New! We've added a new feature at the bottom of this blue quadrilateral of vast wisdom -- it is a Word Cloud (produced for us by TNNW Blogworks using an algorithm developed by kidnapped former Eastern Bloc Scientists) of this week's most frequently occurring terms in Google Search Results, Yahoo Search Results, Buzz! and several other top sources. Have a go at it! Science meets art. How appealing!
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Here's our Tag Cloud for today based upon the most frequently occurring words in Google Search Results, Yahoo Search Results, Buzz!, Digg and a few other credible trend-trackers:
courageous burger facebook girl penguins hilary buzz playing snooki monkey ellen pilgrim facing richard hilton kyle miss judge suicide israel american israeli tweaks cancer stars experts pentagon battles mourners factories facebook killed overseas hong reuters kerry thanks sentence find confirmed neighbor work founder already spent invite dollar year samurai thoughts real economy canadian apparently case democratic life kindness immediate supplements social national update! keep investment dig hear person control blue networker braintenance quoteactions tnnwc omnigadget lives! condensed

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