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Saturday, December 26, 2009

SALES AND MARKETING: What Can You Do If Your Marketing Isn't Working For You?

Sales and Marketing with Bill Doerr

15 Second Executive Speed Read

Once you define what ‘success’ means to you . . . in your business . . . there are many ways to get there.

Sean D’Souza is a person whose ‘learn-it-by-doing-it’ approach to small business marketing helped him grow from a young man in India (who was better as a cartoonist than a copywriter) to become one of the leading thought-leaders of small business marketing.

His mission is to help small business owners, who are responsible for marketing their products and services, to do so easily, effectively and consistently.

This article reveals some of Sean’s wisdom on marketing which you can apply to make your business even better in 2010.

Sean was once a young man in (then) Bombay, India who aspired to become a creative director for a world-famous advertising agency -- Leo Burnett. He learned his strength was not as a creative directory or a copywriter, but as a cartoonist.

Being young and very human, he had only a loosely defined vision for his future career and, by his own admission, no strategic plan in place to help him get there.

That started Sean on a journey. A journey of self-discovery and self-direction that caused him to move to New Zealand and, despite his own modesty, become a highly successful thought-leader on marketing for small business owners all over the world.

I’d known of Sean for several years and have been an avid consumer of his marketing expertise and programs.

Sean admits that he and Renuka (his wife and business partner) “live a good life making a decent income and traveling ‘on holiday’ (vacation) for about 3 months every year”. Their goal was to create a business that would allow them to “chase the summer (remember, New Zealand is next to Antarctica!) and enjoy living our life”. I’d say they’ve succeeded at that and then some!

This is the hub. The website where you can access all of Sean’s hard-won lessons which he’s dutifully rendered into written, audio and video formats.

He’s created a number of educational products to help small business owners not only ‘do’ marketing effectively, but to understand ‘why’ it works so they’re empowered to do it again and again . . . by design, not accident and on demand rather than sporadically, erratically and inconsistently.

Most marketing books and experts will tell you WHAT to do. Some will also tell you HOW to do your marketing. What makes Psychotactics so different is that Sean tells you WHY people will buy from you (or, they won’t) and then . . . how to apply that information in your business to grow your revenues.

I asked Sean how he evolved from a sole proprietor who sold his cartoons through advertising agencies to what is, arguably, a serious business (Sean now travels the globe sharing his practical marketing expertise and processes) that is producing significant amounts of income and time to enjoy it for Sean and Renuka.

“Well” he said, “Truth be told, I am not naturally organized. But I learned that making checklists and defining processes created structure which helped me to ‘do’ things that generate results”.

Sean added, “Any successful system . . . especially for marketing your business . . . is based on WHY something works. When you break down all the key steps or elements required to produce a desired result, you’ve defined a process. Now, when you implement a proven process, you enjoy more success than if you don’t. It’s that simple!”

As a consumer of Sean’s insights, I can attest to his wisdom of doing marketing by design (process) rather than by accident.

Many business people are aware of Sean D’Souza or his work on But not all use it for their marketing. I asked, “Why not?”. Sean shared that four (4) factors must be overcome or the best ideas of his or anyone else's . . . will remain unused:

  • Factor 1: Distraction
    There’s so much to do in your life that if your priorities aren’t clear, it’s easy to do something that may not be as productive as something else. So the secret here is to know your priorities and use them to focus on what is going to make you effective and productive.
  • Factor 2: Discernment
    There’s so much information to choose from –– both good and not-so-good –– that it’s overwhelming. If you give in to that feeling, you may end up doing nothing different in the future than you did in the past and . . . getting nothing
    better, either! So do choose . . . wisely . . . but by all means . . . DO!
  • Factor 3: Delivery
    There’s an expression, “Many can do but not all can teach”. Even if you find useful information, if it’s not presented or structured in such a way that it’s easy for you to apply it . . . it’s problematic. And problematic information is useless!

  • Factor 4: Determination
    “It’s human to be determined to do something. Unfortunately, many are determined to seek shortcuts to success. There aren’t any”. Sean also said, “Ask any gifted person if the secret to their success is their intelligence and they’ll laugh!”. So here's the secret: be determined to work for your success and don't get tempted by the 'easy way' to achieve marketing success . . . you won't find it!

The real secret to success reflects a ‘good process’ practiced consistently more than anything. In other words, ‘hard work’!

“Successful people are determined to work for their success in marketing more than they are determined to find a shortcut to it”.

As a Duct Tape Marketing Coach, I know we all find the 'magic bullet' or marketing shortcut attractive. But sooner or later you grow up and realize there’s a price you must pay for what you want in your life or your marketing . . . and successful people are determined to do the ‘right thing’ rather than find an ‘easy way’ to the goals they want to achieve.”


I asked Sean for some thoughts to end on. Here’s what he offered:

  1. Learn WHY people buy (and, why they don’t!)
    Check out his world-famous book on this:
    The Brain Audit

  2. Know WHO your best customer is – inside and out
    If you’re not clear about this, any marketing you do will be less efficient and less effective than you'll like

  3. Embrace SYSTEMS and PROCESSES
    If you can’t duplicate a desired result, it’s a random result. And you can’t build a successful business on results produced randomly!

“We all want to be successful in business. Often, we’re tempted to take a shortcut to get it. When we do that, we pay a price – call it tuition – to learn there aren’t any".

When you do finally embrace the truth that, “Success is a GOAL to go after on a road built with SYSTEMS and PROCESSES that even gifted people must travel if they are to reach the destination called, ‘success’ that’s when . . . you will find the success you’re seeking”.

Well said, Sean. Well said.

Sean D’Souza is the person who wrote The Brain Audit, created Psychotactics and supports an online marketing community of clients known as 5000bc. Sean lives near Auckland, New Zealand and travels the world bringing enlightenment to small business owners who are seeking to do marketing easily, effectively and consistently. To learn more about Sean visit: When you do, look on the upper right panel and subscribe to his newsletter. You'll get a wonderful (PDF) gift on: Why Do Most Headlines Fail? and how to make them succeed for you!

Bill Doerr
is CCO of SellMore Marketing. He helps professionals and other service providers to market their problem-solving expertise simply, effectively and affordably. You can reach him at, or by phone at 860-798-6964.

For more information, please visit Bill's TNNW Bio.


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