Major Developments, Forward Motion, Events and Actionable Items
February 22, 2009
Bulletin # 5
Some significant service updates are underway at THE NATIONAL NETWORKER. In addition to being the nation’s leading authoritative publication regarding networking and Relationship Capital, we are fast becoming the foremost provider of networking, marketing, public relations, image-building, distribution, communications and financial resources in the United States and internationally. Many of our services are now fully-installed, and ready to use.
Update: We expect all of our Member Services to be fully functional by March 1.
Update: We expect all of our affiliate links to magically come alive (in full Technicolor!) by March 1, as well.
Please keep watching as these exciting changes are implemented -- enjoy them, and be a part of our growth. These developments will affect ever Subscriber and Every Member's ability to generate more Relationship Capital, and MORE BUSINESS.
Our Triple Focus:
1. To make our subscribers better-informed, more conversant and more successful;
2. To make our columnists and contributors very, very well-known;
3. To maximize our Members’ income and wealth as rapidly and as efficiently as possible.
Welcome to your new universe of Powerful Resources, Tangible Results and Exponential Growth through Cooperation and Partnership. Be proactive – start to visualize yourself as a stakeholder in TNNW, instead of as a passive outsider.
The bottom line: TNNW has more to offer you than ever before, and our offerings for both Subscribers and Members are constantly increasing. As always, our Subscribers will still receive our weekly Newsletter, as well as the RSS and email feeds, free of charge. Additionally, our Subscribers will receive significant discounts on all products, publications and services which they purchase through the advertisers and affiliates whose buttons, links and ads appear in our Newsletter, on our website, and on our network of blogs (there are in excess of 10 of them, and their numbers are growing). By next week, this Bulletin will feature the newly-concocted TNNW OMNIGADGET.
The OMNIGADGET is a single-button navigation tool that will enable every reader to completely navigate our network of blogs, and to access every one of our services. In fact, the as-yet-unrevealed TNNW OMNIGADGET will be featured on every Newsletter and on every blog page in order for our readers to explore the ever-expanding universe that is (cue Star Trek theme)...THE NATIONAL NETWORKER.
***You will want to carefully read every single item of information in this briefing. Please be certain to save this document for your files and ready reference. And of course, our excellent and informative articles for this issue follow…
Please don’t miss out!
If you haven’t done these things yet, please do them now! As our format is changing, we need every longtime Subscriber, as well as every newcomer, to do take the following steps to assure your continued receipt of our Newsletter, and to gain access to all of our new Resources. Please take a moment and do these things even if you are already a Subscriber:
1. Click on
2. Go to the upper right-hand column of the page and subscribe to either the RSS feed, to the email feed, or both. You must do this even if you are already a Subscriber or a Member. The process will take less than one minute. By the way, the daily email option gives you the weekly Edition of TNNW, daily intelligence and opportunities, and everything contained in the RSS Feed, too.
3. Congratulate yourself! Good things are headed your way.
We are on a drive to increase Subscribership, increase our media presence, and to become more highly interactive with all of our Subscribers and Members. We are enlisting your help…we are all part of a community.
If you simply do the following things, our objectives will be achieved, and everybody (yes, everybody!) will win. Don’t be fooled because they appear so obvious or simple; they are powerfully effective.
Every time that you receive your copy of our Newsletter, PLEASE:
1. Pass it on – forward copies of the Newsletter to your friends, associates and colleagues;
2. After you’ve read through the articles, make a quick jump to (this site should really be one of your Favorites), find the Newsletter (the most recent), and go to the bottom of the posting, at the end of all of the articles. There are loads of buttons and links to comment, rate, forward, broadcast, re-publish and open up discussions about any of the articles on all of the most popular interactive media. Buzz us…Digg us…Technorati us…Zimbio us…StumbleUpon us…Mixx us…FaceBook us… Just click on a hyperlink or button, and talk us up! This is what the section looks like at the end of every edition of the TNNW Newsletter:
Email this • Subscribe to this feed • Sphere: Related Content • Save to • Add to • Digg This! • Discuss on Newsvine • Stumble It! • Add to Mixx! • Email the author • Post a comment • Technorati Links • Share on Facebook • geotag this story
This little section (especially the “share” and “save” buttons) gives you access to over 130 different social networks and interactive media choices. Not only will we hear your comments, but so the public and all of the search engines. There is an enormous bonus to you –
Every time you comment, you can incorporate a back link to your blog, website or newsletter. You have the opportunity to post your name. You build your brand, your traffic and your search engine position every single time that you do this! Help yourself to some high-octane SEO.
