of painting or forming a sculpture is independent of having a client to buy it. The idea is just screaming to be let out and put on display for the world to see.

I would think for a writer, the publishing of the story is the culmination of the process - making it available to be read, not guaranteeing it."


"Aside from the other reasons mentioned, there's another.

Most people who write a book have visions of selling the book, and making some, (or eventually all,) of their living from writing.

Okay, splendid. You've written the book. You've published the book, through some or other self-publishing scheme. How do you sell it?

The single biggest challenge I know is simply letting the audience that might like your book know that you and your book exist. This is where self-publishing schemes gloss over the issues or fall down entirely.

Do you need an audience? Yes, at least a potential one. If you are lucky, the book will touch a nerve and sell widely. _The Godfather_ touched a nerve and created a genre, but Puzo wasn't operating in a vacuum. He was already a published author with an audience who knew he existed, and served as the core that grabbed all of their friends and said "You have got to read this book!" and that sort of buzz is what made it a bestseller.

An awful lot of folks who can handle the writing and publishing part fine have no conception of the efforts required to market it."


DOUGLAS CASTLE: Douglas Castle Rants

Meetings (gasp!): Kill or Cure? How to Have Great Ones
"Just read & tweeted your latest blog on TNNW. Reading my mind... am in the process of setting up protocol for meetings at my office. Hopping down bunny trails has GOT to stop. ;)"
Janice Riley

"@ Douglas: Great article and I agree with both the content and feeling.

In my engineering life I've come across two types of people:
* TALKers -- Call meetings on the pretext of work and call in as many people as possible but spend a lot of time on general chat.
* DOers -- Call meetings on a specific topic with only the relevant people called, keep it short, to the point and with the aim of making decisions.

Business need both types of people but also understand both have their strengths and faults.

P.S. I'm a DOer (and less diplomatic than some) and have been known to just walking out of meetings I didn't think were of any benefit to me. Not a great business move I know, but I had other more important deadlines to meet."

Julian Niemiec

DOUGLAS CASTLE: The National Networker (TNNW) Articles, Updates, RSS and Daily Email

Freedom of Speech = Money Talks
"Yeah that is right but that was only occasional as I've said. If you were just caught. That is why many prefer auto logging at WP. Because you can put a rewriter plugin to make the post 100% copyscape passed."
Best Seo

Make Yourself Understood.

"This article illustrates how forceful and effective message can be communicated with simple but appropriate construction of sentences.

I appreciate the way the message was conveyed. Thanks."


JOE J. WALLACE: Living Outside the Box

Why are Banks Waging War on Small Business?
"For more inspiring and maddening information, give a read to Les Leopold's book called Looting of America just released as a paperback. Great read and listening to an interview with him this morning on KPFK reminded me of what a mess we face in our national (and global!) financial affairs. Let's all ACT and CHALLENGE our political leadership to do better for all of us. Demand that they draw up rules that protect us and makes sense, not just enrich the top 1%! AARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!

Be well and fight the good fight."


"Les Leopold is a progressive who like our current administration does not believe in the free market. Progressives do not believe in the prosperity of individuals, they believe in what's good for the collective, i.e. social justice, i.e. taking from the wealthy earners and giving to the low or no earners, i.e. Marxism. Rewarding those who don't deserve it and blaming it on the rich or fat cats of Wall Street. When in fact it was progressive groups (unions & community groups to Congressman to Fannie & Freddie) who forcefully persuaded banks to lend to those who couldn't afford the homes they were buying and when foreclosures mounted and banks were failing it was the progressives in politics who bailed them out and set new regulations in place and in some instances took over banks.

Our current government is in the process of devouring as much free market industries as they can and burdening businesses and individuals in the name of welfare and stimulus all the while our freedoms are being usurped. Economic history tells us that more tax revenue is generated for the government and the economy is more prosperous, more people have jobs when less tax is imposed upon businesses and individuals. Wise up Peter before our economy collapses and all our freedoms are taken away."

Mike: God and Country Lover


Give Me Truth
"Dear Christine,

Not sure I am reading my mind or you are wording my thoughts. May be we read same books or have been to similar scenarios. It's amazing how much I got while reading the passage. If you ever happen to be in DC would surely like to get to
talk to you.

At least keep posting your writes because at this level of writing not sure how much of original thoughts you keep getting. It's like flying dreams. We get only so few but just few of them are enough to make believe that we can fly.

