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Sunday, June 10, 2007

This Week in TNNW

Every month in the U.S., about 465,000 people are creating new businesses. A report, the Kauffmann Index of Entrepreneurial Activity just came out, and I was really surprised to read where the #1 state with the most entrepreneurs in the U.S. is – the Big Sky Country – Montana. The index shows that there are 600 entrepreneurs for every 100,000 people in Montana. By contrast, here in Washington State, we have 270 entrepreneurs for every 100,000, less than half as many.

Southeast: Value-based Networking in Mobile By GLEN GOULD

Mayor Sam Jones of Mobile, Alabama, was the first featured speaker for the Christian Professional Network on April 3, 2007 at Somerby of West Mobile. An impressive beginning to what promises to be a new kind of networking experience.

Claudia Givens knew there had to be a better way. Desiring something different from a networking group other than the normal "swapping business cards", she set about creating a new kind of networking group. She had four goals in mind for the newly formed group.

Hawaii: Networking: It's Child's Play, Really. By SANDY C. MCKEE

I’m currently teaching a second grade class at an elementary school in lush and peaceful Palolo Valley on Oahu. I’m filling in for the regular teacher who is out on family leave. The students are working on a big research paper about tea and the various tea-growing countries. Believe it or not, they chose this topic over dinosaurs--probably because I promised them that we would top off the unit by having an old-fashioned afternoon tea party. I pictured in my mind outrageous costumes, delicate scones, perfectly-brewed loose-leaf tea, chamber music, and well-mannered children reciting poetry and singing sweet songs. Hold that thought--I’ll tell you how it panned out at the end.

Since this is my last article, I thought I would share one of my good friends, Susan Jones with you of Wellness Measures. Susan and I met through a referral which came about by my networking (go figure) and our companies seemed to compliment each other very well. Wellness Measures is a company that designs and implements health promotion and wellness programs for employer groups. Their programs can be seminars or informational health shows (wellness fairs) that the company wants to host to improve the health and well-being of their employees. And to prove they are in the 21st century, they offer their programs on-line and by phone as well to cater to the busy corporate employee.

Politics: The New Political Networking, Part II. By MATTHEW BEST

Last month I shared the beginning of two interviews about cutting edge political networking websites – Jordan Lieberman of and Charlie Gerow of QubeTV. Read last month’s article here. The interviews continue below.

I asked both Lieberman and Gerow their thoughts on how each of their respective websites would impact campaigning. Lieberman answered by saying that this would allow campaigns to "grow organically." He went on to explain that campaigns will have a pool of talent to choose from that was unavailable before. Campaigns will be able to make use of local connections that are already established to see who knows who.

Real Estate: Crew Network By TRACY PERCIVAL

If you’re a woman in real estate, you have to check out the Crew Network! This networking organization was started in the 1980’s and now has over 7000 professional women located nationally. Crew Network is dedicated to the advancement of women in commercial Real Estate. Their members consist of every profession in the industry, such as, developers, investors, architects, attorneys, realtors, etc.


Networking Your Website. By RITA WILHELM

Do you find that your business tends to attract a certain type of clientele? Does your business work with clients in certain industries?

My guess is that if your company is a B2B company, (where you sell your products or services to other businesses) you already spend much of your sales efforts working within specific industries.

A smart marketing strategy might be to locate an online group in your niche, and network with that group.

If you could draw a diagram of your network, you would be in the center with this intricate and fascinating web of connections to a multitude of individuals and organizations. And then imagine each of those individuals being at the center of their network with a multitude of connections. It's truly an awesome and empowering image.

Power Thought of the Week. By PATRICIA PARHAM, Ph.D.

Breathe New Life into Your Company: Improve Internal Productivity

What can you do to improve your internal operations? Talk to the people closest to work and ask for their ideas for improvement. Try their ideas, on a trial basis, and get them involved in measuring efficiencies and productivity. You’ll improve relations with your employees and your bottom line will benefit – both powerful incentives for trying something new.

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The Emergence of The Relationship Economy
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