With August upon us, I am excited for you, our reader because I know that cool stuff is happening this month. If you're just joining us, then this might or might not be as exciting to you, but for those of you who have been faithfully reading us for the past four and a half years, you are in for a treat.
First of all we are in the process of overhauling our new format to you.
We plan on providing you the same great content you've been getting all these years, but we are adding more. For a glimpse of things to come you do not want to miss this week's Update.
Secondly, we have decided to alter the way we present you our information - you may have noticed changed beginning last month, but this month we take it a step further. When we first got started with TNNW, the online networking/social media revolution was just in its infancy and face-to-face networking was more prevalent. Because of this it was important to bring you the various flavors of networking from across the country.
But now the world has become smaller - we are networked to people in other countries and they are networked with us. We have become nations unto ourselves and therefore, we have turned our attentions to presenting you newer articles that are focused on:
1.) Specific vertical areas in which our authors have credible expertise and passion, and
2.) "Edgier" material from those who are done being polite and politically correct - humanitarians, futurists and just good writers.
We still have our international correspondents as they will bring you the world each from their own perspective as they are an integral part of the TNNW nation.
With this in mind, our once and briefly re-returning Bureau Chief from Hawaii, Sandy McKee debuts her new column this month: The Entrepreneurial Guide to Entertainment.
My partner-in-crime and blood-brother-in-arms, Douglas Castle, re-Christens his column this month as Sending Signals.
And lastly, we introduce my friend (and gearhead) Mike McClintock of GaltMidas with his new column for CIOs, technophiles and social media mavens: History Repeats Itself.
Hold on tight...it's going to be a month that will take your breath away. Stay tuned for more.
As always, I look forward to Networking with you,
For more about Adam J. Kovitz, please click here.
Hire Adam to speak at your next conference or event by emailing info@thenationalnetworker.com.
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