UPDATE! BULLETIN - TNNWC Group - 07.11.2010
Dear Members and Friends:
Much is happening at TNNWC Group, LLC., and with our grand works in process... our unparalleled SUITE OF SERVICES, our GLOBAL INTERWORKED COOPERATIVE BUSINESS COMMUNITY ("GICBC") and our COOPERATIVE BUSINESS COMMITTEE ("CBC"), with its new Chairwoman, Bonnie Ross-Parker. Please take a look at our website at http://www.TheNationalNetworker.com, in order to learn more about these wonderful offerings to our Members.
We are expecting to launch our newest and first fully-interactive website (Version 3.0) on or about July 15th, so please be on the lookout for it. Of course, be on the lookout for glitches-a-plenty while we are busily troubleshooting every page of this magnum opus for multiple browser compatibility, download speed, user-friendliness, broken hyperlinks, and some editorial refinements.
Expect some significant changes in The BLUE TUESDAY Report, which is about to be totally re-formatted and enriched with vitamins, minerals, green tea and some crucially useful information. Subscribe (for FREE!) to The BLUE TUESDAY Report -- show some team spirit and be true to the blue. If you're not currently receiving it, simply click on http://bit.ly/JoinTNNWC and it's yours for the asking.
SURVEY RESULTS ARE IN: TNNWC Recently closed the polls (and the pools, too, since BP's little accident) on our most recent survey, and the 1) survey question, 2) responses and 3)commentary follow, for your edification and entertainment (cue drumroll...)
1). TNNWC Survey 6.1: How Important A Role Does This Self-Knowledge Factor Play In Determining Your Success And Value As A Leader Or Manager Of An Emerging Enterprise?
NOTE: This particular self-knowledge question was taken from TNNWC Survey 6, titled, “A Self-Evaluation,” which was comprised of more than 40 individual questions.
" 'Do you know your three greatest (e.g., most exceptional) strengths? These strengths can be from any aspect of your personality, technical skills, talents, et cetera.' "
Rate this factor in terms of your assessment of its significance by assigning it a value from 0 to 10, where 0 is "of no significance," and where 10 would be "of the greatest level of significance."
How would your rate the significance of this factor? Note: Try to avoid the natural inclination to compare and contrast this factor with others -- try to view the significance of this factor looked at in isolation. Remember: 0 is of the lowest significance, and 10 is of the highest significance, or greatest importance.
Since this particular Survey was not widely publicized, we only received 26 responses from our readers. But these few responses were adequate, and some basic commentary (a discussion about possible conclusions) can be drawn from these responses. By the way, there are three elements that increase the generation of responses from a survey -- they are A) The interest in the Topic; B) The ease of answering the survey questions (easily accessible, simple directions, not too lengthy to complete, straightforward questions, multiple choice answers instead of essays, limited choice and number of answers, and; C) the intensity of the publicity behind the survey.
TNNWC Survey 6.1 : How Important Is This Factor?
How would your rate the significance of this factor? Note: Try to avoid the natural inclination to compare and contrast this factor with others -- try to view the significance of this factor looked at in isolation. Remember: 0 is of the lowest significance, and 10 is of the highest significance.
Answered question (responses): 26
Skipped question (did not complete survey): 0
Response | Percent Response | Count |
0 | 0.0% | 0 |
1 | 0.0% | 0 |
2 | 0.0% | 0 |
3 | 0.0% | 0 |
4 | 0.0% | 0 |
5 | 7.7% | 2 |
6 | 11.5% | 3 |
7 | 7.7% | 2 |
8 | 26.9% | 7 |
9 | 26.9% | 7 |
10 | 19.2% | 5 |
The greatest concentration of respondents rated this "Know Thyself (or at least the three best qualities that you possess)" factor as very important, rating it at 8, 9, or 10. No respondents rated this particular factor at less than a 6, at minimum. It is apparent that our readers and Members regard self-knowledge as being a very, very important factor in ultimately determining one's ability to lead, to manage, and to be successful in business enterprises and efforts.
Look forward to great things!
With all of our best,
Adam J. Kovitz and Douglas Castle,
Join us...become a Member of the TNNWC GICBC (absolutely free) at http://bit.ly/JoinTNNWC
p.s. Hey there...yes, you!...don't be selfish.
Forward this Update! to the friends and colleagues on your email "A-list." They will thank you. We make our very best contacts by referral through a third party who introduces us. Having said this, introduce us to your contacts...we promise that we will introduce you to ours (and boy, do we have a lot of 'em!).
The National Networker Companies™ and TNNWC Group, LLC
“Empowering Emerging Enterprises”
Membership in TNNWC’s Global Interactive Cooperative Business Community is free of charge and entitles you to receive both The National Networker Newsletter and The BLUE TUESDAY Report, as well as access to our unparalleled Suite of Business Services.
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