I had a horrid dream once, that while flying if I [could] hit an object. I had no answers to that dream, [except to] just stop getting anymore flying dreams. In essence I might had developed a thought of flying by seeing birds but couldn't get well enough into birds' minds to learn the tackle of flying objects.

Let's get into birds mind and write some flying experience."

Niraj Bajpai

"Very cool! Thank you Christine :)"
Ken Jones, Ph.D.


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The latest addition to our info-sourcing, Left, Right and Center, is located at is also undergoing the same process. This device, which accesses the the most extremist political news and views from right to left, will be available as a free-standing widget (soon!), and will also be added as an additional tab to the National Newspicker. This process should be completed on or about April 15th. We would suggest that you get this widget in addition to The National Newspicker Widget.

You'll get every bit of edgy news from the far right, the Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, militias, survivalists, far-left Liberals, Constitutionalists, Progressives, Internationalists, Cultists....Limbaugh to Franken...Maher to Palin...Centrists to Anarchists -- even the gossip amongst the blue-haired ladies playing Mah Jong in North Miami Beach! This stuff is absolutely fascinating, and is the ideal compliment to everything that you read in the mainstream media. We cover Mother Jones as well as the Spectator. You must get this widget the instant that it becomes available. It doesn't matter what YOUR politics are...find out about what everyone is thinking!

*Rick Itzkowich (Co-Founder of QuoteActions), and the acknowledged guru of "Keeping In Touch" is officially launching his much- heralded and critically acclaimed QuoteActions Product and Program within the next two weeks. He is finalizing some technical issues with his IT Department at this very moment. He's likely not even dressed, and is working from a wi-fi hot spot at a neighboorhood Starbucks. He needs a rest. Seriously, we'll keep you posted on the exact release date.

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*TNNWC Client, Affiliate and Supporter, Bonnie Ross-Parker, published author and creator of The Joy Of Connecting recently received some NEW press coverage. Bonnie has created a proprietary system for women in business to network person-to-person in a completely unthreatening, inviting atmosphere that produces more actual ACTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS than any other networking method.

If you are female (you must be sure!), you should consider become a JOC licensee. It is the most powerful in-home, real-touch relationship and network-building tool ever conceived by the mind of Ms. Ross-Parker provides a fabulous system to her Licensees, along with live training, constant upgrading, publicity, service and ongoing support. JOC Licensees (and now, The Latina Joy Of Connecting "LJOC" Licensees, too) promote their own businesses while they help other invitees to promote theirs. As Paula Fellingham would say, it is a genuine "WIN - WIN" for every Licensee and attendee.

Bottom line: Female? In business? Want fast-track growth without an enormous budgetary outlay and without pressure? Get a License -- While you can.

To learn more about this revolutionary and efficient sytem for instantly building meaningful business relationships without "speed-dating stress" or polishing up your 30-second (gulp!) "elevator pitch," download TNNWC's Public Announcement about Ms. Ross-Parker and The Joy Of Connecting by clicking on either: (for those of you who prefer long, hard urls) or by clicking on this one: (for those of you who like catchier, truncated urls which are more easily remembered) . Do it now.

*Have you reviewed any of the blogs authored or administered by TNNWC Vice-Chairman Douglas Castle? He's even got a new one.

The new blog features music to take you away from the stresses of building and growing entrepreneurial and emerging enterprises. A music break is brief, but it allows your intellectual and creative batteries to restore themselves so that you can actually be more productive. Click on and join up (it's free, but the price is due to double on June 1st): Go there.

Every other blog in this brilliant constellation, and every social media link is under the TNNWC Umbrella (which is not to be confused with the Traveller's Insurance Company Umbrella, which cannot be folded or put into your attache case):

The National Networker Companies - Networking is only the beginning...
Braintenance - Stay razor sharp.
The Internationalist Page - A world without barriers.
The Global Futurist - Revealing trends.
Taking Command! - Mastering your fate.
LINKS 4 LIFE - Help in any emergency.
Grab the National Newspicker Page Gadget - All the news, trends and intel you 20 minutes per day.

