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Friday, November 21, 2008

Networking Comes in All Styles and Flavors

Entrepreneurial Networking with Lydia Sugarman

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Just like everyone else, I'm being bombarded by media from all sides and in all forms with regards to the worldwide economic emergency we are experiencing. It isn't always easy to see the relationship between seemingly disparate events that are coming at us from every direction but add up to a global crisis. Media, by and large, fall into two main categories. The first is "doom and gloom." The second is "lemonade from lemons." Or, half-empty glass versus half-full glass.

I do believe that for entrepreneurs and other self-employed business people that the glass is more full than empty. There are those, like me, who are experiencing a boost in business. When the economy is booming, people do email marketing. When the economy sucks, people do even more email marketing.

This is a time that we're reminded that opportunities abound if we bring to bear energy, imagination, and, probably most importantly, every network at our fingertips.

As I read this Special Section on Leadership: Moving Forward in Challenging Times - Knowledge@Wharton, I was inspired by the examples of agile entrepreneurial strategy, even inside established, large corporate structures and the diverse networks that contribute to success, formal, informal, inside and outside the corporate "membrane." From the girl who grew up in Indiana who now runs Burberry and balances that with a family that includes three children to a CEO of an investment bank that's hiring to the Chairman of a sports ownership group to the CMO of General Mills, all these heavy-duty executives offer great examples of entrepreneurial thinking, innovative action, and creative networking.

We may or may not have the opportunity to personally network with these people, but the virtual networking we can do via these articles is a pretty good substitute!

So, I just really wanted to share this incredibly rich resource. If you aren't already familiar with Knowledge@Wharton, I saved the best for last. It's free!

Enjoy the articles and podcasts and please comment, send me emails, let's get a dialogue going!

And, thank you for reading what I write! I offer it in service to you.


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