TNNW has outstanding new services to offer its Subscribers and Members… and there are more in process. This list has been updated TODAY.
The Relationship Capital Toolkit, RSS and Articles: Click on this new page to get information on all of our new services, and to receive a daily feed (between weekly issues) either by RSS or email (that’s correct…the RSS feed can be received as an email). If you don’t sign up for one of the feeds and make the page a favorite, you will be missing valuable information, additional articles, crucial intelligence, opportunities and special offers. Even if you’re getting THE NATIONAL NETWORKER now, grab the feed. [THIS SERVICE IS ACTIVE]
Calendar of Events: Check our Calendar daily. It is available to the public, and will be distributed monthly to several million recipients. Make the page a favorite, and list your events to get the message out to the networking world. If you are a Member, you can post one event weekly at no charge. Publicize yourself and your events by adding your events to our Calendar. [THIS SERVICE IS ACTIVE]
Announcements and Advertisements:
ADVERTISING WITH THE NATIONAL NETWORKER GETS RESULTS. We offer you nine options. Please take a moment to check out our Advertisements & Announcements page at . Here’s a summary list of Options:
OPTION 3: DISPLAY ADS (With Hyperlinks)
Press Release, Publicity and Public Relations: Our suite of services in these areas is unparalleled. Well-crafted releases yield greater responses and Search Engine Results than any other mode of advertising. The CPM (cost per thousand viewers) is lower than for any other form of advertising. Our pricing and abilities are the best available. Make the page a favorite, and harness the indisputable power of print and e-media to send your message, to get attention and to build your personal or company brand. Well-crafted press and news releases are the most cost-effective means of accessing the largest possible audience. You can get your news release out to as many as 25 separate newswire services, representing more than 25,000 publications, both electronic and print.....the potential readership that you can reach is well into the millions. The more press release that you place, the more coverage you'll receive on future releases. The ultimate victory is when reporters and journalists start to quote you as an expert in their independent articles! You need to issue releases if you are to establish yourself as an expert in your field, or if you wish to get you brand name OUT THERE. [THIS SERVICE IS ACTIVE]
International Agent/ Distributor Services: The networking community is increasingly international. You can grow at an incredible pace by partnering with international agents, distributors, representatives, vendors and consumers. Through TNNW, you can now access pre-qualified international contacts with personal introductions…or, you can get pre-qualified leads sent to you to follow up directly. We give you choices. Build a virtual import, export or global “division” in cyberspace at a miniscule cost, and become global in no time! [THIS SERVICE IS ACTIVE]
Webinar and Broadcast Programs: This suite of resources will become available within the next week, and it will give our Members the capability to produce professional quality webinars, broadcasts, pod casts and top-quality interview programs. Click on the site for a webinar series which we are hosting with ConferTel -- you may well want to sign up and enroll now. [THIS SERVICE IS FULLY ACTIVE]
When you write, you can be convincing. But when you personally answer questions about yourself and/ or your organization in a scripted telephone interview (downloadable in an MP3 format!), your appeal is dramatically enhanced. A TNNW MINI-INTERVIEW gives your audience an opportunity to hear your voice. Your listeners will get to actually "feel" your competence, enthusiasm and unique personality. Give yourself the advantage with a TNNW MINI-INTERVIEW. You can embed Mini-Interviews on your websites, blogs, press releases, newsletters and email signatures.
The Human psyche is an insecure creature. It constantly requires the reassurance of a "second opinion" or of an "impartial" third party.