With all of the best yet to come,

Adam J. Kovitz and Douglas Castle

The National Networker Companies
Join our GICBC and receive our free news, info, intelligence and publications at . You will absolutely want access to our suite of services, too. Join.
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BLUE THING #9: This Week's Top Buzzed Items and Terms

New! We've added a new feature at the bottom of this blue quadrilateral of vast wisdom -- it is a Word Cloud (produced for us by TNNW Blogworks using an algorithm developed by Tag Crowd) of this morning's most frequently occurring terms in Google Search Results. Have a go at it! The larger and bolder the word displayed, the more frequently it came back as a part of search results. Science meets art. How appealing!

To get this week's top buzzed items, just Click on:

Pick on: - Get all the news, info and intel that you need in order to be far ahead of the curve. We are green, environmentally-compliant, eco-friendly, bio-degradable, and emit no CO2 or other greenhouse gases. We do not emit dangerous radiation, gamma waves, tidal waves or other similar things which could potentially cause disease or fatality (even death!) amongst our readers, or emit anything which could destroy our planet. We don't permit our employees to even walk on other people's lawns. Our company automobiles are run on electricity or ethanol, as do some of our senior staff members. We love the Earth. Choose the Picker -- Save the Planet!

Now featuring the Rede Report Blog from the NEW YORK TIMES.

Newly improved, enriched and in a more easily navigable format. Try it. Please. You'll like it. 2/23/2010.

Did you know that several hundred people (we use the term "people" loosely) have already picked THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER gadget to adorn their websites, blog pages and newsletters? Our goal: 100,000 viewings per day. Join us, please. Choose your news! THE WORLD IS GOING GREEN.

*Better grab this gadget soon for mounting on your blog, website, newsletter, homepage, social media profile, twitter feed, refrigerator, cinder block and your bathroom mirror (use duct tape, as it withstands the humidity). Why? You need news. We have it all. And, after some date (as yet unannounced), you will no longer be able to grab this gadget; you'll have to go directly to the page. It's not funny. Do it. Don't just blow us off as idiosyncratic, uncultivated clowns. This PICKER is POWERFUL.

Think about this: 20 minutes each day to be the smartest person in any meeting (or at least seem like it). You cannot compete in any business pursuit where you interact with other people unless you sound intelligent and informed. Give yourself the edge.

Free Gadget:

THE NATIONAL NEWSPICKER PAGE - The wearin' o' the green. 'taint just blarney, Old Son. Sing along if you know the song..."everybody's doin' it, doin' it, doin' it..."

Here's our Tag Cloud for today based upon the most frequently occurring words in Google Search Results. We limited our cloud to only the top 50 words.

Custom created by TNNW Blogworks using an algorithm developed by


The National Networker Companies


The National Networker Companies

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BLUE THING #8: Great Websites and Blogs to Explore


BUT FIRST, our most popular and best-known services are up and live. Yes, they're alive!

BUZZWORKS! Visit at .,quote,pic,beautiful,quotes,sayings-74145630f76b62f391c4c81b5a3c0a61_h.jpg

NOTE: Sites are selected based upon merit by an unbiased* panel of judges. Regrettably, we cannot accept payment for the placement of your site here. Darn.

*At least in their own opinion.


The National Networker Companies

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BLUE THING #7: Most Memorable Quote of the Week

Brought to you by The National Networker and QuoteActions.

"There's a difference between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot."

- Comedian, Steven Wright

Reader Opinion Poll:

Rate This Quote! Click on , write QuoteActions in the subject line, and give this quote a rating between 0 and 5; Zero is horrible, and Five is wonderful, insightful and worth forwarding to colleagues. If you'd like to either praise Rick Itzkowich or publicly humiliate him, we'll print your comments either way. Try to use superlatives and to avoid expletives.

By the way, if you don't already use QuoteActions for keeping in touch with your clients, friends, colleagues and prospects, you should start. Information follows!

-- TNNWC Quality Assurance Contol ("Quack," for short)


The National Networker Companies

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BLUE THING #6: Featured Deal of the Week

Featured Deal of the Week is brought to you by The National Networker, CEO Space Northeast and Rob Adams (pictured here).


Would You Like To Have Your Company Featured Here?

