Beyond The Cubicle – Corporate Culture with Teri Aulph
Reed Hundt, f

Emily Nagle Green, President & CEO of Yankee Group, has recently published a ground-breaking, thought-provoking book you won’t want to miss, Anywhere. How Global Connectivity is Revolutionizing the Way We Do Business.
Much like the 1968 epic science fiction film, “2001, A Space Odyssey”, Green paints for her readers an unsettling look into the future of the global business landscape and the impact "global connectivity" will have on how we do business. This glimpse into our future looks very different than the world we live in today. The difference, however, is Anywhere is not science fiction. It is a prediction based on analytics, historical data and current trends. It focuses on the unstoppability of the advancement of connectivity, and calls to action an imperative for business leaders everywhere to respond.
As you take this ride with Green, you realize quickly that there is a ubiquitous connectivity that has the capability to allow everyone to have access to anything they desire instantly. The impact this has is a ripple affect that transforms everything it touches. Green predicts a future model of interwoven connections bringing people, ideas and products into its web. As this transformation grows, the environment in which we do business will be altered into one that requires businesses to be revolutionized.
In order to survive and flourish in this new world, businesses must learn to leverage the connectivity and move with seamless agility, exponentially increasing the speed with which they do business. Current business cultures supported by old frameworks will cease to be relevant or effective. There will be a demand for those who succeed to develop a strategy focused on harnessing the advantages of global connectivity and use it to their advantage. This will create a need for new models of management and people development. As a result, new cultures will emerge that support boundary-less work environments -- not for convenience, but because traditional structures will no longer hold value or meaning.
Where is this ever-present connectivity? Anywhere. Is it exclusive to the business world? No. It will permeate all areas of our lives and, thus, affect customer demands, supply chain, and the impact of people on the business and the business on people.
While it may read as a futuristic science fiction drama, the premise of Anywhere is based on expert insight, tactical tools and Yankee Group’s proprietary data on global connectivity trends. As you get caught up in the fascination of the text, you suddenly realize this is a road map to what our world will look like in the years to come. This book will provide you what you need to be poised for success with what, inevitably, is coming. Will you be prepared?
For more information, please visit Teri's TNNWC Bio.
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1 comment:
Good, short effective article to remind those of already in business we MUST keep up with advances in technology.
Today we are approaching a crisis in the ability to communicate with one another in the workplace. We need to start asking many questions. If we do not know what are colleagues are saying, how are we going to communicate globally.
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