Accordingly, when you speak about yourself to a prospective client or business associate, it carries the automatic liability of being self-serving, and even patronizing of your audience.
In a circumstance where the prospective client or business associate is allowed to "listen in" on a teleconference (formatted as a Q and A interview) between yourself and a professional-sounding interviewer, your presentation stops being a "dog and pony show," and becomes perceived as a critical interview.
No longer viewed as an advertisement or an "advertorial", the TNNW MINI-INTERVIEW is seen as an informative newscast. And that makes you more credible and persuasive, with an implicit third-party endorsement by the interviewer. [THIS SERVICE IS ACTIVE]
Membership Page: To gain entry to all of these services (and a number of others which are being built right now), you should be a Member. Individual or company Membership is very inexpensive, and might be the best investment that you can make in yourself, your business and your future success. [THIS SERVICE IS ACTIVE]
Meet Our Advertisers and Affiliates: This page is a master listing of all of our affiliates and advertisers, with their links, buttons, banners and information on display. It is an eclectic collection of wonderful products and services for the benefit of all Subscribers. [THIS SERVICE WILL BE ACTIVATED BY MARCH 7]
TNNW in the news: TNNW, its Authors and its Members are in the media with increasing frequency. We have now set up a special page where you can click on press releases, news stories, announcements, quotes and video about us in the media. Go and have a quick look…this page will be updated weekly. Read about us. Or, read about yourself! [THIS SERVICE IS ACTIVE]
At present, TNNW is approaching 6,000 Subscribers (with a secondary, or referred readership of close to ten times this amount). In the past three months, Subscribership has grown in excess of 10%, and at an an accelerating rate of increase per month. Our objective for 2009 is to have a minimum of 50,000 Subscribers. Subscribers are upgrading to Membership at a rate of several individuals and companies weekly, and this is usually coincident with the timing of an ad, webinar, press release or some other Members-Only service which they want to use.
REMINDER: My Cousin Murray, who is an incorrigible cheapskate, was amazed to find out that individual Membership costs only $18.00 per year, and Company Membership only $30.00 per year. No matter what Members-only service you use, you will recover that money (and then some) on your first transaction with TNNW. Become a Member -- go to the TNNW MEMBERSHIP PAGE now!
In the coming weeks, both our Website and our Newsletter are going to be fully re-formatted. They will be easier than ever before to navigate, and will fully integrate a number of new features. Keep watching. We are privileged to have several new columnists to increase our event coverage and our in-depth expertise in a greater number of areas.
We have many new projects, strategic alliances and new links to offer you for your information and participation. The following outline is for your quick reference; it contains a combination of “live” items, and a list coming attractions:
What could this do for your business? Learn more about David by visiting ,, and TNNW will be making small businesses in to very big ones.
*Bruce Newman, one of our Authors and an expert in the field of qualifying and selecting the most suitable consultants for business needing high caliber services but wishing to reduce their fixed employment overhead to accommodate changes in the business paradigm, global economy and communications and organizational technology, is publishing a brand new newsletter. His company, The Productivity Institute, LLC (, will be generating the newsletter bi-weekly, To learn more, and to subscribe for The Productivity Institute Newsletter ™, go to . If you would be interested in writing for the publication, or in advertising sponsorship, please contact Bruce at The newsletter already has a large opt-in subscriber base, and presents a viral marketing opportunity for every organization which participates in contributing content (you may even be the Featured Company), and re-mailing the newsletter to their own opt-in subscriber lists. The readership growth potential is exponential (hey…that rhymes!), and it is an opportunity to get you and your company in front of an ever-increasing audience. It is essentially a cooperative effort where every participant wins. What’s more, the content promises to be excellent, useful and interesting. Sign up to receive your free Newsletter today.
