Sound the alarms and man the battle stations!
World War III has officially broken out this week and TNNW has the exclusive for you, our subscribers.
Unlike previous World Wars that were fought "conventionally" with groups of opposing countries on either side fighting each other in trenches with tanks, missiles and machine guns, over wide expanses of ocean with large mega-ton battleships blasting one another with their mega-ton guns, this World War is being fought on a radically different field of battle.
This field extends across the whole wide world and through our very homes and places of business. What's worse is that it is deeply infiltrated by terrorist who want to destroy our very way of life!
I'm talking about the recent attacks on Social Media sites like Twitter and Facebook by cyber-terrorists.
Okay...a bit dramatic, I know...but think about how far we have come as a society in just the past few years. When TNNW first started, most networking was still being done in person...face-to-face. LinkedIn was very new, eCademy was very new and both Twitter and Facebook weren't even in digital "in utero".
TNNW was founded on the premise that a networking revolution was coming and a whole new industry was about to be born. least we got the revolution part right. The industry thing may just not have materialized, unless you call it media or advertising or Web 2.0, but you have to admit that networking has become a way of life - a culture - woven into our very fabric of society.
Which is why when hackers have worked to bring down two of Social Media's biggest powerhouses, I have to liken it to World War III - fortunately, so far, it's bloodless, and the "fightin'" staff at Twitter and Facebook have seemed to get things (mostly) back to "normal".
And while we return to our own simple ways of micro-blogging our deepest thoughts into 140 characters or less and sharing pictures of ourselves, our families and our pets with our friends, we can only wonder if it's the War or only the battle that's been won. More on World War III as it develops...
Speaking of Twitter, TNNW Author Douglas Castle wrote a wonderful article in last week's issue that bears repeating: Social Meteor Threatens the Earth. He has received many wonderful comments on it and we'd thought we'd share it again.
I have also received some wonderful comments on my own article last week: Ending Slavery in the U.S. and Abroad. I certainly welcome your thoughts as well.
Last week, we also introduced our newest writer Mike McClintock, with History Repeats Itself.
And now for something completely different... wife of over 16 years, Wendy, whose article appears this week (Pan Historia), is one of the city coordinators of the first ever Great Nationwide Kiss-in: Philadelphia. This event is to support equality and is open to all who will be in the Greater Philadelphia area this Saturday, August 15th at Love Park, in Center City, Philadelphia at 2:00pm. Wendy and I will both be there - bring your loved ones and have some fun as we demonstrate a tasteful, yet public display of affection. Hope to see you there!
This week, it's a whole new slew of great articles for your perusal. More to come this month...stay tuned!
As always, I look forward to Networking with you,
For more about Adam J. Kovitz, please click here.
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A wonderful comic for the Day Twitter Went Down...
with more great links.
For a view of the way things will really turn out, check out the last couple of chapters in: Letters from Home, Our Father's Message of Love' by Neil Goodman. Someone gave this book to me the other dya for my birthday. I have never been able to see where people get there ideas about life and the world, but this book has really shown me how (and also the exact places the ideas were taken from in the Bible. Check it out - you won't be disappointed.
John G. Senior Pastor
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