Whether or not you belong to CEO Space (which you should), you are invited to tell us about your Greatest Deal for our consideration. If it's truly great, we'll write it up! Your victory will be seen by and shared with thousands and thousands of readers and prospective customers and clients. Simply write to


Judy Gregorek Hits Grand Slam with Rollers on The Go

Well they did it! This week at the CEO Space forum Rollers on the Go got into the cross-hair of the Shark Tank with Kevin Harrington ,Bob Circosta with HSN and Dawn Bain with QVC. Judy had a super big win. They all LOVEEEEE the product. As Kevin said "ITS A GRAND SLAM"

Judy Gregorek, 732-887-2308


Hilin Life Products awarded “COMPANY MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED” at NJ Venture Conference

Helen Denise has some fantastic news to report: Hilin Life Products participated in New Jersey’s biggest investor event of the year on Friday 26th March: “The New Jersey Technology Council Venture Conference” in Somerset, NJ.

Hilin Life Products, along with 67 other companies, many of which were much further along with their capital raising processes, gave a presentation to major investors from across the country. They were all judged on company structure, business strategy, etc. At the end of the day they were awarded the top prize: “Company Most Likely to Succeed.”

She attributes her success to her executive team who all had major contributions to the receiving of this award. The executive team was led by David Stacey, CFO. The strategy that David put together for the company was received very well by the investors. Helen also believes his input made a big difference in drawing closer to raising capital in part because of his strategy to increase sales without the need for external capital.

Russ Case (another CEO Space member) as Chief Production Officer has done a great job pulling together all the needed manufacturers. As of this past week, Hilin Life Products has a market-ready product to take to buyers. Helen attributes her success to the fantastic CEO Space members that she has on her team.

Helen Denise, Chief Executive Officer, Office: 974-648-0265, Cell: 917-680-4279

E-Mail: Website:

David Stacey, International, (321) 947-8419,


April Morris was Blown away with this WIN

April Morris was quite blown away at the selfless impact a stranger that had upon her business and April wants to recognize her.

Michelle Leigh Owen contacted April on Facebook last Dec. and offered to help her. She emailed friends about THINgloss, Purchased 20 THINgloss, recruited others to help, This is BIG.. she arranged a THINgloss sponsorship with her own funds! She did this on her own without EXPECTATION! April feels very humbled and forever grateful!

April Morris, Creator THINgloss,


Artist Lucretia Torva WINs big at Glendale Automotive Museum

CEO Space Graduate and client of Sian Design Artist Management, Artist Lucretia Torva was the featured artist on Saturday March 27, 2010 in Glendale, Arizona at the Grand Opening of the Glendale Automobile Museum ~ Artist Lucretia Torva was selected as the Feature Artist with her Kickin' on 66 Collection Email: Sunstar3535@gmail Skype Sunstar3535 ( email first )


Singer Michael Peterson WINS with USA Pavilion at the Shanghai World EXPO

CEO Space Graduate and Artist Michael Peterson is selected as a featured "act" and speaker at the USA Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo 2010 ~ Dates to be announced! Presented by Executive Director Sian Lindemann of Sian Design Artist Management

Michael Peterson,


Sian Lindemann of Sian Design to present Art on Location courses at Ghost Ranch, NM this summer

CEO Space Graduate Sian Lindemann, of Sian Design presents the first two Art on Location courses Ghost Ranch, New Mexico with Fine Art photographer John Paul Horse Back Riding in the Canadian Rockies with Painter and instructor, Artist Lucretia Torva ( CEO Space Graduate) July, August, September 2010

Inquire for more information about either tour


Impressive Win with Impressions of Spring

CEO Space Graduates Rob Badger and Nita Winter, clients of Sian Design "Creative Biz Development" WIN a grant to create and complete their project “IMPRESSIONS OF SPRING”;;;

Email :

Phone ~ Skype Sunstar3535 for contact ( email first )


Another WIN for Sian

Sian Lindemann, Executive Director of Sian Design and Founder of Art Ability World ~ Features 25 new artists and their works internationally via Social Media Promotional Services in conjunction with Fett Marketing out of Denver, Colorado ~ Each of these artists will be featured all year long along side World Class Artists Robert Lyn Nelson and Fine Art Photographer ~ Jim Zuckerman

Upcoming exhibitions in China and the USA



The National Networker Companies

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Blog Archive

BNI News Feed

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy

The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
The Emergence of the Relationship Economy features TNNWC Founder, Adam J. Kovitz as a contributing author and contains some of his early work on The Laws of Relationship Capital. The book is available in hardcopy and e-book formats. With a forward written by Doc Searls (of Cluetrain Manifesto fame), it is considered a "must read" for anyone responsible for the strategic direction of their business. If you would like to purchase your own copy, please click the image above.


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