*Author Michelle Bergquist, who has written the widely read book, How To Build A Million-Dollar Database , and who is a principal of SBR, Inc. is going to be one of our contributing writers. You can learn about Michelle’s unique areas of expertise (especially where converting mere contacts into real, profitable business relationships is concerned) by visiting her website at . Her book is a tremendous and authoritative guide, and she is a powerful speaker and a networker who absolutely and unfailingly practices what she preaches. We will be making a special offering of Michelle’s book on our site. What is your ratio of relationships to contacts? Michelle will demonstrate exactly how to increase it, as well as your profits. By the way, Michelle is an excellent speaker with a genuinely warm and inspiring personality. She leaves people wanting to call her back – and that’s a gift.
* Author Lillian Bjorseth, who has written Breakthrough Networking – Building Relationships that last, is a dynamic presenter and an expert at such critical image- and impression- related details as how to dress, posture, body language (non-verbal communications), optimum utilization of your voice, gets down to very essence of how to re-create yourself into a masterful networker. These are the skills that you will need to navigate your way through a challenging economy. We will be making a special offering of Lillian’s book, and her patented “action card decks,” as well as some new products and publications in the weeks to come. She is a superb presenter with a powerful air of self-confidence that would make even some of the best Toastmasters envious. Lillian can be reached at 630.983.5308. But first, we would suggest that your immediately go to here website at, and forward your questions and inquiries to her via email at .
*Author, networker and healthcare practitioner (not to mention superb jazz bass player) Christine Sotmary, M.S., L.Ac., CPC is now writing for us about a variety of issues. She is an expert at so many things, and has a private coaching and mentoring practice. She is an amazing amalgam of talents, as a marathon athlete, technical writer, acupuncturist, metabolic consultant, musical performer and promoter. You have to get a subscription to her newsletter (actually one of several) called “Unplug and Get Your Groove Back,” which you might be able to access through one of her sites, which include, and . You can reach her directly at 917.273.1308, or via email at She is a superb coach and trainer, with boundless energy.
UPDATE: Joseph Perez, two-time U.S. Paralympic champion, has found Christine Sotmary's newly-published memoir "Living On the Verge of Insanity" about taking care of her long-time partner with Alzheimer's disease, invaluable to his own personal journey.
Having been the primary caregiver for his wife Angie, who eventually succumbed to breast cancer, he was left with many unanswered questions once she passed on. For many years he has been seeking a way to incorporate his intense caregiving experience into his life almost the way soldiers try to get back to normal after their combat experience. Joe says, "This book finally gave me the ability to understand my experience and put it to rest. I now can appreciate how I handled everything and not feel so angry or guilty. It's amazing how this little book could do what no therapist has been able to help me come to terms with. This has finally helped me heal."
Christine’s book is published by Sheridan Press (in its First Edition), and retails for $17.95 in paperback. The ISBN code is 978-0-692-00022-9. Within the next week or two, be on the lookout in the press for more information about Christine’s amazing and poignant story. TNNW will feature a link to a special Landing Page where our Subscribers can purchase the book directly at a discount. Congratulations, Christine!
* Author Ann Barczay Sloan ( ), one of our very popular authors, has written a book, titled, “HOW TO USE THE PIECES OF A BROKEN HEART – Recipes for Rebirth” which features some poignant and inspiring short writings, with original and beautiful illustrations by artist Penny McManigal and numerous other inspired artists and photographers, each joyously celebrated and showcased. TNNW is in the process of putting together a small syndicate for the self-publishing, promotion, initial printing and distribution of the finished work. I have a strong personal interest in this wonderful project, and if you speak with either Ann or us at TNNW, you will too. The book is ideal for the times in which we live…let’s participate and get some royalties out of this before a major publisher steps in for wide scale promotion and distribution of the book, and Ann becomes unapproachable because her inspiring and profound work gets Oprah’s endorsement. Should you have an interest please email, or telephone toll-free at 888-317-6498 (extension 3).
