If you actively participate in networking events, there’s a good chance you walk away with a handful of business cards. If you’re like most people, odds are that you do one of the following:
1. Do nothing.
2. Call and start selling.
3. Add them to your database for a future newsletter.
I’ve done all of the above, and I have discovered what you probably have also figured out -- none of these strategies work!

Calling the people who had given me their business cards, especially those who had mentioned what I did sounded “very interesting,” was next on my list. I quickly found out that most of these people had no interest whatsoever in what I did. They were just being polite.
Adding people to my email database just because they had given me their card at an event allowed me to grow a big list, yet at the same time, the practice turned me into a spammer. I didn’t think I was spamming. After all they had given me their card and expressed an interest in what I did, had they not? The fact is just because someone exchanges cards with you, doesn’t mean they have given you permission to add them to your email list.
After experimenting with different ideas, I finally came up with an alternative that was both time and cost effective. What I do now is -- I send people an email acknowledging our connection at the event. I also tell them I want to continue to build our relationship so that we can find a way to help one another. And, in the spirit of giving to receive, I offer them a gift. This gift is QuoteActions -- short emails containing motivational quotes plus an action that brings the quote to life. I also let them know this will be the last email they will receive from me unless they respond and tell me that they would like to continue our relationship.
This approach is safe and non-threatening. I have found it to be quite effective. The primary reason it works is because my gift is not directly related to my line of business. Right up front they see I’m not trying to sell them. I’m simply interested in building our relationship.
I find approximately 25% respond back to me. These are the people I focus my time and energies on in building our relationship. As to the other 75%, they neither respond nor contact me. This is a clear indicator they’re not interested in pursuing a relationship. I now can consciously throw away their cards and open up my time and space for new valuable contacts.
Next time you go to an event, try this approach. I think you will be delighted with the results.
This month’s QuoteAction is by Writer, Eric Harvey
"You earn the right to expect recognition by giving it! It’s that simple."
Your action is to give a genuine compliment or express praise to a family member or someone with whom you work.
Enjoy an Extraordinary Month!
Click *here* to find out more about QuoteActions and some of the other innovative products and services offered by THE NATIONAL NETWORKER.
As the creator of the QuoteActions, a unique relationship building system, Rick Itzkowich finds his articles, podcasts and blog messages regarding keeping your brand "top of mind" in high demand. His latest eBook, Social Networking for Business Profits, uses cost-effective follow up strategies. Rick is also the Co-founder and Vice President of Productive Learning & Leisure, a personal development training company for corporations and individuals. Rick can be reached at rick@productivelearning.com.
For more about Rick Itzkowich, please click here.

Posted to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER (TNNW). All rights reserved.
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1 comment:
Great Advice.
Relationship building is the "launch pad" for your business. People will join your business after they "know you, like you and trust you". Here is a tool that can do more toward bulding relationsips than email, business letters and just about anything else. http://socreferral.com/davelsu
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