When you're in job transition and didn't choose to be, it can be difficult to see the positive side of the situation. And yet, I have seen so many situations where a job loss led to a great new opportunity. Job transition is the time to reflect, reidentify your career goals, and use the job transition to move forward with courage and conviction.
When going through a job transition, remember that who you are as a person has not changed, even if your work status has. The only thing that's changed is "where you hang your hat". You are still the trained, skilled professional with experience and value. Don't let what is going on mean something that it doesn't, don't lose your sense of self, don't apologize for the situation and don't over explain the situation.
Maintain your professional confidence and strength. Compnies merge, downsize, are bought, close and reorganize all the time. When that happens and you end up out of work, it's not personal. And it's not necessarily bad. Look for the opportunity. Brainstorm with friends. Explore ways to use your talents and skills in new and different career paths. Be open to new possibilties as you network with people.
Don't take a job transition personally and don't let it change the confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect that you have for yourself and your skills.
For more information, please visit Donna's TNNW Bio.
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