UPDATE: Ann has received numerous endorsements on her book – these endorsements are from individuals, many of them celebrities, who have achieved significant status of their own (including the likes of Mark Victor Hansen!), and took the time to rave about Ann’s book. To view an updated file of these glowing endorsements in a quick, downloadable .pdf format, just click on: SLOAN BOOK ENDORSEMENTS - FULL LIST.doc
TNNW will be self-publishing this book at first, prior to obtaining a promotion and distribution deal with a major publishing company. The capitalization required is anticipated to be approximately $20,000.00, of which we already have obtained indications of interest in excess of $5,000.00 in three weeks’ time. If you would like to participate and generate substantial royalties, please contact Douglas Castle at 888.317.6498 (extension 3). No brokers please -- serious principals only.
* Marguerite Mcleod-Fleming, a TNNW author and principal of, is an expert in the field of telemarketing. She is making special product offerings available to TNNW Members, including a results-driven free trial telemarketing campaign, ongoing telemarketing services, and a series of webinars regarding the enlightened use of the telephone as a contact tool. Some of the topics to be covered include 1) objection-handling, 2) getting past voicemail, and 3) working with “gatekeepers” who try to stand in the way of your connecting directly with the decision makers whom you need to reach. To get a sneak preview of what Marguerite has in store for you, click on: . We expect a full launch of a joint-campaign within a week.
* Jeff Schomay, of Inspire-Your-Buyer, is an expert at getting recipients to open your emails to them. He uses carefully-selected brief key statements and some attention-grabbing graphic arts effects in order to get your recipients “primed” to focus on your email campaign or newsletter. Jeff will be writing for TNNW, and is offering a special program to our Members. Preview the program, and perhaps take it for a test drive by clicking on Think of the incremental increase in your profits if you could increase your email response rate from, say 2% to 15%...that translates into a dramatic increase. Jeff does wonderful work, and gets results. In the words of Sian Lindemann, another TNNW writer, and a vigorous networker in her field, “Jeff got my phone to ring like it’s never rung before.” Everybody wants this. Get your email recipients to pay attention and respond!
* Lance Hood has made a career of studying the techniques, histories and winning formulas of the world’s greatest success coaches. He has created a website which shares their wisdom, stories and insights with visitors. He is also producing an affiliated newsletter. Ultimately, if Lance has his way, he will be able to get you featured as one his featured Greatest Coaches to tell your story. Go to his site, and subscribe to his newsletter at He is also sharing information about a co-sponsorship opportunity for new projects, technologies, websites and brands, which you can access at – I would recommend that you review it, and then email Lance directly at with any questions or suggestions. Lance has studied the winners, and we believe that he can help make you one, too.
* Author and networker Jason Jacobsohn has an excellent newsletter which you should subscribe to at The newsletter is called “Network Your Way to Success,” and it is well worth getting. He offers opportunities to contribute content, promote your product or service. Jason’s website, will provide you with more useful information. You can reach Jason directly at, or by telephoning his offices at 773.368.0229.
*Cinda Hocking and Barbara H. Marynowski, both new authors at TNNW, are Senior Consultants at INTERNAL ENERGY PLUS™, a revolutionary technique for lightning-speed learning, which utilizes an eclectic blend of unconventional but highly-focused training and entrainment approaches in order to empower self-growth, personal development and professional and financial success. IEP uses such techniques as meditation, NLP, hypnotherapy, subliminal messaging, deliberate breathing, brainwave entrainment, Scripting and certain select energy postures (derived from ancient martial arts) to rid you of stress, fill you with newfound focus and energy, improve your health, and to attain your goals by a linear approach. You can learn, and change at the speed of thought. Your complete personal and business success and happiness are the ultimate objectives of the IEP System, and any person of any age can participate. They offer programs and products (including CDs, DVDs, books, Scripts, etcetera) for home study, as well as various seminars, demonstrations and tutorials for larger teams groups and organizations.
Their website is at
Their principal blog is at , and you can join their free online community at:
You might also consider subscribing to some of the other FREE IEP, blogs, services and exciting self-growth tools, including LIFE LINKS, BRAINTENANCE, TAKING COMMAND! , THE INTERNATIONALIST PAGE and THE GLOBAL FUTURIST. Subscribe to these by email or RSS feed – they are all free, and they are great tools for realizing your personal potential.
