This week’s feature: News Releases, Publicity and Public Relations Services
So you think you have the best product or service ever devised. It is the result of time, research, investment and true innovation. You just know it will change the world and make your emerging enterprise mountains of money. But, there is one small problem……nobody knows that your product or service….or your company for that matter….even exist. Your “operators are standing by”, but instead of the sound of ringing phones announcing incoming orders all you hear are crickets chirping.
It is time to call in the professionals. (No…not a pest control service to kill the crickets!)
As a member of the Global Interconnected Cooperative Business Community (GICBC), you have access to an entire suite of products and services to reduce costs improve efficiencies, increase sales and profits, and…….get the word out about your company and your offerings
It is time to call in the professionals. (No…not a pest control service to kill the crickets!)
As a member of the Global Interconnected Cooperative Business Community (GICBC), you have access to an entire suite of products and services to reduce costs improve efficiencies, increase sales and profits, and…….get the word out about your company and your offerings
This week’s featured solution, Publicity and Public Relations Services, is provided by The National Networker Companies (TNNWC) Group.
Blue Bottom Line: (Why should I care? Why should I read on?)
· Don’t leave your PR campaign and future success in the hands of armatures.
· Discover why you should not try to do your PR campaign by yourself.
· Get the right message to the right audience in the right way.
· If its not news its nothing!
News Releases
The most cost-effective way of immediately reaching a giant, targeted, and potentially responsive audience is through a well-prepared and properly-submitted news release. Press Releases have the stigma of being self-serving, small-time "announcements of information which is not newsworthy. TNNWC Group produces and disseminates NEWS RELEASES (do you hear a teleptype machine in the background?). The media want news. Readers want news. Your emerging enterprise is making news!
PR Web and PR Newswire are the industry’s dominant broadcast media, and they are powerful channels to a large potential audience. What many entrepreneurs seem to consistently overlook is that regardless of which service you choose, that’s the least important part of the process. Some beginners like to 'price shop' -- they spend a great deal of time wondering why their releases never appear anywhere, and why lines excerpted from their releases are never quoted or republished by third parties. If you are fishing for shark, it does not make sense to use a bamboo fishing pole. Don't look for price... look for value and results.
To optimize your release, you must headline it, get it written, get it edited, permeate it with keywords, hyperlinks and powerful quotes, give it third-party credibility in the submission process (i.e., so it doesn’t look like a typical self-serving “press release”) submit it to the right geographical and vertical markets, track it, re-publish it, echo it and more.
The process is complex, but worth doing professionally. If you request that the two primary wire services do all of this for you, you will be overwhelmed at the real cost. If you factor in the amount of time you will have to invest in the process (regardless of whether you try to do it yourself, or try to get these other formula-based, mechanical services to do it for you), you will simply want to walk away.
A good news release should be like a guided missile and not a missive. Also, any good release should be part of a broader campaign. Isolated releases are powerful, but they are limited in their lasting effectiveness. Continuity and consistency build credibility
Get ready to change your vocabulary.
Some new terms: newsworthiness, edginess, objectivity, “snaggable” quotes, traction, re-quoting, retention, longevity, echo, stickiness, conversion potential, cross-media conductivity, viewings (versus visits) and others.
In business, your objective in all communications is to be effective. Forget Shakespeare and Longfellow. Forget your eighth-grade English teacher. Narratives and preambles are luxuries in a time-crunched society where every prospective consumer is flooded with information coming from every direction. Consumers are tuning out noise. You are competing for their ATTENTION and to induce them to take ACTION.
In business, your communication is mostly science and not quite so much art. You use words in order to get something to happen -- whether that means an order, a signed contract, a payment or an appointment. In business, the reality is that you have very little time to get your message across, and that you must be a commander instead of a philosopher. Your audience is typically fatigued, overworked, impatient, inundated with information, preoccupied and has a form of media-induced ADHD. They are unforgiving.
Your audience's attention span is measurable in seconds. Your opportunity is limited. There will not be any courtship. You will connect – or you will fail.
Should I do my own PR Campaign?
Sadly, none of the major newswire services will guarantee that 100% of the media outlets that they broadcast your release to will run it. They cannot guarantee that because they realize that the quality and content of your release will ultimately dictate how many media outlets publish it -- and they cannot control that. TNNWC Group can.
Doing the math, a "home-grown" release submitted to the best newswire service will be only 10% as effective as a professionally edited, optimized and submitted one.
Does it make sense to do it your self and save $100 and have your release picked up by only 5,000 publications instead of 25,000?"
Bottom line: DON'T DO IT YOURSELF.
You do what you do best…..running your business. Let TNNWC Group run your media campaign.
They do it all…Headline it; subhead it; compose it; frame it as a third-party, objective news release; stuff it with keywords, hyperlinks, snaggable quotes, subliminal suggestions, catchphrases and cadence; search engine optimize the format for RSS and other broadcast media across the spectrum; optimize font size and paragraph breaks; edit it; proofread it; time the submission; manually submit it through the selected newswire services to the right geographical and vertical markets; track the metrics; analyze the effectiveness; re-broadcast it; buzz it and try to extend its tail…i.e., its effectiveness over the longest time.
They do not send out a raft of press releases which will either be ignored or unpublished. They get your informational payload to the right places so that you get optimal results – results measurable in increased revenues. TNNWC Group does not “scattergun.” They deliver your meaningful and thematically structured newsworthy announcement to the right audience and they strike with precision.
Service Packages that will match your needs and budget
All of the TNNWC Group News Release Packages are designed and priced to save you a substantial amount of what the best newswire submission services and publicity or Public Relations firms (used in combination) would actually cost, with editing, re-writing, optimization, proper submission plus all of the hours of trial-and-error experimentation and arduous effort required to find the most magnetic news angle to emphasize, prepare a large number of individual submissions, topically categorize the releases, and select the optimal markets. Your releases will be timed properly to go to an optimized mix, as appropriate to your specific needs, of targeted U.S. - based and internationally-based print and e-media.
So replace the sound of crickets with the sound of money! Talk with TNNWC Group about designing the PR campaign that will put your emerging enterprise’s products and services on the map.
So replace the sound of crickets with the sound of money! Talk with TNNWC Group about designing the PR campaign that will put your emerging enterprise’s products and services on the map.
Please Click Here now to Review Package Offerings
The National Networker Companies™ and TNNWC Group, LLC
“Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
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