by Adam J. Kovitz
Today is Independence Day, here in the United States; a day in which we celebrate the fateful decision of our founding fathers to declare ourselves as a separate nation from a "tyrannical ruler". From that day, July 4th, 1776, we embarked on a "noble experiment".
This experiment proved at many points in our history to be successful, largely in part to our spirit of innovation and entrepreneurism. The United States became a place where people could come, no matter what their background, and establish themselves. In time and though hard work one could "live the American Dream" and this would become the blueprint by which other nations would prosper as well.
So whether you are reading this and are a U.S. citizen or not, I would like to reaffirm TNNWC's commitment to the independent spirit that guides all entrepreneurs and emerging enterprises...the spirit to pursue our dreams despite the many challenges facing us every day.
We ask all entrepreneurs and emerging enterprises from all over the world to stand together with us, join us, encourage others to join us as we prove to the world that we refuse to be divided and conquered. We will unite and keep our independence.
Thanks for standing with us.
Speaking of those who stand with us, this week we are delighted to introduce a new writer, Joyanne Sloan (who, coincidentally, is TNNWC's new Chief Marketing Officer) whose new column Internet Marketing: The Science of Success debuts. While there is much of an art form to internet marketing, Joyanne will introduce you to much of the science and metrics necessary to be truly effective. WELCOME JOYANNE!
Lastly, we respect you and your time and we know you want information that is relevant to building your business. Therefore, beginning August 1st, 2010, we will be presenting content that falls into one or more of the following categories:
- Capital for Start-up, Growth & Expansion
- Leadership, Management & Team Building
- Marketing & Sales Resources
- Winning Examples: Success of Emerging Enterprises
- Technology Trends
- International Markets & Global Trends
- Social Media & Strategies
- Consumer Fads & Fashions
- Free Resources for Business
If you have the "writing bug", have expertise in one or more of the above areas and would like to be considered for our writing team, please click here.
All my best,
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