Visit the INTERNAL ENERGY PLUS website at and take a long look at their product offerings. Develop your inner-personal skills, as well as your interpersonal skills. Some of the CDs, Scripts and other tools for de-stressing, positive affirmations, goal focus, creativity, conquering phobias and attracting wealth and opportunity are among the best available in the market. Program yourself for success. .
Exercise your mind (build your intelligence, memory, cognitive ability and creativity) by subscribing to BRAINTENANCE. It's free, and you receive exercises several times a week to expand the muscle that is your mind.
*New Member Elaine Ingis is an entrepreneur in the process of building an online social and business community (a membership-based, for-profit organization) which focuses on the interests, culture and needs of the “Baby Boomers” who have reached at least sixty years of age. This highly-interactive community will combine online communications and internet capabilities with actual in-person events centered in the New York Metropolitan geographical area. The Venture, Senior Meetup, LLC, is in its earliest formative stages and promises to be very, very exciting. Elaine’s target market is growing, both in terms of its relative percentage of the total population, and in terms of its vitality and involvement with social and continuing business activities.
For further information about this project, or to contribute your thoughts and suggestions, please either email Elaine at, or telephone Douglas Castle (toll-free) at 888-317-6498 (extension 5).
The website is currently under development, and the two blog sites, and are also under construction.
*New Member Jake Thompson of Eagle Capital Management has some absolutely fascinating (and little-known) financial strategies for creating and preserving wealth. These particular techniques have been utilized for many years by major banks and financial institutions, as well as by some very wealthy individuals, to earn superior returns and accumulate wealth without taking any of the risks ordinarily associated with “playing the stock market” or getting involved in direct participation programs or hedge fund investing. Both Jake and his father, Dan, have done their homework -- the result is that they can make these strategies available to us regular people who have been decimated by the whims of the capital markets, had their 401k plans depleted, and are (in a word) completely disillusioned. Many executives, professional and entrepreneurs now find themselves in a position where they have no latitude left for risky investments or “great investment tips.” This is for everybody.
Eagle Capital Management has a great website at which we would strongly suggest that you take a look at.
highest quality. The series promises to be an extraordinary value. TNNW will keep you apprised of the webinar calendar.
Jake can be contacted at . TNNW is delighted to welcome Jake to our growing, interactive community.
Always consult the TNNW Calendar of Events for scheduling…it’s always a good idea. A webinar event is coming up rather rapidly, and if you register early enough, you might be able to get a seat for free.
* Webinar, sponsored by ConferTel, TNNW’s technical services provider, titled “Landing Pages: Changes That Work”. We’d like to invite you to attend this event on Tuesday, February 24th @ 11:30 am (pacific) 2:30 PM (eastern). Please register for this webinar by clicking on the link which follows – but you must be certain to add “-TNNW” after your last name when you fill in the registration form: We have some free “seating,” for this event, but availability is very, very limited. We cannot guarantee free seating.
About the Presenter:
As Research Director for MarketingSherpa, Stefan Tornquist conducts primary research studies, gathering and evaluating marketing, advertising and PR statistical data from thousands of sources to comprise the firm’s annual Benchmark Guides for Email, Search and Business Technology Marketing, among other reports. Tornquist has been a featured speaker at events held by the Advertising Research Foundation, the Direct Marketing Association, Web Marketing Association, TechTarget and KnowledgeStorm, among many others. He has been quoted in a variety of publications, including The Wall St. Journal, BusinessWeek and Inc. Magazine, and appeared on CNBC’s Street Signs.
This Webinar promises to be fantastic. It is indispensable to any individual or company wishing to develop broader marketing through affiliate programs.
Posted to THE NATIONAL NETWORKER. To subscribe for your free newsletter, go to For the complete National Networker Relationship Capital Toolkit and a free, continuous RSS feed (available either by traditional RSS or by direct email), go to: You are also invited to click our buttons:
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