Beyond Networking: Being with Ron Sukenick
Over the years I began to understand that if we want to know more and develop a Relationship mindset, we need to notice more, and think about this thing called Relationships.
I'm thrilled to provide a month's reading of Thinking Points for Connecting Forward.
Thinking Points for Connecting Forward has been put together to help you in building your relationship mindset.
By reading at your own pace and reading a minimum of at least one point a day, you’ll find the quotes and bits of wisdom as a catalyst to help you in thinking about the concept of relationship. Here are 30 thinking points for connecting forward.
A Relationship Focus
The Foundation
The Foundation
Human beings throughout the world share fundamental needs. Human beings have a need to be in relationship.
What is relationship? Simply put, a relationship is a flow of feelings.
With another there is an opportunity for individual and mutual growth and support.
We, as human beings, affect and are affected by others, help and are helped.
Individuals have the opportunity to reach individual potential far beyond what they are able to do on their own, and to co-create when truly engaged in relationship.
A person is drawn into relationship based on the joy of interacting with another person who shares a similar view of the world and incorporates fun, ease, energy, reliability, and creativity into the interaction.
Creating personal and dynamic success in all aspects of our lives requires attention to building our relationship skills.
The pace of change is so rapid that working at multiple levels with a wide range of partners and with a multitude of associations is paramount.
The biggest challenge most people face is the ability to successfully build the kinds of relationships necessary in order to have the kind of success to which they aspire.
To effectively align your choices, your time, and your energy, you must live purposefully. To do this, you must know your life purpose.
The 21st century calls for self-knowledge and directing one's own life. Hence our number one guiding principle is to take leadership in your life’s direction.
To be successful in building relationship with others, you must first start with building a successful relationship with yourself.
Creating success for others along the way takes on a life of its Own!
Through helping others, tangible and intangible rewards create magical and mysterious outcomes for all parties.
It’s amazing what can get done when you put the right group of people together.
The power of a formalized relationship strategy is known only to those who include it as a primary part of their marketing program.
What you have traditionally done to satisfy people yesterday is not enough to satisfy people today.
Individuals want a deeper connection! New ways of showing up today and beyond must be continuously considered.
There is a fundamental desire in all of us to be in relationship, and to develop relationships that flourish.
Our society is a relationship society in which people need each other.
The desire for relationship and developing deeper relationships is a basic and universal human need.
As people, we all want affiliation. As human beings, we all want to be in relationship with others.
The desire to build relationship is a more popular subject today than at any other time in history.
In spite of the interest and awareness, and an abundance of information about relationship, this greatest of all desires is largely unfulfilled. How can that be?
Relationships in its most basic form, is a flow of feelings and information between at least two people.
Building stronger and deeper relationships with others requires an investment in TIME.
Just the idea of wanting to build relationships is a long term competitive advantage.
Perhaps with all this information, we are still uncertain or confused about the vital factors that contribute to deepening relationship satisfaction.
The process of choosing and deepening relationships is interrelated.
At each point in your relationship, you and those to whom you relate may choose either to develop or not to develop your relationships further.
For more information, please visit Ron's TNNWC Bio.
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