UPDATE BULLETIN - TNNWC Group - 07.04.2010
Dear Members and Friends:
Much is happening at TNNWC Group, LLC., and with our grand works in process... our unparalleled SUITE OF SERVICES, our GLOBAL INTERWORKED COOPERATIVE BUSINESS COMMUNITY ("GICBC") and our COOPERATIVE BUSINESS COMMITTEE ("CBC"), with its new Chairwoman, Bonnie Ross-Parker. Please take a look at our website at http://www.TheNationalNetworker.com, in order to learn more about these wonderful offerings to our Members.
We have also formed two interactive discussion forums on the topic of the CICBC, which we would truly like for you to join:
Here they are:
http://bit.ly/GICBCmovement (okay, okay...this last one is just access to a terrific download of information about our new and unique form of entity...the GICBC. We believe, as you will soon, that the GICBC is the perfect entity structure for collaborative and cooperative growth of the entrepreneurial and emrging enterprise sectors internationally. We cannot wait for any government agency to "bail us out" or some large corporate conglomerate to sponsor, support and secure us. But: we can absolutely help one another in this cutting-edge type of "civilian" organization!)
Adam J. Kovitz and Douglas Castle,
Join us...become a Member of the TNNWC GICBC (absolutely free) at http://bit.ly/JoinTNNWC
The National Networker Companies™ and TNNWC Group, LLC
“Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
Visit our website at http://www.TheNationalNetworker.com
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